Saturday, March 23, 2013

Budget Presentation 03/18/2013 Mills & Assessment

Note:  All graphs in this post are BEFORE any credit from the gambling revenue to the tax bill.  They also ONLY look at Chester County for Districts that cross county lines.

Everywhere you turn, you hear people exclaim, "Octorara has the highest mills in the county!"  But that is only part of the story.

Per the next slide you can see, that indeed, we do have the highest mills.......but......

Mills in Chester County

....we have the lowest mill value.......

Millage Value

......and next to lowest assessment......


Our tax on average assessment is right smack-in-the-middle of the pack......

Tax on Average Assessment

If we had started looking at the average assessment & the mill value,  it would make sense that our mills would be near the upper end.  There is almost an inverse relationship between the value of a mill and the number mills charged.   When your mill value is over $8 million, you can charge less mills to get the funds needed.   When your mill value is $668 thousand, you need a lot more mills to get the funds you need.

Quick lesson in calculating the tax amount:
For this example, we will use Octorara's mills  (36.6) and average assessment ($124,000)

36.66 mills x .001 = .03666
.03666 x 124,000 = $ 4,545.84  rounded to $4,546 on the graph above.   Again, this is before any credit for the gambling revenue.

Budget Presentation 03/18/2013 New Tax Dollars

New Tax Dollars

New Tax Dollars (cont'd)

Next:  Mills, Assessments, Tax

Friday, March 22, 2013

Budget Presentation 03/18/2013 Expense per Average Daily Membership

Expense per Average Daily Membership 2009-10

Expense per Average Daily Membership 2010-2011

The only thing I can say about these two graphs is that no one seemed sure whether everyone reported the same items. 

Bond debt is included in our numbers, but it wasn't confirmed that other districts included it.   Unionville also went through a renovation project around the same time we did.  However, because they started it after Federal Stimulus funds were available, they were eligible to receive those funds.  I don't know whether they did or not.  We were not eligible because we started our project before they were available.

Next:  New Tax Dollars

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Budget Presentation 03/18/2013 Expenses

Probably the biggest concern during the budget process is expenses.  The first slide shows the history of expenses in the District.

Expense History

The next slide shows the breakdown of expenses by category.

Expenses by Category

This report shows the difference in expenses over the last decade.  It also shows that 88% of total expenses can be accounted for in 11 lines.

An expense difference that is interesting to note is the amount of Salary expense to the total for that year.   In 2003/04, Salaries made up about 54% of the expenses.  That has dropped to 40% for the preliminary 2013/14 budget.   Since Salaries are virtually fixed by contract, their percentage of total expenses may increase dependent on what other expenses get cut.      If the District is able to decrease non-Salary expenses significantly, then Salaries will be a bigger portion of the total expenses.

Salaries & Benefits History

Although Healthcare expenses have increased significantly, the District has been able to slow the increase by becoming self-insured for medical, dental, vision and prescription.   Two years ago, healthcare expenses were approximately $2.5 million.  The downside to self-funding is the risk of large claims.   The District pays for everything up to $175,000.   They have stop-loss insurance which covers everything between $175,000 and $ 2,000,000.  Over $2,000,000, it reverts back to the District.  There have not been any claims over the $2,000,000 so far.

PSERS (Public School Employee Retirement System) is a significant cost to the District.  Since it is the State system, the District has very little control over this expense.  The only way the District can make any change to this is by decreasing staff.  The District has eliminated about 40 positions and decreased hours for support staff.  It was noted that the decrease in hours for support staff has negatively impacted their pension credits.  They are not receiving a full year's credit.  Also eliminated were 17 custodial positions.  However, the expense for those positions that were outsourced fall on another line item.

The following slide shows the PSERS Actual and Projected rates.  You'll notice that the rate increases significantly over the next few years.  When investment rates were high, the State decreased the amount they collected from Districts.  FY 2000/01 and 2001/02 had a negative rate of return and 2002/03, while positive was still below actuarial assumptions.  More information can be found here concerning the history of PSERS underfunding.  

Teachers are required by law to make contributions to their retirement accounts.  The rate withheld is determined by the State and varies dependent on the membership class.

PSERS Actual & Projected Rates

PSERS Actual & Projected Net Costs

Public Charter School Expenses are another area where the District has no control.  The State determines the formula used for the per student rate.  The District has no control over which students apply to a charter school and which ones get accepted. 

There are a few things important to note. 
  • The State used to reimburse the District for a portion of the expense.  That stopped for the 2011/12 school year. 
  • Transportation costs are included in the per student price.  The District then has provide transportation for those students even though the Charter school is receiving the transportation funds.
  • The current rate being paid is approx. $9,000 per student for regular ed students and $24,000 for special needs students.   That means that if a Charter school students needs 1/2 hour of speech therapy per week, the Charter school is getting $24,000 for that student instead of $9,000 per student.

Public Charter School Expense


The District is trying to determine if the decrease in the projected Charter School expense for 2012/13 is due to the implementation of Full-day Kindergarten.   A quick calculation at the Finance meeting showed that if that is the case, then Full-day Kindergarten is at about break-even.   This ties to the recommendations made last year for Full-day Kindergarten & the additional expense. 

For some perspective, here is a list of charter school payments for February:

Commonwealth Connections Academy                                        $ 8,641.30
Graystone Academy                                                                       5,816.14
21st Century Cyber Charter School                                              10,370.75
Agora Cyber Charter School                                                        12,321.67
Pennsylvania Cyber Charter School                                                7,935.00
PA Leadership Charter School                                                     14,283.00

Other Expenses

Some of the Other Expenses include CCIU, Outside Services, Supplies, Bond Interest, etc.

Outside Services includes the outsourced custodial service (which is basically a transfer from Salaries & Benefits).  It also includes traffic control services from Signal 88.

The District continues to work with Althouse Transportation to cut costs.  One cost savings measure in the past couple of year was adjusting the bus routes.

Special education expenses to the CCIU can be an issue.  We have several students that cost over $100,000 per year.  State funding for special education has been flat-funded for 6 years (meaning no increase in funding from the State, while the cost has increased).

Bond interest has increased over the past 10 years with the building of the Intermediate School and the High School renovation.  The State is supposed to reimburse the District 10 cents on every dollar.  We have not been receiving it, because the State doesn't have the money to reimburse us.  We should eventually get it.

In most industries, capital purchases and principal payments would not appear on an expense list.  They would be balance sheet transactions.   I'm guessing that since School Districts have to account for all payments to determine tax rates, they need to include the payments in expenses.

Next:  Expense per Average Daily Membership

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Budget Presentation 03/18/2013 Impact of Clean & Green (Act 319)

Act 319 was originally passed in 1974.   Amendments to the Act permitted land owners apply for school property tax relief.

"Generally, land is enrollable if the parcel is at least 10.0 acres or can generate at least $2000 in annual gross income directly from an agricultural commodity, and has been for three preceding years." 

There was a companion bill which would have reimbursed school districts for some of the revenue lost through enrolled properties.  Unfortunately, it was not passed and attempts to reintroduce it have failed.  Elected officials in districts not impacted by the loss of revenue have no interest in backing these bills.

This slide from the budget presentation shows the impact of Act 319.

Impact of Clean & Green (Act 319)

You can see in the far right hand column, how tax relief to parcels in Clean & Green increases the tax burden to non-Clean & Green properties.   It is a $ 5.7 million shortfall that must be made up by the remaining taxpayers.

Next:  Expenses

Budget Presentation 03/18/2013 County Re-balancing

Something that people tend to have difficulty understanding is why there are differences in the increase/decrease of taxes between Lancaster & Chester Counties.  One year, you might have taxes increasing in both counties, but at different rates.   The next, Lancaster County has a decrease & Chester County has an increase.

Every year, the District must re-balance the millage based on housing market values.  For Octorara, the District must take the market value of parcels in Chester County & the market value of parcels in Lancaster County and based on the ratio of the two put the information through the formulas & change the tax burden for each county.

If you look at the attached slide from the budget presentation, you can see how the ratio changes from year to year.  In particular, notice the change from 2012/13 to 2013/14.  The percentage for Chester County decreases and Lancaster County increases.  That means  if taxes needed stayed at the same level as 2012/13, Chester County would see a decrease for 2013/14 and Lancaster County would see an increase.

Next: Clean & Green (Act 319)

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Budget Presentation 03/18/2013 Process

Creating a budget is a process.  You start with various assumptions and as you get better information, you make changes.   In the end, a budget is your best projection based on the information you have a the time.

The above report shows where the District over the past few years started the process with the preliminary budget.  It also shows the changes through the Proposed Final and Final approved budget.

The District, by law, has to approve a balanced Preliminary Budget early in the process.   Since the District is missing a lot of the data necessary to complete the budget, the only way to balance the budget is through increasing the millage.  As more information about revenue comes in and as expenses get cut the millage decreases.   The District is limited as to how much they can raise taxes, despite what many people think.  They are limited to an index rate set by the State.  There are some exceptions that can cause the tax increase to go above the index, but they must be applied for proactively and the District does not have to use them. They are also limited.

One unintended consequence (or maybe not so unintended) of the State regulations, if a District does not increase taxes to the maximum allowed, they lose those dollars forever.  The system actually encourages Districts to increase taxes to the maximum permitted.

Remember, a budget is a process.  It will be interesting to see how this budget progresses over the next couple of months.

Next:  County Re-balancing

School Board Meeting 03/18/2013


March 18, 2013 – 7:30 p.m.
Jr./Sr. High School Multi-Purpose Room

1. Moment of Silence
2. Pledge of Allegiance 
3. Roll Call
1 absent
4. Approval of Minutes from the Work Session of February 11, 2013 and the Regular Meeting of February 18, 2013.

5. Presentations
A. Budget
There was a public budget presentation at the Finance committee meeting at 6:00 p.m.  The minutes from that meeting will be published on the District website.
6. Information Items

7. Treasurer’s Report
A. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve the General Fund Report for period ending February 28, 2013.
Ms. Johnson presented the report.  Approved.

8. Business Manager’s Report
A. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve the list of bills for payment.
Mr. Carsley presented the report.   Mr. Norris had a couple of questions about items on the list.  Mr. Carsley will look into those items for Mr. Norris.   Mr. Oleyniczak said he needed to abstain from approving the Ricoh bill.  Mr. Carsley noted that the contract for Ricoh was in place before Mr. Oleyniczak became a member of the Board.

9. Visitors’ Comments - Agenda Items Only
Timothy Alexander (Parkesburg) - He appreciated the information at the Finance meeting.  He understands that some Board members think they are between a rock and a hard place - and that they are left to solve the impossible.   He has been looking at other districts who he feels are in a similar situation to Octorara.  He noted that the City of York SD is in difficulty and are looking at 3 ideas.
  1. Transformation of the school district - have teachers renogotiate contract.
  2. Community charter school - the district would exist to collect taxes to distribute to charter school - would not have to abide by state regulations the way a public school does.
  3. Consolidate with neighboring school district.
Note  - as of 3/16/2013, consolidation has been taken off the table.

William Kloss (Atglen) - had comments regarding charter schools.   He doesn't understand why taxpayers consider charter schools a sacred cow.  He feels there isn't enough focus on charter schools during the budget discussions.   

His analysis of the impact of charter schools:

  1. Charter schools can hand pick the students they want to enroll.
  2. Octorara must meet the needs of every student in the District, no matter how severe or extensive that need is.
  3. Charter schools do not share their hiring requirements of teachers.  
  4. Cyber charter schools are a growing strain on Octorara's budget.  They collect the same amount of funding per student as the brick & mortar schools.  
  5. Because charter schools can choose their students they can skew test scores.
They are using our tax dollars & should be held accountable to the taxpayers.

Note:  I will be doing a separate post on charter schools which will include an expanded version of Mr. Kloss's comments, as well as additional information from the Finance Committee & School Board meeting concerning charter schools.

10. Recommended Action Items:  (Italicized items are new; they were not on the March 11, 2013 agenda.)
A - N  Approved

A. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve the following policies, second reading:

 709 – Building Security
 907 – School Visitors

B. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve Ms. Lauren Brotman’s request  for sabbatical leave for the purpose of study for the second semester of the 2013-2014 school year.  Ms. Brotman is a learning support teacher at the Octorara Intermediate School.

C. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve the student activity request for “Octorara Roots & Shoots” at the Octorara Area Jr./Sr. High School.

Resignation Approvals: 
D. That the Octorara Board of School Directors accept Ms. Danise Miller’s resignation as a cafeteria employee effective February 28, 2013. (Hired October 5, 2011)

Hiring Approvals:
E. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve Ms. Lisa McLaughlin as payroll/benefits coordinator effective February 27, 2013.  Ms. McLaughlin’s salary will be $35,500 pro-rated. (Replacing Tina Butler who resigned.)

F. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve Mr. Patrick Tobin as an instructional assistant in the Alternative Ed Program at the Octorara Area Jr./Sr. High School effective February 11, 2013.  Mr. Tobin’s rate will be $10.90 per hour for four hours per day, 140 days per year.  (Replacing Amy Ellsworth who transferred.)

G. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve Mr. Jason Ralston as an Alternative Education teacher at the Octorara Area Jr./Sr. High School effective February 26, 2013 through approximately March 26, 2013.  Mr. Ralston’s rate will be $140 per day.  

H. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve Ms. Charlene Johnson as a one-on-one instructional assistant at the Octorara Jr. High School effective January 22, 2013.  Ms. Johnson’s rate will be $10.15 per hour for 5.75 hours per day, 180 days per year. (Replacing Sharon Richey who transferred.)

I. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve Ms. Ashley Stern as an instructional assistant at the Octorara Elementary School effective March 5, 2013.  Ms. Stern’s rate will be $11.65 for 5.75 hours per day, 180 days per year.  (Replacing Melanie Wagner who resigned.)

J. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve the following substitute teachers for the 2012-2013 school year:
  Christianna Berg (Elementary)

K. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve the following supplemental contracts for the 2012-2013 school year:

Ben Creighton       Assistant Track Coach             6 pts @ $585     $3,510
Trent Zook             Jr. High Baseball Coach          2 pts @ $585     $1,170
Ryne Anthony        Jr. High Baseball Coach          2 pts @ $585     $1,170
Leah Tymeson        Jr. High Softball Coach           4 pts @ $585     $2,340
Robert Magera       JV Baseball Coach                  6 pts @ $585      $3,510
Deb Bloth               Mentor Lynn Trouba                                            $200
Vanessa Peterson    Mentor Amanda Friedman                                  $200

L. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve the following supplemental contracts for the 2013-2014 school year:

John DiMatteo        Varsity Soccer Coach                7 pts @ $600     $4,200

M. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve the following changes in     salary due to graduate credits earned:

Lauren Brotman        From M+15 ($62,159) to M+30 ($64,036)  Step 12 to MAX

N. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve Ms. Katie Heller’s request for unpaid Family Medical Leave for the purpose of child rearing from approximately May 23, 2013 through June 7, 2013.  Ms. Heller is a Special Education teacher at the Octorara Area Sr. High School.
O - S  Approved.   Mr. Ganow voted "no" to  P.
O. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve Ms. Lynn Trouba as a long term substitute effective March 13, 2013 through June 7, 2013.  Ms. Trouba will be paid $140 per day to cover two classes of French at the Octorara Jr. High School and to serve as a daily substitute as needed during the remaining portions of the day.  (Replacing a medical leave.)

P. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve Ms. Amanda Friedman as a long term substitute effective March 13, 2013 through June 7, 2013.  Ms Friedman will be paid $105 per day to cover four classes of Spanish at the Octorara Jr. High School.  She will have no other assigned duties. (Replacing a medical leave.)
Mr. Ganow questioned whether Ms. Friedman would have to give up her job at 21st Century Cyber Charter School.  Dr. Newcome said that she is employed by them full-time, but does not yet have a full-time schedule.  They ease teachers into a full teaching schedule.

Q. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve Ms. Donna Mann as a permanent cafeteria worker effective March 1, 2013.  Ms. Mann’s rate will be $8.75 per hour. (Ms. Mann was serving as a substitute employee and will be replacing Jennifer Zimath who transferred.)

R. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve the following substitute support personnel for the 2012-2013 school year:

  Diane Hery (Cafeteria)

S. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve Ms. Jennifer Shaw as a long term substitute ISS aide at the Octorara Area Sr. High School effective March 11, 2013 through June 7, 2011.  Ms. Shaw’s rate will be $10.90 per hour. (Replacing Jason Ralston who will be teaching.)

T. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve the purchase of stadium bleachers at a cost not to exceed $250,000.  The administration may proceed with developing specifications and final proposals.  Final contracts must be brought to the Board of Directors for approval.
Ms. Bowman asked for comments.  

Mr. Oleyniczak asked if this was a stand-alone capital project.   It is.

Mr. Hume feels this should have been part of the construction project.

Mr. Ganow said he wasn't in favor of this at the beginning, but he has changed his mind given the level of commitment from the community.  He said that Dr. Melton is vehemently against this.

Mr. Stoltzfus reminded everyone that in 2004/05, when they were looking at  building OIS and the renovation of the High School,  a stadium was part of the plans.  The committee & the Board removed it due to the cost.

Mr. Lapp said he was also against it initially, but appreciates the effort put forth by the community.  He also likes the principles that are taught with sports.  It has value.

Mr. Oleyniczak stated that this is coming from capital funds which have restricted use.  The bleachers have to be addressed at some point.   It is a win all around.

Mr. Ganow said that timing is critical w/ Eckman's doing the prep work.

Ms. Bowman commented that this District has a history of groups stepping up.   She mentioned the track and the concession stand as examples.

11. Finance Committee Report
Ms. Johnson gave a brief update on the Finance Committee meeting.  There were a couple of tax parcel issues and the budget presentation.

12. I.U./C.A.T. Board Representative’s Report
Mr. Stoltzfus said that the I.U./C.A.T. Board meets this Wednesday.  They will be discussing the I.U. budget.  He believes they are flatlining their budget.

13. Old Business

14. New Business 

15. Other Items and Announcements

16. Visitors’ Comments – General

17. Administrator Comments/Announcements
Ms. Wilson said the PMEA Elementary Chorus Festival will be this Friday in the HS Auditorium at 7:30 p.m.

Joe Mattis gave a report on the HS.  The musical was this past weekend.  Model UN went to Boston University.   Gillian Michalowski and Elizabeth Lapp received awards at that competition.    They are going to George Washington University this weekend.   Nicholas Haugh was the Lancaster Newspaper's Teen of the Week.

Dr. Newcome said that another example of people stepping up was the work done on the musical, specifically the sets that were built.  He thanked Brian Fox, who was in the audience.   He thanked Mr. Kloss for his statement.  There was a document prepared last year that he will share with Mr. Kloss.   We have learned some lessons from charter schools.   In these economic times, they provide duplicate services for pretty much the same product.   There are students who were homeschooled that now use cyber charter schools.  That costs us money.  It has an impact on the local taxpayers.

18. Board Comments
Mr. Ganow stated that not only are our transportation costs included in the rate we pay for charter school students,  but we also provide transportation.  We are paying for transportation twice.

Mr. Carsley says the same happens with pension expense.

Mr. Norris said there was good attendance at the musical.  He's thankful we have the facilities to put on a production like that and that we have staff willing to participate.

Mr. Lapp thanked those he spoke during public comments.  He thinks it could be intimidating.  We need people to speak up.

Mr. Hume reminded everyone that the Agriculture Fair is April 13th.  They hope to raise money for the Ag program.  He hopes people come.

Mr. Ganow felt the ideas that York was looking at didn't seem to be legal.   Dr. Newcome said if a district has been on "school improvement" for several years the state may permit them to do things other districts cannot do.

Ms. Bowman said she attended the musical and enjoyed it.   She also attended the Jr./Sr. High Wrestling banquet.  It was held in the cafeteria.  The Jr. High program is funded by the Boosters and the Sr. High group.  It was a great evening.  It was good to see the younger kids looking up to the high school wrestlers.

She also mentioned that there are those who no longer have children in school who continue to give back.

19. Adjournment

 Finance Committee Meeting – Monday, March 18, 2013 – 6:00 p.m. in the Jr. High  School Multi-Purpose Room

Executive Session for personnel – Monday, March 18, 2013 – Following the Regular Meeting in the District Office Conference Room

Education Committee Meeting – Monday, March 25, 2013 – 6:00 p.m. in the District Office Conference Room

Facility Committee Meeting – Monday, April 8, 2013 – 6:00 p.m. in the District Office Conference Room

Next regularly scheduled Work Session – Monday, April 8, 2013 – 7:30 p.m. in the Jr. High School Multi-Purpose Room

Policy Committee Meeting – Monday, April 15, 2013 – 6:00 p.m. in the District Office Conference Room

Finance Committee Meeting – Monday, April 15, 2013 – 6:30 p.m. in the District Office Conference Room

Next regularly scheduled Board Meeting – Monday, April 15, 2013 – 7:30 p.m. in the Jr. High School Multi-Purpose Room

Education Committee Meeting – Monday, April 22, 2013 – 6:00 p.m. in the District  Office Conference Room

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Work Session 03/11/2013


March 11, 2013 – 7:30 p.m.
Jr./Sr. High School Multi-Purpose Room
 1. Moment of Silence
2. Pledge of Allegiance 
3. Presentations
A. Budget
Dr. Newcome responded to Mr. Ganow's request from last month.  He provided a memo to the Board concerning labor costs.  You need to be careful when using simple averages.  His memo looked at total earnings potential and the steps.  In summation, the memo is not a value judgement.  It is a more complete view of salaries.  Octorara teachers make less over the course of their career than other districts in Chester County (more than Lancaster County). 

When teachers are not replaced, it does not help the average, compared to replacing with lower paid teachers.

Salaries related to the Administrative Team were distributed in 2011/12.  No update at this time.

Mr. Norris appreciated the thoroughness.  He doesn't see where it sheds any new light on what they already knew.

Overall lifetime earnings for teachers at Octorara are in the lower third for Chester County.

Dr. Melton was surprised at the range for Chester County.

Dr. Newcome will post this document under budget information on the website.  Salary Memo

Ms. Bowman mentioned that it touched on the contract, advanced degrees and credits to move up the scale.

Dr. Newcome said that past Boards wanted to make starting salaries strong, but the advantage disappears by the 5th year.

Comparing Masters+60 Maximum, many districts in the county hit that by year 15; Octorara hits it in year 20.

Ms. Bowman stated that it is hard to look back when the people who made the decisions aren't here.

Dr. Newcome also talked about a memo concerning school safety discussed at the facilities meeting.  Options range from doing nothing additional ($0) to hiring resource officers at $600/day.

They are going to have a State Police risk & vunerability study done, as well as one from the CCIU.  They will hold off on any decisions until those two studies are complete.  They will be looking for grant funding.

Mr. Norris said that it appears that this will not impact this budget.

Mr. Carsley will have some detailed budget information next week at the finance meeting.  It will be held at 6:00 pm. in the Jr. High Multipurpose Room.

Mr. Carsley wanted to mention some information on the Sequestration.  The anticipated impact on the Department of Ed budget is a 5.3% decrease.  It will not impact the current year, but could impact the 2013/14 budget.  The biggest impact we could see could be in our Title I funding.  We currently get approx. $900,000.  The impact could be 5.3% less ($47,700). 

Dr. Newcome said that next week's finance meeting will be more relaxed.  He is also available to speak to groups.  Please contact Jill Hardy in the District Office.

4. Visitors’ Comments - Agenda Items Only
Timothy Alexander (Parkesburg) - Thanked Dr. Newcome for meeting with him.  He's been looking at a lot of spreadsheets, budgets, and minutes of our Disrict & others.  He says you can't dismiss the simple averages, because he feels it impacts the bottom line negatively.  If this were a business, you would decrease salaries.  He feels that the decisions made have not provided a good return on investment.    Our graduation rate is abysmal, as is assessment testing.  The only district lower was Coatesville.    He thinks citizens have been trained to not come to meetings.   He says he is running for the Board in Region 3.

5. Information Items

6. Presentation of Agenda Items for the March 18, 2013 Regular Monthly Public Meeting:
A. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve the following policies, second reading:

 709 – Building Security
 907 – School Visitors

B. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve Ms. Lauren Brotman’s request 

  for sabbatical leave for the purpose of study for the second semester of the 2013-2014
  school year.  Ms. Brotman is a learning support teacher at the Octorara Intermediate 

C. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve the student activity request for “Octorara Roots & Shoots” at the Octorara Area Jr./Sr. High School.

                    Resignation Approvals: 
D. That the Octorara Board of School Directors accept Ms. Danise Miller’s resignation a    s a cafeteria employee effective February 28, 2013. (Hired October 5, 2011)

                    Hiring Approvals:
E. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve Ms. Lisa McLaughlin as payroll/benefits coordinator effective February 27, 2013.  Ms. McLaughlin’s salary will be $35,500 pro-rated. (Replacing Tina Butler who resigned.)

F. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve Mr. Patrick Tobin as an instructional assistant in the Alternative Ed Program at the Octorara Area Jr./Sr. High School effective February 11, 2013.  Mr. Tobin’s rate will be $10.90 per hour for four hours per day, 140 days per year.  (Replacing Amy Ellsworth who transferred.)

G. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve Mr. Jason Ralston as an Alternative Education teacher at the Octorara Area Jr./Sr. High School effective February 26, 2013 through approximately March 26, 2013.  Mr. Ralston’s rate will be $140 per day.  

H. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve Ms. Charlene Johnson as a one-on-one instructional assistant at the Octorara Jr. High School effective January 22, 2013.  Ms. Johnson’s rate will be $10.15 per hour for 5.75 hours per day, 180 days per year. (Replacing Sharon Richey who transferred.)

I. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve Ms. Ashley Stern as an instructional assistant at the Octorara Elementary School effective March 5, 2013.  Ms. Stern’s rate will be $11.65 for 5.75 hours per day, 180 days per year.  (Replacing Melanie Wagner who resigned.)

J. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve the following substitute teachers for the 2012-2013 school year:

  Christianna Berg (Elementary)

K. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve the following supplemental contracts for the 2012-2013 school year:

Ben Creighton       Assistant Track Coach                6 pts @ $585       $3,510

Trent Zook             Jr. High Baseball Coach             2 pts @ $585       $1,170

Ryne Anthony        Jr. High Baseball Coach             2 pts @ $585       $1,170

Leah Tymeson       Jr. High Softball Coach              4 pts @ $585        $2,340

I don't think it was noted at last night's meeting, but I believe th Jr. High positions are being paid by the booster organizations.

L. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve the following supplemental contracts for the 2013-2014 school year:

John DiMatteo       Varsity Soccer Coach                7 pts @ $600        $4,200

M. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve the following changes in     salary due to graduate credits earned:

Lauren Brotman  From M+15 ($62,159) to M+30 ($64,036) Step 12 to MAX

N. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve Ms. Katie Heller’s request for unpaid Family Medical Leave for the purpose of child rearing from approximately May 23, 2013 through June 7, 2013.  Ms. Heller is a Special Education teacher at the Octorara Area Sr. High School.

7. Facilities Committee Report      
Mr. Stoltzfus said they had many items to discuss at the meeting.
  • Playground equipment - waiting for the weather to get nicer.
  • Final inspections of HS project - reminder that 3/4 of the way through they need to change electricians.  New electricians found problems and are correcting.   This is why we bond these contracts, so we have no additional cost.
  • HS roof - parts weren't included in original renovation.  Looking at bids now.
  • Chester County Waste Authority
  • Building security - purchasing security gates for Elementary school and between Jr. & Sr. High School
  • Water treatment plant - lights & eye washing stations
  • Leak in faculty lounge of Jr. High - repaired
  • CO monitors - getting info
  • New bathroom partitions
  • Cell tower - sitting tight on contract.  It was a 25 year contract - about half-way through.
  • Scissor lift - currently pay $659 each time we need to rent.  Looking at feasibility of purchasing for $4,600
  • Reviewed priority list.
  • Althouse contract ends 6/2013.  They are looking at ways to cut costs.
  • There have been requests for used furniture
  • Field development - next week's agenda item - bleachers.  Will read "not to exceed $250,000", even though it may be less.  Need to leave room for prevailing wage.
Dr. Melton wanted to clarify that the bleachers would go to a vote.

8. Education Committee Report
Mr. Norris stated that the last meeting occurred on 2/25.  They looked at the Comprehensive (Strategic) plan.  Ms. Wilson had discussed Learning Focused Schools.  They reviewed data on inclusion students (the effectiveness and benefits of the way we handle it).  Mr. Rohrer reported on the iPad initiative.  Mr. Norris also reported on an anti-bullying program, Rachel's Challenge.  They are looking for grants to implement.  There will be an agricultural mobile lab June 3 - 7th.  They are looking for private sector funding.

9. Other Items/Concerns
Ms. Bowman reported on the Chester County School Board Legislative Council Meeting.  Almost every school district in Chester County was represented.  Everyone is facing the same issues.  There will be a website soon. 

The Governor's budget has flat-funded Special Education for the past 6 years.  They are developing a contingency fund from that money.  Districts will have to apply for it.  So, districts will initially be receiving less funds.  No other funding has been restored.

There are 3 House Bills and 2 Senate Bills related to Charter School funding.

10. Visitors’ Comments – General                  
Scott Grimes (Parkesburg) - gave an update on field development.   Eckman's received notification that the information provided was sufficient and was okay by the Chester County Conservation Environment group.   They will begin work 4/22, if okayed by the Board.   Permits & licences will be on file w/ Mr. Carsley.

As a taxpayer and a parent, I feel very fortunate and have received a good ROI for my children's education as a whole.   I have one who has graduate college & is gainfully employed.  The second is a freshman at college.  Both attended/attend private colleges and the resume they built here helped them do that.   The combination of arts, athletics, and academics built that resume.  I am pleased with the investment of my tax dollars.

11. Administrator Comments/Announcements
Mr. Rohrer said he would give information on structured study hall and the RISE program in the future.

Ms. Wilson let everyone know that this Thurday at OIS is Family Math Night for K-6.  It will be held from 6-8 pm.   There will be math games.

Dr. Newcome responded to Mr. Ganow's request for graduation rates.  This was discussed at the Nov. 2012 Board meeting.  At that time he explained there were errors in data submission that caused problems.  They discovered them too late to correct the errors.  Our numbers will be skewed because of that bad data for a while.   The 2011/12 reported number is 84.62.  Dr. Newcome believe that is incorrect.  He thinks it is closer to 92%.  He apologizes for the error.  We consistently have 7 - 12 students drop out - dependent on number of students in the class.  The State uses a different formula now.

If a student moves to Florida & we don't receive the proper paperwork, it looks bad.  We are going to be more diligent in going after that paperwork.

Graduation rates

He had a good meeting with Mr. Alexander.

If the board had replaced the 30 positions eliminated through attrition, it would have replaced them with lower paid teachers.  That would have reduced the average salary, but would not have controlled costs.

He takes issue with Mr. Alexander stating that the districts was only looking out for future students and not those currently enrolled.  The building project and the Career & Technical Education classes added target current students.  Many of those students are those who previously were not successful.   Our staff works hard and is very talented.  We are fortunate to have the staff that we do.  They are looking at why some are not successful.

Looking at controllable costs - for the 2003/04 school year, salaries increase 2.7%.  Between 2006 and 2009, they increased $1.9 million.  From 2009 to 2013 they increased $180,000.   

Reminder that people are invited to Mr. Carsley's presentation.

Agricultural fair will be held 4/13 from 9-12. 

12. Board Comments
Mr. Norris reminds everyone that the Sound of Music will be presented this weekend.

He noted that Mr. Alexander called it a moral issue.  That implies that the Board is immoral & he takes offense to that.

Mr. Hume believes they need to take a closer look at our inclusion program.  Ms. Bowman stated that it is being reviewed in the Education Committee.

Ms. Bowman said that there has been a 168% increase in pension expense.  If we were a business, we could look at ways to lower that, but we don't have that option.

Ms. Bowman's quote of the night (although I might not have the exact wording) - "If we were a business, we would not be compelled to pay for our competition to service our customers and we would not be forced to pay for them to be transported there."

We are solving for the impossible.

To end on a high note, the newsletters recently published were wonderful.

13. Adjournment

  Facility Committee Meeting – Monday, March 11, 2013 – 6:00 p.m. in the District   Office Conference Room

Executive Session for personnel – Monday, March 11, 2013 – Following the Work Session in the District Office Conference Room

 Finance Committee Meeting – Monday, March 18, 2013 – 6:00 p.m. in the Jr. High  School Multi-Purpose Room

Next regularly scheduled Board Meeting – Monday, March 18, 2013 – 7:30 p.m. in the Jr. High School Multi-Purpose Room

Education Committee Meeting – Monday, March 25, 2013 – 6:00 p.m. in the District Office Conference Room