Dr. Newcome's response to Ms. Harmer's report & recommendations:
Newcome response0001
Sunday, March 18, 2012
Thursday, March 15, 2012
Work Session 03/12/2012
March 12, 2012 – 7:30 p.m.
Jr./Sr. High School Multi-Purpose Room
1. Lord’s Prayer
2. Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag
3. Roll Call
All Present.
A. Budget
Mr. Carsley noted that the exceptions applied for in December ($ 1,185,023) were approved. The District can increase taxes beyond the index to that limit. Ms. Bowman reminded everyone that just because the exceptions were approved, that doesn't mean they will be used.
Mr. Carsley stated that they are receiving updated healthcare rates. They should have new numbers by Monday.
Mr. Hume asked if there have been any changes to the budget. Dr. Newcome said he will address a few items. He distributed a document for prep for next week.
Budget Adjustments 2012030001
Staff reductions are projected at approx. $500,000. He still needs some questions answered before he can give more details. See attached document for details:
They will also discuss Kindergarten next week.
Mr. Stoltzfus asked for the costs on Full Day & Half Day Kindergarten. Dr. Newcome stated that it is in the document.
Mr. Norris thanked everyone who looked at the Kindergarten program (Principals, Teachers, Parents).
Ms. Johnson asked how many surveys were sent out & how many responses. Ms. McNamara said that 180 surveys were sent out & 92 were returned. The survey was resent on two occasions to maximize the responses.
5.Visitors’ Comments - Agenda Items Only
6.Information Items:
7.Presentation of Agenda Items for the March 19, 2012 Regular Monthly Public Meeting: Hiring Approvals:
A. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve Ms. Caitlin Cellini as a long term substitute sixth grade teacher at the Octorara Intermediate School effective February 29, 2012 for approximately four to six weeks. Ms. Cellini’s rate will be $140 per day. (Replacing a medical leave.)
B. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve Ms. Gail Bolger as a long term substitute business education teacher at the Octorara Area Sr. High School effective February 22, 2012 through June 8, 2012. Ms. Bolger’s rate will be $140 per day. (Replacing a medical leave.)
C. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve Ms. Debbie Shank as a long term substitute secretary to the principal at the Octorara Area Sr. High School effective February 22, 2012 through June 8, 2012. Ms. Shank’s rate will be $16.41 per hour. (Replacing Gail Bolger who is substituting.)
D. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve the following supplemental contracts for the 2011-2012 school year:
Mark Barto Assistant Track Coach 6 pts @ $570 $3,420
Kendall Dixon Assistant Track Coach 6 pts @ $570 $3,420
E. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve the attached list of student teachers as test proctors for the PSSA.
Dr. Newcome asked if the Board could vote on "E" tonight. There are new rules from the State and these people need to be listed as employees before testing starts for PSSAs. Mr. Ganow asked about the number of student teachers. Dr. Newcome said that there are currently a large number. We are usually pretty cooperative with local universities, but the numbers are getting too large. They like to have student teachers because they bring new ideas and it is always good when there is an extra adult in the room. We mostly have student teachers from West Chester and Millersville, with some from Immaculata & Lincoln. Student teachers have background checks in place.
8. Facilities Committee Report
Mr. Stoltzfus said that they are still looking at final documents on the High School renovations. There will be some change orders coming through - mostly credits. The final punchlist is being worked on.
The contractor is still working on the water issue at OIS.
The air conditioning units in the shop wing had parts replaced because of noise, but haven't been run at full capacity yet.
They are still looking at prioritizing future needs: replacing air conditioning pumps, carpet at the PLC. They are checking to see if the carpeting is still under warranty as the school isn't that old.
The committee is recommending for the agenda for next week to accept a bid of $ 689,607.74 to replace the roof of the middle school (jr. high) There could be some increases as they take off the old roof.
They are hiring a company to come in and do a study on the brick work of the middle school.
Fields may be on the agenda next month.
Still looking at energy service companies to save money. They are waiting for proposals.
The contractor who is renting space across the road has started using it.
A storage room below the middle school flooded last fall. There may be some mold issues. They are looking at a company to clean up the space.
9. Education Committee Report
Mr. Norris said that the Education Committee had a nice conversation with the administrators. It was good to see them so enthusiastic about what they are doing.
Ms. Wilson talked about a summer reading requirement. There will be more information coming. There was some concern about the availability of books.
Mr. Rohrer & Ms. Wilson talked about senior privilege criteria. Some ideas included getting "Proficient" on the PSSAs or earning a "C" or better in classes.
The PSSA incentive website "Study Island" was also discussed. There will be financial & other incentives.
Kindergarten parent survey will be discussed next week.
Mr. Harmer talked about OES reading block changes. Reading workshop will be a 2 1/2 hour block of time. Students will choose their own books. This change will allow one-on-one conferencing with students.
Mr. Czetli & Mr. Rohrer demonstrated some things they are possibly going to do with iPads.
Dr. Newcome presented program changes due to staffing changes.
Ms. Wilson presented structural changes for the summer reading program.
They talked about an after school enrichment program for at-risk students. The estimated cost is $ 141,000. This needs to be looked at.
Mr. Stoltzfus said that the I.U. had looked at bulk purchasing for iPads. There is no discount.
10.Other Items/Concerns
Ms. Bowman spoke about the report given to the Board last month on charter schools. Copies were made of the single report & distributed to the Board. She passed out an additional page received today. I will be adding to the blog later.
Mr. Norris said that it was fascinating reading with a great level of detail. He also read Dr. Newcome's response. Whether charter schools are a benefit or not OR effective or not - he thanked Ms. Harmer for the data.
Ms. Bowman also thanked her for the info. The information is not new as the Board has discussed this matter many times. The discussion has not centered on whether there is value of charter schools, but whether they are worth the cost. Charter schools seem to be based on the premise that public schools are failing. Do we have a failing school? No.
11.Visitors’ Comments – General
Lorriane Harmer (Highland)- Wrote the report on charter schools. She made recommendations based on her observations. She compared PSSA results of Avon Grove Charter School to Octorara. Octorara is deficient in reading. She doesn't know how involved the board is in education. AGCS uses hands-on education. Has Octorara ever considered it? She claims to have observed mis-management of substitutes & that Octorara should use the same services that other districts in the county do.
She doesn't know how Octorara plans to pull kids back to the district when they did away with Middle School sports (and with HS sports in jeopardy).
Instead of study halls in the high school, there should be clubs, SAT prep and CPR courses.
Dr. Melton asked what year the PSSA data was from. What are the trends? Why just 3rd, 6th and 11th grade? Wouldn't it have been a better picture using all the data?
Lois Lantz (West Fallowfield) - Wanted to bring positive things to the table. She has 3 children enrolled who are doing great & love the school. She is concerned about the projected retirement of a music teacher. given the budget discussions last year. One of her children wanted to join the band. Mr. Reynolds & her child talked her into it. She is happy that they did. Her child loves it. She'd like to see the students have the opportunities. There is a lot of good at Octorara and it is good to focus on it.
Larry Lavenberg (Atglen) - noticed that the Auditor General has sent letters to the Governor concerning charter schools. Funding of charter schools is out of whack with public schools. There is more of a tax load on people paying for public schools. The Auditor General has asked the Governor to fix before adding more cyber & charter schools. The burden is still on the taxpayer. This needs to be fixed. He knows there are a couple of board members involved with the State. What is going on a the State level?
12.Administrator Comments/Announcements
Mr. Harmer reported that Mr. Lynch is taking 3 students from OES to Chorus Fest on March 30th.
Mr. Rohrer reported that 7th & 8th graders were successful at the local National History Day competition & will be moving on to States. He also reported that Brandon Arnsberger placed 8th in the State Wrestling Tournament. The Boys' Basketball team plays Archbishop Carroll at Coatesville tomorrow at 7:30 p.m.
Mr. Propper reported that Caitlin Coughlin qualified for the State swimming competition at Bucknell this weekend (the District does not have an official swim team, but has a few students who swim under the Octorara name).
Mr. Carsley will look into the state reimbursement of half day Kindergarten vs. full day Kindergarten.
Dr. Newcome said he would supply Ms. Harmer of the memo he wrote responding to her. The Board has a copy. He further stated that he is sincerely careful to be as supportive of a community member as possible who brings information. He has an obvious bias on this topic. He is defensive of the Board. When someone steps up and portrays them as less than honest, of not being objective & using smoke & mirrors; you want to something.
13. Board Comments
Dr. Melton was appreciative of the conversation. She is still in a learning curve. She takes her responsibility seriously. We are going to make budget changes based on funding. What we are doing is unsustainable.
Mr. Hume said he didn't understand what this was all about. The Board understands & knows this information. He didn't know why they needed this. We are making progress. He doesn't see any of that in the report. He would like to see all day Kindergarten. He's wondering if we could get donations from the parents. He wanted to make a correction on something he said last meeting. The bill he spoke about was Senate Bill 1, not House Bill 1. It is in committee, but there are no scheduled meetings at this time. He opposes the bill. It is wrecking the best system we have.
Mr. Lapp stated he wasn't too bothered by Ms. Harmer's statements. His kids went to private school , which he paid for. (Theyy now attend Octorara). It seems that charter schools are a duplication of what we already have. He believe competition is good & he approves of vouchers.
Dr. Melton said that competition only works if there is a level playing field. If one school has unfunded mandates and another school doesn't have to meet those mandates, then the first school is acting with its hands tied behind their backs. There are different rules.
Mr. Ganow wanted to know why were were giving them approximately $10,000, when the cost is $ 6,000. Ms. Harmer's report & presentation confirms his feeling that charter schools are a racket.
Dr. Newcome has put together documents for our representatives.
Ms. Bowman said we have to ask what we are solving for. How do we fulfill our obligation to move students from Kindergarten through graduation; out the door with plans after high school. Our staff works hard. It's hard to listen to "I'm not sure what's happening, but I think...." A lot of the recommendations are already being done.
Mr. Ganow asked Ms. McNamara if parents "red shirt" Kindergarten students. He recently read an article about it. She stated that she doesn't have the figures on her, but she doesn't think it happens often.14.Adjournment
Facility Committee Meeting – Monday, March 12, 2012 – 6:00 p.m. in the District Office Conference Room
Executive Session for personnel – Monday, March 12, 2012 – Following the Regular Meeting in the District Office Conference Room
Policy Committee Meeting – Monday, March 19, 2012 – 6:00 p.m. in the District Office Conference Room
Finance Committee Meeting – Monday, March 19, 2012 – 6:30 p.m. in the District Office Conference Room
Next regularly scheduled Board Meeting – Monday, March 19, 2012 – 7:30 p.m. in the Octorara Jr./Sr. High School Multi-Purpose Room
Education Committee Meeting – Monday, March 26, 2012 – 6:00 p.m. in the District Office Conference Room
March 12, 2012 – 7:30 p.m.
Jr./Sr. High School Multi-Purpose Room
1. Lord’s Prayer
2. Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag
3. Roll Call
All Present.
A. Budget
Mr. Carsley noted that the exceptions applied for in December ($ 1,185,023) were approved. The District can increase taxes beyond the index to that limit. Ms. Bowman reminded everyone that just because the exceptions were approved, that doesn't mean they will be used.
Mr. Carsley stated that they are receiving updated healthcare rates. They should have new numbers by Monday.
Mr. Hume asked if there have been any changes to the budget. Dr. Newcome said he will address a few items. He distributed a document for prep for next week.
Budget Adjustments 2012030001
Staff reductions are projected at approx. $500,000. He still needs some questions answered before he can give more details. See attached document for details:
They will also discuss Kindergarten next week.
Mr. Stoltzfus asked for the costs on Full Day & Half Day Kindergarten. Dr. Newcome stated that it is in the document.
Mr. Norris thanked everyone who looked at the Kindergarten program (Principals, Teachers, Parents).
Ms. Johnson asked how many surveys were sent out & how many responses. Ms. McNamara said that 180 surveys were sent out & 92 were returned. The survey was resent on two occasions to maximize the responses.
5.Visitors’ Comments - Agenda Items Only
6.Information Items:
7.Presentation of Agenda Items for the March 19, 2012 Regular Monthly Public Meeting: Hiring Approvals:
A. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve Ms. Caitlin Cellini as a long term substitute sixth grade teacher at the Octorara Intermediate School effective February 29, 2012 for approximately four to six weeks. Ms. Cellini’s rate will be $140 per day. (Replacing a medical leave.)
B. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve Ms. Gail Bolger as a long term substitute business education teacher at the Octorara Area Sr. High School effective February 22, 2012 through June 8, 2012. Ms. Bolger’s rate will be $140 per day. (Replacing a medical leave.)
C. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve Ms. Debbie Shank as a long term substitute secretary to the principal at the Octorara Area Sr. High School effective February 22, 2012 through June 8, 2012. Ms. Shank’s rate will be $16.41 per hour. (Replacing Gail Bolger who is substituting.)
D. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve the following supplemental contracts for the 2011-2012 school year:
Mark Barto Assistant Track Coach 6 pts @ $570 $3,420
Kendall Dixon Assistant Track Coach 6 pts @ $570 $3,420
E. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve the attached list of student teachers as test proctors for the PSSA.
Dr. Newcome asked if the Board could vote on "E" tonight. There are new rules from the State and these people need to be listed as employees before testing starts for PSSAs. Mr. Ganow asked about the number of student teachers. Dr. Newcome said that there are currently a large number. We are usually pretty cooperative with local universities, but the numbers are getting too large. They like to have student teachers because they bring new ideas and it is always good when there is an extra adult in the room. We mostly have student teachers from West Chester and Millersville, with some from Immaculata & Lincoln. Student teachers have background checks in place.
8. Facilities Committee Report
Mr. Stoltzfus said that they are still looking at final documents on the High School renovations. There will be some change orders coming through - mostly credits. The final punchlist is being worked on.
The contractor is still working on the water issue at OIS.
The air conditioning units in the shop wing had parts replaced because of noise, but haven't been run at full capacity yet.
They are still looking at prioritizing future needs: replacing air conditioning pumps, carpet at the PLC. They are checking to see if the carpeting is still under warranty as the school isn't that old.
The committee is recommending for the agenda for next week to accept a bid of $ 689,607.74 to replace the roof of the middle school (jr. high) There could be some increases as they take off the old roof.
They are hiring a company to come in and do a study on the brick work of the middle school.
Fields may be on the agenda next month.
Still looking at energy service companies to save money. They are waiting for proposals.
The contractor who is renting space across the road has started using it.
A storage room below the middle school flooded last fall. There may be some mold issues. They are looking at a company to clean up the space.
9. Education Committee Report
Mr. Norris said that the Education Committee had a nice conversation with the administrators. It was good to see them so enthusiastic about what they are doing.
Ms. Wilson talked about a summer reading requirement. There will be more information coming. There was some concern about the availability of books.
Mr. Rohrer & Ms. Wilson talked about senior privilege criteria. Some ideas included getting "Proficient" on the PSSAs or earning a "C" or better in classes.
The PSSA incentive website "Study Island" was also discussed. There will be financial & other incentives.
Kindergarten parent survey will be discussed next week.
Mr. Harmer talked about OES reading block changes. Reading workshop will be a 2 1/2 hour block of time. Students will choose their own books. This change will allow one-on-one conferencing with students.
Mr. Czetli & Mr. Rohrer demonstrated some things they are possibly going to do with iPads.
Dr. Newcome presented program changes due to staffing changes.
Ms. Wilson presented structural changes for the summer reading program.
They talked about an after school enrichment program for at-risk students. The estimated cost is $ 141,000. This needs to be looked at.
Mr. Stoltzfus said that the I.U. had looked at bulk purchasing for iPads. There is no discount.
10.Other Items/Concerns
Ms. Bowman spoke about the report given to the Board last month on charter schools. Copies were made of the single report & distributed to the Board. She passed out an additional page received today. I will be adding to the blog later.
Mr. Norris said that it was fascinating reading with a great level of detail. He also read Dr. Newcome's response. Whether charter schools are a benefit or not OR effective or not - he thanked Ms. Harmer for the data.
Ms. Bowman also thanked her for the info. The information is not new as the Board has discussed this matter many times. The discussion has not centered on whether there is value of charter schools, but whether they are worth the cost. Charter schools seem to be based on the premise that public schools are failing. Do we have a failing school? No.
11.Visitors’ Comments – General
Lorriane Harmer (Highland)- Wrote the report on charter schools. She made recommendations based on her observations. She compared PSSA results of Avon Grove Charter School to Octorara. Octorara is deficient in reading. She doesn't know how involved the board is in education. AGCS uses hands-on education. Has Octorara ever considered it? She claims to have observed mis-management of substitutes & that Octorara should use the same services that other districts in the county do.
She doesn't know how Octorara plans to pull kids back to the district when they did away with Middle School sports (and with HS sports in jeopardy).
Instead of study halls in the high school, there should be clubs, SAT prep and CPR courses.
Dr. Melton asked what year the PSSA data was from. What are the trends? Why just 3rd, 6th and 11th grade? Wouldn't it have been a better picture using all the data?
Lois Lantz (West Fallowfield) - Wanted to bring positive things to the table. She has 3 children enrolled who are doing great & love the school. She is concerned about the projected retirement of a music teacher. given the budget discussions last year. One of her children wanted to join the band. Mr. Reynolds & her child talked her into it. She is happy that they did. Her child loves it. She'd like to see the students have the opportunities. There is a lot of good at Octorara and it is good to focus on it.
Larry Lavenberg (Atglen) - noticed that the Auditor General has sent letters to the Governor concerning charter schools. Funding of charter schools is out of whack with public schools. There is more of a tax load on people paying for public schools. The Auditor General has asked the Governor to fix before adding more cyber & charter schools. The burden is still on the taxpayer. This needs to be fixed. He knows there are a couple of board members involved with the State. What is going on a the State level?
12.Administrator Comments/Announcements
Mr. Harmer reported that Mr. Lynch is taking 3 students from OES to Chorus Fest on March 30th.
Mr. Rohrer reported that 7th & 8th graders were successful at the local National History Day competition & will be moving on to States. He also reported that Brandon Arnsberger placed 8th in the State Wrestling Tournament. The Boys' Basketball team plays Archbishop Carroll at Coatesville tomorrow at 7:30 p.m.
Mr. Propper reported that Caitlin Coughlin qualified for the State swimming competition at Bucknell this weekend (the District does not have an official swim team, but has a few students who swim under the Octorara name).
Mr. Carsley will look into the state reimbursement of half day Kindergarten vs. full day Kindergarten.
Dr. Newcome said he would supply Ms. Harmer of the memo he wrote responding to her. The Board has a copy. He further stated that he is sincerely careful to be as supportive of a community member as possible who brings information. He has an obvious bias on this topic. He is defensive of the Board. When someone steps up and portrays them as less than honest, of not being objective & using smoke & mirrors; you want to something.
13. Board Comments
Dr. Melton was appreciative of the conversation. She is still in a learning curve. She takes her responsibility seriously. We are going to make budget changes based on funding. What we are doing is unsustainable.
Mr. Hume said he didn't understand what this was all about. The Board understands & knows this information. He didn't know why they needed this. We are making progress. He doesn't see any of that in the report. He would like to see all day Kindergarten. He's wondering if we could get donations from the parents. He wanted to make a correction on something he said last meeting. The bill he spoke about was Senate Bill 1, not House Bill 1. It is in committee, but there are no scheduled meetings at this time. He opposes the bill. It is wrecking the best system we have.
Mr. Lapp stated he wasn't too bothered by Ms. Harmer's statements. His kids went to private school , which he paid for. (Theyy now attend Octorara). It seems that charter schools are a duplication of what we already have. He believe competition is good & he approves of vouchers.
Dr. Melton said that competition only works if there is a level playing field. If one school has unfunded mandates and another school doesn't have to meet those mandates, then the first school is acting with its hands tied behind their backs. There are different rules.
Mr. Ganow wanted to know why were were giving them approximately $10,000, when the cost is $ 6,000. Ms. Harmer's report & presentation confirms his feeling that charter schools are a racket.
Dr. Newcome has put together documents for our representatives.
Ms. Bowman said we have to ask what we are solving for. How do we fulfill our obligation to move students from Kindergarten through graduation; out the door with plans after high school. Our staff works hard. It's hard to listen to "I'm not sure what's happening, but I think...." A lot of the recommendations are already being done.
Mr. Ganow asked Ms. McNamara if parents "red shirt" Kindergarten students. He recently read an article about it. She stated that she doesn't have the figures on her, but she doesn't think it happens often.14.Adjournment
Facility Committee Meeting – Monday, March 12, 2012 – 6:00 p.m. in the District Office Conference Room
Executive Session for personnel – Monday, March 12, 2012 – Following the Regular Meeting in the District Office Conference Room
Policy Committee Meeting – Monday, March 19, 2012 – 6:00 p.m. in the District Office Conference Room
Finance Committee Meeting – Monday, March 19, 2012 – 6:30 p.m. in the District Office Conference Room
Next regularly scheduled Board Meeting – Monday, March 19, 2012 – 7:30 p.m. in the Octorara Jr./Sr. High School Multi-Purpose Room
Education Committee Meeting – Monday, March 26, 2012 – 6:00 p.m. in the District Office Conference Room
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