Tuesday, March 17, 2009

March 16, 2009 School Board Meeting

March 16, 2009 - 7:30 p.m.
Middle School Multi-Purpose Room


1. Lord's Prayer
2. Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag
3. Roll Call
1 absent
4. Minutes

  • Approve the following minutes from the Work Session of February 9, 2009
  • Approve the following minutes from the Board Meeting of February 16, 2009


5. Presentations: James Weagley, Athletic Director - Athletic Budget

Dr. Newcome prefaced the presentation with the following information: He asked Mr. Weagley to develop a budget which decreased last year's budget amount by 10% and to add Lacrosse & Football.

Mr. Weagley
He started at -0- to develop the 2009-10 budget.
The 2008-09 budget was approx. $431,000 (does not include football or lacrosse).
The base amount is $491,721 (including football & lacrosse).
He presented projected revenues, plus strategies to increase revenue to the board.
General revenue currently contains money for the fitness center (Coke, physicals & Monte Carlo night) - approx. $14,000.

He proposed an activity fee for sports. He surveyed 7 or 8 school districts - several have an activity fee. Proposal for 7th - 12 th grade sports: 1st sport: $35; 2nd sport: $10; 3rd sport: free. He is proposing that they take 10% of the receipts from revenue producing sports to set aside for financial hardship cases (those who receive free or reduced lunches). Expected revenue approx. $20,000.

The second proposal is for a facility use fee. The district currently charges custodial fees for the use of building facilities. Mr. Weagley developed 3 categories of users: School Groups, Not-for-Profit groups & Community Groups. The first two groups would not be charged. There would be an hourly rental or per season rental. Custodial fees were not factored into this at this time. There would be a 3-season discount. Groups that develop feeder programs for the school would be charged 1/2 the rate.

The third proposal is for the fitness center. He suggested selling memberships to the fitness center to community members, district staff, etc. Twin Valley & Garden Spot currently do this. He estimates 1/2 year revenue of approx. $3,000.

The fourth proposal calls for partial reimbursement by the booster & athletic clubs. He broke down the expenses for each sport & determined an amount to be contributed. For sports that produce revenue, 50% of the gate receipts would go to offset that reimbursement.

Also looking at $3000 donation from the coaches.

Comments & Concerns from the Board
Mrs. Bowman stated that the board would need to make a value judgement - whether athletics has an equal value to academic programs.

Concern that cost could be an obstacle - activity fee, rental fees & booster contributions are all coming from the same source.

Mr. Norris thanked Mr. Weagley for the presentation. He stated that the board needs to address continuing approval of the football program before they even begin budget discussions. The community was promised that the board would review the football program after 3 years and it is time to do that. It was part of the agreement between the district and the Octorara Football Club.

Mrs. Bowman feels the activity fee needs to be looked at for every extra- and co-curricular activity (example: the musical).

Mr. Hume questioned where the revenue is from Market Street marketing. Mr. Weagley stated that there isn't much going on due to the economy.

Mr. Hume is opposed to an activity fee. If the district goes that route, he would like to see a sliding scale. He expressed the hope of finding funding with no fee. If sports are going under the Octorara name, it should be funded.

Mr. Norris had several questions.

Mr. Ganow is opposed to an activity fee - it was tried in the past and failed.

Mr. Mango asked about specific sports & stated that the board needs to decide if they are funding sports or not.

Mr. Hume asked about ice hockey. It is not a PIAA sanctioned sport.

Mr. Hershey feels that lacrosse & football have proved themselves.

Mrs. Bowman feels that the booster & athletic clubs should not be expected to support athletics. The same people are involved in all of the organizations & would be fighting themselves & each other for community support.

Mr. Stoltzfus questioned the percentage of schools that charge an activity fee.

Dr. Newcome reminded that board that this was just a presentation of one way to fund athletics.

6. Information Item:
Scott Grimes, President Octorara Lacrosse Club gave an update on Girls' and Boys' lacrosse.

7. Treasurer's Report:
A. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve the General Fund Report for period ending February 28, 2009.
Mr. Malone gave the report & it was approved.

8. Business Manager's Report:
A. Approval of Bills for Payment
Mr. Lee reported & they were approved.

9. Visitors' Comments - Agenda Items Only

Scott Grimes commented that athletics is co-curricular - it keeps kids engaged in school.

Ellen Brown had a comment about the activity fee. If they are going to seriously look at an activity fee for all activities, then they need to find out what students are already paying for those activities. Mrs. Bowman had mentioned the musical. Ellen's daughter had participated in the musical 2 years. The cast had to provide their own costumes, props & supplies to build sets. The district is not completely funding the musical currently and that the same is probably true for all other activities. She also mentioned that in Mr. Weagley's presentation he stated that not-for-profit organizations would not be charged for facilities rental, but the feeder programs would be charged 1/2 rate... however, the booster & athletic clubs in the district are not-for-profit - so they shouldn't be charged.

10. Recommended Action Items: (Italicized items are new, they were not on the March 9, 2009 agenda.)

A. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve the use of the High School Gymnasium for a Sunday basketball league. The league will run from 1:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. starting April 5, 2009 through June 7, 2009. (Gene Lambert/Octorara Basketball).


B. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve the following new textbooks for the Octorara High School:

Introduction to Animal Science W. Stephen Damron Fourth Edition 2009 Bio Ag II

The Big Book of Ceramics Joaquim Chavarria 1994 Ceramics

Guitar Expressions WArner Bros. Publications 2005 Guitar

Invitation to Psychology Carole Wade/Carol Tavris Fourth Edition 2008 Psychology


C. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve the following policies/administrative regulations, first reading:

1. Administrative Procedures for Maintenance of Hearing Aids and Cochlear Implants and for Inspection of External Components of Surgically Implanted Medical Devices (New)

2. Child Find and Screening (New)

3. Secondary Grading Procedures for Students with Disabilities Participating in General Curriculum (New)

4. Audio, Video, or Other Electronic Recording of Meetings (New)

5. Guidelines for Classroom and Program Site Visitations

6. Policy 114 Gifted Education (Revision)

7. Policy 113.2 Independent Education Evaluations (Revision)

8. Policy 113.3 Behavior Support (Revision)

9. Policy 117 Medical Excusal and Homebound Instruction (Revision)

10. Policy 261 Behavior Support (Revision)

Dr. Newcome stated that this is for a special education audit that is coming up. Approved.

D. That the Octorara Board of School Directors accept Ms. Rita Boryszak's resignation as a Reading Specialist at the Octorara Elementary School effective April 3, 2009. (Hired August 2005).
E. That the Octorara Board of School Directors accept Mr. Scott Forman's resignation as a J.V. Baseball Coach effective immediately. (Hired 2006-2007 school year).
F.That the Octorara Board of School Directors accept Mr. Mark Pederson's resignation as a Girls Tennis Coach effective immediately. (Hired 1999-2000 school year).
G.That the Octorara Board of School Directors accept Mr. John Coombe's resignation as a Girls Tennis Coach effective immediately. (Hired 2006-2007 school year).
approved D-G
H. That the Octorara Board of School Directors accept Ms. Deborah Feather's resignation as a Middle School Track Coach effective immediately (Hired 2003-2004 school year).
I. That the Octorara Board of School Directors accept, with regret, Mr. Donald Mills' resignation, for the purpose of retirement, as a Woodworking teacher at the Octorara High School effective June 5, 2009 (Hired September 1988).
approved H - I.

Hiring Approvals:
J. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve the following substitute teachers for the 2008 - 2009 school year:
Terry Kauffman (Emergency)
Gerald Iler (Emergency)
K. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve the employment of Kristine Woodall as a Lunchroom/Playground Supervisor at the Octorara Intermediate School, pending completion of employee related documents required by the law and the district. Ms. Woodall's rate will be $8.00/hour effective February 18, 2009. (Replacing Sarah Tomlinson hired August 2008)
L. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve the employment of Michael Bennett on a Substitute Employee Contract, pending completion of employee related documents as required by law and the district. Mr. Bennett's assignment is Physical Education in the Octorara Intermediate School for a period of approximately 20 days at a rate of $140.oo/day effective February 3, 2009. (Replacing Deb Feather who is on medical leave.)
M. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve the employment of Ms. Doris Klein as a One-on-One Assistant, pending completion of employee related documents as required by law and the district at the Octorara Middle School. Ms. Klein's rate will be $10.90/hour effective February 24, 2009 (New position).
N. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve the following supplemental contracts for the 2008-2009 school year:
Jed King Assistant Outdoor Track Coach 6 points @ $520 = $3,120
Kyle Whary Part-time Outdoor Track Coach 3 points @ $520 = $1,560
Joe Lynch OES Talent Show/Musical Director 2 points @ $520 = $ 1,040
Beth Hrincevich OES Talent Show/Musical Directo 2 points @ $520 = $ 1,040
Mark Pedersen Boys Tennis Coach 7 points @ $520 = $3,640
Amanda Kieffer Middle School Track Coach 4 points @ $520 = $ 2, 080
O. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve the following supplemental contract for the 2009-2010 school year.
Mary Wallett Girls' Varsity Tennis Coach 7 points @ %545=$3,815
Q. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve the employment of Kristin Alyea on a Substitute Employee Contract, pending completion of employee related documents required by law and the district. Ms. Alyea's assignment is Art Teacher at the Octorara Middle School for a period of 43.5 days at a rate of $140.00 per day. (Replacing Deborah Ward).
R. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve the employment of Veronica Leamont as a Lunch/Playground Supervisor at the Octorara Intermediate School, pending completion of employee related documents required by law and the district. Ms. Leamont's rate will be $8.00/hour effective March 16, 2009 (New Position)
Dr. Newcome explaned that this is a new budgeted position for August and was just recently filled. Approved.
S. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve the following substitute Cafeteria Employee at a rate of $8.00/hour for the 2008-2009 school year.
Kristi Powell
T. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve the following substitute Instructional Assistants at a rate of $9.40/hour for the 2008-2009 school year:
Kristine Woodall
Veronica Leamont

10U - addendum: That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve the addendum agreement between the Octorara Area School District and the parents of Student A.

11. I.U./C.A.T. Board Representative's Report
Mr. Mango reported that they met in February and that he forwarded the report. The I.U. is also beginning their budget process.

12. Old Business:
Mr. Stoltzfus reported on the Facilities meeting:
The construction is moving along. The back of the building is ahead of schedule. The front of the building is moving along nicely. There were 2 requests for adjustment, but there is no dollar adjustment involved. There is additional asbestos work that needs to be done: approx 65,000 sq. ft.

Still working on the Middle School roof damage. The work will probably begin before the end of school. The roof needs to be brought up to code.

There was damage to the HS auditorium roof on March 2nd. They are determining the best way to proceed given the construction schedule.

Jordan Makansi (Student Representative) reported: the Musical was well done; Nickel Day continues; Daffodils delivered next week (NHS project); PSSA's next week; Student Council is going to sell bricks to fund statue for the front of the school.

Mr. Rohrer reported that Alex Blaha will participate in the All-State Chorus and Jordan Makansi will participate in All-State Band.

Mr. Hershey asked for coaches' input to tonight's discussion of athletics.

John Cummings (HS Girls' Softball Coach): He came to hear the proposal and wasn't prepared to speak. He just wanted the Board to know that the booster & club organizations already put a lot of time and money into the sports programs. These organizations are putting time & money into the fields and then are going to be expected to pay to use them. The softball boosters purchases uniforms and equipment last year. The amount of equipment money he gets from the district pays for just the softballs.

Kent Buohl (HS Girls' Soccer Coach): Agreed with Mr. Cummings. He understands the financial situation. He thinks that if the booster & clubs organizations are going to be charged a rental fee, they will expect the distric to do the maintenance on the fields. He also said that he is not opposed to a tax increase to fund sports, as it is his responsibility as a member of the community fund the district.

Jed King (HS Boys' Football Coach): Explained how he sees sports as co-curricular. He has seen the grades of his players improve.

13. New Business
14. Other Items and Announcements
15. Visitors' Comments
16. Board Comments
Mr. Hume shared that he had requested information from Mr. Rohrer concerning AP Classes. He is pleased with the number of student partaking.

17. Adjournment

Facilities Committee Meeting - Monday, March 16, 2009 - 6:30 p.m. District Office Conference Room

Next regularly scheduled Work Session - Monday, April 13, 2009 - 7:30 p.m. Octorara Middle School MPR

Facilities Committee Meeting - Monday, April 13, 2009 - 6:30 p.m. District Office Conference Room

Next regularly scheduled Board Meeting - Monday, April 20, 2009 - 7:30 p.m. Octorara Middle School MPR

Executive Session for Personnel will be held following this meeting District Office Conference Room

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

School Board Work Session 3/09/2009



March 9, 2009 – 7:30 p.m.

Middle School Multi-Purpose Room


l. Lord’s Prayer

2. Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag

3. Roll Call

7 present; 2 absent

4. Presentations: Budget Update and Discussion

Dan Carsley present information on the current year's budget vs. actual and how it affects the 09-10 budget.

They are planning now for future increases (even though there are no firm numbers) in categories such as debt service, fuel, health care, PSERS, and utilities. They have spoken with PP&L. The anticipated increase in electricity costs due to deregulated pricing could be as high as 46%.

They are also starting to see students leaving private schools and transferring to charter schools or back to Octorara. The cost to the district for charter schools is significantly more expensive than the students coming to Octorara.

2008-09 Budget Outlook - Expenditures - Large Ticket Items:

Favorable Items:

Salaries $ 87,000 (Facilities Director position not filled).

Benefits $852,000 (based on invoices to date)

Retirement $445,000 (excess to be designated in anticipation of future PSERS increases)

Debt Service $803,480 (Restructured debt)

Unfavorable Items:

Charter School $555,000

Diesel Fuel $130,000

Net Estimate Svgs $1,502,480

2008-09 Budget Outlook - Revenues - Large Ticket Items:

Favorable Items:

Delinquent Property Tax Revenue: $75,000

Earned Income Tax: $150,000

Unfavorable Items:

Transfer Tax $ 100,000

Interest Income $ 150,000

Rent/Sinking Fund $ 85,000

Net Shortfall $ 110,000

The district also needs to look forward to the 10-11 budget year. The projected base index is between 3.48% and 4.35%. The increase in salaries for the budget year exceed the index.

Teachers' contract average increase in 2010-11 = 4.75%

Support Staff contract increase in 2010-11 = 4.8%

Act 93 contract increases in 2010-11 = 4.5%

2009-10 Budget shortfall currently sits at $534,863.

Items Reduced or Eliminated:

Facilities Director position eliminated

Literacy Coordinator position eliminated or reduced pending grant

Building Budgets reduced 10%

Hold Harmless Fund reduced

Technology Budget reduced 10%

Athletic Budget reduced 10% Note: Mr. Weagley will attend next week's meeting to present athletic budget & how to fund it

Summer Custodial help reduced 50%

Some supplemental contracts eliminated (team leaders, grade chairs, coordinators at MS, IS, ES, PLC)

Transportation costs reduction for special transportation

Teaching positions not being filled upon retirement or resignation

Teaching positions to be cut

Tax rates currently at 1.41 additional mills for Chester County (4.6% increase) and .99 additional mills for Lancaster County (3.62% increase)

From this point on there needs to be drastic changes. The administration is looking to the Board for direction.

Mr. Mango asked if there will be an increase in state funding

There is the possibility of an increase in Title 1 funding

Mrs. Bowman asked about increases in gambling revenue.

The district will not get notification until at least April.

There was a question about the federal stimulus money. The district will not receive any since the building project is already underway.

Dr. Newcome testified before the state legislature concerning the district's financial situation.

The administration would like to get preliminary approval in May, with final approval in June.

Mr. Hershey would like to see what the budget would look like with additional cuts, as would Mrs. Bowman.

5. Visitors’ Comments – Agenda Items Only


6. Information Item:

Several students have been honored. Mr. Rohrer will be giving a report at a future meeting.

7. Recommended Action Items:

A. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve the use of the High
School Gymnasium for a Sunday basketball league. The league will run
from 1:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. starting April 5, 2009 through June 7, 2009.

This is run by Gene Lambert for high school players.

B. That the Octorara Board of School Directors accept Ms. Rita Boryszak’s
resignation as a Reading Specialist at the Octorara Elementary School
effective April 3, 2009. (Hired August 2005)

C. That the Octorara Board of School Directors accept Mr. Scott Forman’s
resignation as a J.V. Baseball Coach effective February 23, 2009.

D. That the Octorara Board of School Directors accept Mr. Mark Pederson’s
resignation as a Girls Tennis Coach effective immediately.

E. That the Octorara Board of School Directors accept Mr. John Coombe’s
resignation as a Girls Tennis Coach effective immediately.

Mr. Hume would like to see the hiring date on coaching resignations

Hiring Approvals:

F. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve the following substitute
teachers for the 2008-2009 school year:

Terry Kauffman (Emergency)

G. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve the employment of
Kristine Woodall as a Lunchroom/Playground Supervisor at the Octorara
Intermediate School, pending completion of employee related documents
required by the law and the district. Ms. Woodall’s rate will be $8.00/hour
effective February 18, 2009. (New Position)

H. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve the employment of
Michael Bennett on a Substitute Employee Contract, pending completion of
employee related documents as required by law and the district. Mr.
Bennett’s assignment is Physical Education in the Octorara Intermediate
School for a period of approximately 20 days at a rate of $140.00 per day.
(Replacing Deb Feather who is on medical leave)

I. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve the employment of Ms.
Doris Klein as a One-on-One Assistant, pending completion of employee
related documents required by law and the district, at the Octorara Middle
School. Ms. Klein’s rate will be $10.90/hour effective February 24, 2009.
(New position)

J. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve the following
supplemental contracts for the 2008-2009 school year:

Jed King Assistant Outdoor Track Coach 6 points @ $520 = $3120

Kyle Whary Part-time Outdoor Track Coach 3 points @ $520 = $1560

Joe Lynch OES Talent Show/Musical Director 2 points @ $520 = $1040

Beth Hrincevich OES Talent Show/Musical Director 2 points @ $520 = $1040

They are charging an activity fee to participate since this was not in the budget. The amount of the fee was questioned. It is $8.00. There was discussion about charging this & what happens if someone cannot afford it.

K. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve the following
supplemental contract for the 2009-2010 school year:

Mary Wallett Girl’s Varsity Tennis Coach 7 points @ $545 = $3815

8. Other Items/Concerns


9. Visitors’ Comments – General


10. Board Comments

Mr. Hume wanted everyone to be aware of the PTO Book Fair coming up

11. Adjournment

Facilities Committee Meeting – Monday, March 16, 2009 – 6:30 p.m. District Office
Conference Room

Next regularly scheduled Board Meeting – Monday, March 16, 2009 – 7:30 p.m.
Octorara Middle School MPR

Next regularly scheduled Work Session – Monday, April 13, 2009– 7:30 p.m.
Octorara Middle School MPR

Executive Session for Personnel will be held following this meeting in the District