Okay. I'm confused. Last month at the school board meeting the District was told to go ahead & do a trial period for the fitness center with the following guidelines:
"There will be a two month trial period for the fitness center as outlined that will run from 7/19 - 9/10/2010. Tentative fees will be $20 for adult community members; $15 for senior citizens (community) and $35 for non-community members."
Now - we get a message stating the following: "The fee for an individual membership is $15 per month and $25 for a family of 2 or more."
The Board made it very clear that there was to be a higher charge for people who do not live in the OASD. This was not discussed AT ALL at Monday evening's meeting. There was no discussion at any time about individual vs. family memberships (especially since students will not be charged per the original discussion - has that changed too????).
I don't know about anyone else, but I find it very frustrating when you go to a school board meeting, the direction from the Board seems clear & then something entirely different happens. Who approved it?
Thursday, July 15, 2010
Monday, July 12, 2010
School Board Work Session 07/12/2010
July 12, 2010 – 7:30 p.m.
Middle School Multi-Purpose Room
1.Lord’s Prayer
2.Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag
3.Roll Call
2 absent
4. Presentations:
A.Bob Graybus – Octorara Regional Council
Mr. Graybus is from the Chester County Economic Development Council (CCEDC). Ten years ago there was an Economic Development Study. The study had an action plan of what could be done. The Chester County Economic Development Council is a nonprofit, private organization funded by membership fees. The mission is to create businesses in Chester County and to grow businesses which are already here to prevent them from moving out of the county.
Thirty-six municipalities have asked for help to increase rateables. Octorara has asked for help reimplementing study. There is a section that has items that can be implemented.
CCEDC applied for a $75,000 grant last year for marketing. They didn't get the grant due to the economy. They will reapply for it this year. It would be for marketing materials and possibly a website and other things. This would be for people who are looking for commercial property.
They will not be asking any municipality to rezone, but would want to make sure that those areas zoned commercial are ready.
They can also look at grants for water, sewer, etc. and can package with financing.
There is a breakfast on July 21st for the Chester County Investment Group to showcase properties in the area. They are expecting 30 - 40 commercial realtors.
They are also partnering with West Chester University's Dr. Jeff Osgood (Center for Social Economic Research). They will do demographic research. It will include interviewing businesses who didn't choose Chester County to locate their businesses to find out why. There will be an intern working on this. This will hopefully bring rateables to the area.
Mr. McCartney asked where the breakfast was going to be. Mr. Graybus answered that it is at Westminster Place.
Mr. Norris asked if there would be any legislators there. Mr. Graybus said that they were all invited. He didn't know who was coming.
Mr. Norris said they should ask for Walking Around Money.
Mr/. Stoltzfus asked if Rt. 41 was an issue. Mr. Graybus replied that there is a study and it is being worked on. He will know more in about a month, after he attends a meeting.
Mr. Stoltzfus asked about the proposed by-pass around Avondale. Mr. Graybus said it seems that there doesn't seem to be any will for it to happen. They will be doing traffic circles, etc. PennDot's budget is stretched. If we need Rt.41 to be fixed to attract businesses, PennDot may be receptive to that.
Mr. Hume asked if there is any interest from the County Commissioners. Mr. Graybus said there is and he has been lobbying. They have used the Octorara plan in Phoenixville, Coatesville and Oxford. It has gotten attention from the Commissioners.
Dr. Newcome said that several municipalities are very active in the Octorara Regional Council. Parkesburg is probably the most active. West Sadsbury, Atglen, and Christiana are also very active. We'll focus on the areas who show the most interest in working together. We will have to make sure that the Lancaster County municipalities are included. The original study did not include. them.
Mr. Graybus said that they are trying to get the effort started. They have people's attention. They will take it to where development is wanted. They will not try and force it where it is not wanted.
Mr. McCartney asked if the organization has made an effort to have dealings with whichever party gets into office in November. Mr. Graybus replied that they are in touch with everyone.
Mr. Hume asked if Mr. Graybus works with the Federal government. He was interested because of the bridges that are out in Parkesburg. One side of town is effectively cut off from the other side.
Mr. Graybus said that they do work the Federal Government. The CCEDC is designated for stimulus funds. He said they need to reinsert properties into the marketplace by involving more active brokers. They will look at every funding source to make the changes that are needed. Then they just need to wait for an upturn in the economy.
5. Visitors’ Comments - Agenda Items Only
6. Information Items:
7. Presentation of Agenda Items for the July 19, 2010 Regular Monthly Public Meeting:
A.That the Octorara Board of School Directors accept the Audit Report from Trout, Ebersole & Group for the Lancaster County Tax Collection Bureau for the year ended December 31, 2009.
B. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve the attached contract reduction and extension for student transportation services with Althouse Transportation, Inc.
C.That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve Change Order 404-03 for Eastern Shore Services to provide a credit to eliminate mobile cart and equipment in the TV Studio for the Octorara Area High School renovation project in the amount of $9,312.00.
We already had a cart for this purpose.
D. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve the agreement with Conrad Siegel Actuaries through Pennsylvania Trust to provide GASB 45 Valuation Service at a cost not to exceed $7,000 as outlined in the attached agreement. (This agreement is for the purpose of audit compliance.)
Mr. Ganow asked what this is. Mr. Carsley explained that it is a standard that is required by GASB (Government Accounting Standards Board). It is an actuarial study that looks at benefits to estimate future costs.
Resignation Approvals:
E.That the Octorara Board of School Directors accept the resignation of Mr. Kyle Whary as eighth grade girls’ basketball coach effective July 6, 2010. (Hired November 16, 2009.)
Hiring Approvals:
F.That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve the employment of Ms. Erin Morrissey as high school junior varsity field hockey coach. This position is designated at 6 points at $570 per point. (Replacing Abigail Hancock who resigned.)
G. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve the change in salary for Richard W. Curtis III from $46,014 to $46,914. Mr. Curtis was approved on May 17, 2010 as the newly hired technology teacher at the Octorara Area High School. (The approved salary was a typo error.)
H. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve the following change in salary due to graduate credits earned:
Jean Curry From B+15 ($57,502) to M ($59,470) Step 10
Thomas Hurley From M+15 ($65,470) to M+30 ($67,344) Step 11
8. Facilities Committee Report
The contractors are trying to get as much done on the High School renovation as they can over the summer. They ran into asbestos when they started sanding the terrazo floors in the lobby. They are waiting to find out what they need to do.
The MS roof will be started next Monday.
OIS water issue: There is a meeting coming up. Wohlson construction will be in on the meeting & they are willing to look at.
There is no information on the alarm system.
The committee has questions on the cell tower. They are waiting for information.
The district expects to receive approx. $30,000 back on snow removal from last winter.
9. Other Items/Concerns
Ms. Bicking asked Mr. Carsley how the recently passed state budget impacts the district's budget. She wanted to confirm that the state budget reduces what was originally projected. She understands that many districts are in trouble because they used the upper end of the range, while we used something lower. Mr. Carsley said that we were within $3,000 (short).
The PSERS rate was reduced from 8.22% to 5.64%. However, we used an exception for it and we can't use those funds for anything else. He is waiting for guidance, but thinks that we will be able to put it away for future increases in the rates.
Dr. Newcome asked if Mr. Carsley had an estimate of the difference. He doesn't at this time.
Mr. McCartney asked Mr. Carsley what happens if the Federal money doesn't come in to the state. What would need to change.
Mr. Carsley said that the general education subsidy would be decreased. Mr. McCartney asked what the plan would be. Mr. Carsley said that they may have to use more fund balance.
Mr. McCartney then asked Dr. Newcome what the plan would be. Dr. Newcome said the amount is approximately $261,000 that they would have to look at.
Mr. Stoltzfus commented that this is the problem with the district having to have the budget complete before the State. He feels that the State should have to be done by 6/1 and the districts by 7/1.
10. Visitors’ Comments – General
11. Board Comments
Mr. Hume has been spending time with kids and has developed an interest in cyberschools. He thinks the district needs to start looking at this internally.
12. Adjournment
Facility Committee Meeting – Monday, July 12, 2010 – 6:00 p.m. in the Octorara District Office Conference Room.
Executive Session for personnel - Monday, July 12, 2010 – following the Work Session in the Octorara District Office Conference Room.
Finance Committee Meeting – Monday, July 19, 2010 – 6:30 p.m. in the Octorara District Office Conference Room.
Next regularly scheduled Board Meeting – Monday, July 19, 2010 – 7:30 p.m. in the Octorara Middle School Multi-Purpose Room
July 12, 2010 – 7:30 p.m.
Middle School Multi-Purpose Room
1.Lord’s Prayer
2.Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag
3.Roll Call
2 absent
4. Presentations:
A.Bob Graybus – Octorara Regional Council
Mr. Graybus is from the Chester County Economic Development Council (CCEDC). Ten years ago there was an Economic Development Study. The study had an action plan of what could be done. The Chester County Economic Development Council is a nonprofit, private organization funded by membership fees. The mission is to create businesses in Chester County and to grow businesses which are already here to prevent them from moving out of the county.
Thirty-six municipalities have asked for help to increase rateables. Octorara has asked for help reimplementing study. There is a section that has items that can be implemented.
CCEDC applied for a $75,000 grant last year for marketing. They didn't get the grant due to the economy. They will reapply for it this year. It would be for marketing materials and possibly a website and other things. This would be for people who are looking for commercial property.
They will not be asking any municipality to rezone, but would want to make sure that those areas zoned commercial are ready.
They can also look at grants for water, sewer, etc. and can package with financing.
There is a breakfast on July 21st for the Chester County Investment Group to showcase properties in the area. They are expecting 30 - 40 commercial realtors.
They are also partnering with West Chester University's Dr. Jeff Osgood (Center for Social Economic Research). They will do demographic research. It will include interviewing businesses who didn't choose Chester County to locate their businesses to find out why. There will be an intern working on this. This will hopefully bring rateables to the area.
Mr. McCartney asked where the breakfast was going to be. Mr. Graybus answered that it is at Westminster Place.
Mr. Norris asked if there would be any legislators there. Mr. Graybus said that they were all invited. He didn't know who was coming.
Mr. Norris said they should ask for Walking Around Money.
Mr/. Stoltzfus asked if Rt. 41 was an issue. Mr. Graybus replied that there is a study and it is being worked on. He will know more in about a month, after he attends a meeting.
Mr. Stoltzfus asked about the proposed by-pass around Avondale. Mr. Graybus said it seems that there doesn't seem to be any will for it to happen. They will be doing traffic circles, etc. PennDot's budget is stretched. If we need Rt.41 to be fixed to attract businesses, PennDot may be receptive to that.
Mr. Hume asked if there is any interest from the County Commissioners. Mr. Graybus said there is and he has been lobbying. They have used the Octorara plan in Phoenixville, Coatesville and Oxford. It has gotten attention from the Commissioners.
Dr. Newcome said that several municipalities are very active in the Octorara Regional Council. Parkesburg is probably the most active. West Sadsbury, Atglen, and Christiana are also very active. We'll focus on the areas who show the most interest in working together. We will have to make sure that the Lancaster County municipalities are included. The original study did not include. them.
Mr. Graybus said that they are trying to get the effort started. They have people's attention. They will take it to where development is wanted. They will not try and force it where it is not wanted.
Mr. McCartney asked if the organization has made an effort to have dealings with whichever party gets into office in November. Mr. Graybus replied that they are in touch with everyone.
Mr. Hume asked if Mr. Graybus works with the Federal government. He was interested because of the bridges that are out in Parkesburg. One side of town is effectively cut off from the other side.
Mr. Graybus said that they do work the Federal Government. The CCEDC is designated for stimulus funds. He said they need to reinsert properties into the marketplace by involving more active brokers. They will look at every funding source to make the changes that are needed. Then they just need to wait for an upturn in the economy.
5. Visitors’ Comments - Agenda Items Only
6. Information Items:
7. Presentation of Agenda Items for the July 19, 2010 Regular Monthly Public Meeting:
A.That the Octorara Board of School Directors accept the Audit Report from Trout, Ebersole & Group for the Lancaster County Tax Collection Bureau for the year ended December 31, 2009.
B. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve the attached contract reduction and extension for student transportation services with Althouse Transportation, Inc.
C.That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve Change Order 404-03 for Eastern Shore Services to provide a credit to eliminate mobile cart and equipment in the TV Studio for the Octorara Area High School renovation project in the amount of $9,312.00.
We already had a cart for this purpose.
D. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve the agreement with Conrad Siegel Actuaries through Pennsylvania Trust to provide GASB 45 Valuation Service at a cost not to exceed $7,000 as outlined in the attached agreement. (This agreement is for the purpose of audit compliance.)
Mr. Ganow asked what this is. Mr. Carsley explained that it is a standard that is required by GASB (Government Accounting Standards Board). It is an actuarial study that looks at benefits to estimate future costs.
Resignation Approvals:
E.That the Octorara Board of School Directors accept the resignation of Mr. Kyle Whary as eighth grade girls’ basketball coach effective July 6, 2010. (Hired November 16, 2009.)
Hiring Approvals:
F.That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve the employment of Ms. Erin Morrissey as high school junior varsity field hockey coach. This position is designated at 6 points at $570 per point. (Replacing Abigail Hancock who resigned.)
G. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve the change in salary for Richard W. Curtis III from $46,014 to $46,914. Mr. Curtis was approved on May 17, 2010 as the newly hired technology teacher at the Octorara Area High School. (The approved salary was a typo error.)
H. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve the following change in salary due to graduate credits earned:
Jean Curry From B+15 ($57,502) to M ($59,470) Step 10
Thomas Hurley From M+15 ($65,470) to M+30 ($67,344) Step 11
8. Facilities Committee Report
The contractors are trying to get as much done on the High School renovation as they can over the summer. They ran into asbestos when they started sanding the terrazo floors in the lobby. They are waiting to find out what they need to do.
The MS roof will be started next Monday.
OIS water issue: There is a meeting coming up. Wohlson construction will be in on the meeting & they are willing to look at.
There is no information on the alarm system.
The committee has questions on the cell tower. They are waiting for information.
The district expects to receive approx. $30,000 back on snow removal from last winter.
9. Other Items/Concerns
Ms. Bicking asked Mr. Carsley how the recently passed state budget impacts the district's budget. She wanted to confirm that the state budget reduces what was originally projected. She understands that many districts are in trouble because they used the upper end of the range, while we used something lower. Mr. Carsley said that we were within $3,000 (short).
The PSERS rate was reduced from 8.22% to 5.64%. However, we used an exception for it and we can't use those funds for anything else. He is waiting for guidance, but thinks that we will be able to put it away for future increases in the rates.
Dr. Newcome asked if Mr. Carsley had an estimate of the difference. He doesn't at this time.
Mr. McCartney asked Mr. Carsley what happens if the Federal money doesn't come in to the state. What would need to change.
Mr. Carsley said that the general education subsidy would be decreased. Mr. McCartney asked what the plan would be. Mr. Carsley said that they may have to use more fund balance.
Mr. McCartney then asked Dr. Newcome what the plan would be. Dr. Newcome said the amount is approximately $261,000 that they would have to look at.
Mr. Stoltzfus commented that this is the problem with the district having to have the budget complete before the State. He feels that the State should have to be done by 6/1 and the districts by 7/1.
10. Visitors’ Comments – General
11. Board Comments
Mr. Hume has been spending time with kids and has developed an interest in cyberschools. He thinks the district needs to start looking at this internally.
12. Adjournment
Facility Committee Meeting – Monday, July 12, 2010 – 6:00 p.m. in the Octorara District Office Conference Room.
Executive Session for personnel - Monday, July 12, 2010 – following the Work Session in the Octorara District Office Conference Room.
Finance Committee Meeting – Monday, July 19, 2010 – 6:30 p.m. in the Octorara District Office Conference Room.
Next regularly scheduled Board Meeting – Monday, July 19, 2010 – 7:30 p.m. in the Octorara Middle School Multi-Purpose Room
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