Tuesday, December 13, 2011

School Board Meeting 12/12/2011

December 12, 2011– 7:30 p.m.
Jr./Sr. High School Multi-Purpose Room


1. Lord’s Prayer

2.Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag

3.Roll Call

All present.
4. Approval of Minutes from the Work Session of November 14, 2011, and the Regular Meeting of November 21, 2011.


Mr. Butch (Student Council Advisor) thanked the Board for their support in sending students to the PSCA conference.  One of the topics covered was education fundiing & budgeting.  Groups presented proposals to a mock school board.

He presented t-shirts to Ms. Bowman, Dr. Newcome & Mr. Rohrer that show support for  public education.

A. Budget

Mr. Carsley had distributed  preliminary budget figures to the Board.  By law (Act 1), the Board must approve a preliminary budget.  Total expenses in this budget are approx. $47.6 million.   This is about a $1 million increase over the current year. 

Chester County          37.92     7.48% increase
Lancaster County       28.44     0.24% increase

The index is 2.2% .

This needs to be approved to start working on the budget.

Mr. Ganow asked Mr. Carsley to explain the index vs. where we are now.

Mr. Carsley said that 2.2% is the amount the district is permitted to raise taxes.  This is applied to the millage, not the expense numbers.

A rebalancing takes place each year.   For example, Chester County mills are at 35.28.  With the rebalancing, the mills would go to 35.87.  You would apply the 2.2% to the rebalanced mills.   This would mean an allowable rate of 36.66 in Chester County.

Mr. Ganow said the budget as currently presented would need referendum.

Mr. Carsley said that work needs to be done to bring the amount down.

Mr. Norris asked about the reassessed values in Chester & Lancaster counties.

Mr. Carsley said that the assessed value has decrease $ 2,183,000.   $ 1.8 million of the decrease occurred in Lancaster County.   The current market values determine the ratio.

2011-12 ratio     77:23   Chester County: Lancaster County
2012-13 ratio     79:21   Chester County:Lancaster County

Chester County will absorb more of the tax increase than Lancaster County will.  Depending on where the totals come in, Lancaster County could actually see a decrease.

Mr. Norris asked where the preliminary budget started last year.  Mr. Carsley replied that it was a $ 1.8 million increase.   In the end, expenses were decreased over prior year.

We don't currently know the state revenue, benefit dollars, etc.

Updates will be provided.

Ms. Bowman said that the District has to show a balanced budget next month.  The only way to show that at this time is by increasing mills.   That increase will go down as they work through the budget over the next several months.

6. Information Items


7.Treasurer’s Report
A. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve
Ms. Johnson gave the report.  Approved.

8.Business Manager’s Report
A. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve the list of bills for payment.

Mr. Carsley gave the report.    Mr. Hume had a question about credit card payment.  Mr. Carsley will get the details for Mr. Hume.


9. Visitors’ Comments - Agenda Items Only


10.Recommended Action Items: (Italicized items are new; they were not on the December 5, 2011 agenda.)

A - F Approved.
A. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve the Resolution authorizing the Proposed Preliminary Budget Display and Advertising and Authorizing Referendum Exception.

B. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve the Resolution requesting fees charged by the Chester County Tax Collection Bureau be waived when the District or a third party collects delinquent taxes.

C. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve the annual financial audit report of the District for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2011 as prepared by the auditing firm of Herbein & Company.

Hiring Approvals:

D. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve the following supplemental contract for the 2011-2012 school year: William Rudick Jr. High Wrestling Coach 4 pts @ $570 $2,280

E. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve Ms. Mary Cassidy, Mr. Gary Gawin, Ms. Cheryl Coughlin, and Ms. Amy Oster as volunteer swim coaches for the winter sports season. Four Octorara Area High School students will participate in the Ches-Mont League on an exhibition basis when a lane is available.

F. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve the following substitute teacher for the 2011-2012 school year:
Judeth Macrina (Health, PE)

G. That the Octorara Board of School Directors accept the resignation of Ms. Karen Gallagher as an instructional assistant in the Alternative Education Program at the Octorara Area Sr. High School effective December 22, 2011. (Hired August 30, 2010)


H. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve Ms. Alison Venini as a long term substitute sixth grade teacher at the Octorara Intermediate School from January 3, 2012 to March 27, 2012. Ms. Venini’s rate will be $140 per day. (Replacing Amanda King who will be on child rearing leave.)


I. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve Ms. Teresa Cassel as a long term substitute instructional assistant at the Octorara Elementary School effective December 2, 2011 through January 3, 2012. Ms. Cassel’s rate will be $10.50 per hour. (Replacing a medical leave.)


J. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve the request for an unpaid leave of absence for Ms. Charlotte Bridges for the purpose of student teaching effective January 3, 2012 through March 30, 2012. Ms Bridges is an ESL Instructional Assistant at the Octorara Primary Learning Center.

11. Finance/Policy Committee Report

Ms. Johnson reported on the Finance meeting.  They did not go over any policies.

They reviewed the preliminary budget with Mr. Carsley.  They asked Mr. Carsley to check with other institutions  re: some upcoming contracts.

Ms. Bowman reminded everyone that Committee meetings are open to the public.

12. I.U./C.A.T. Board Representative’s Report

Mr. Stoltzfus said that they are not meeting in December. They will be meeting in January & will be voting on what to do with the CAT-Brandywine building.

13. Old Business

Dr. Newcome worked on the questions asked by Mr. Ganow last month re:  cost of turf vs. resodding + maintenance.

I will be posting the detailed DRAFT memo later this week.

He listed 5 options.

Option #1  Status Quo 
  • Would cost $20,000 per year.  Cost over 10 years $ 200,000.
Option #2  Status Quo - no football on the field
  • Would cost $20,000 per year.
  • Pay for rented space for football
  • 10 year cost = $ 324,000 
Option #3A  Partial Sod Restoration w/ manual sprinkler
  • $ 150,000 + $20,000 per year
  • 10 year cost = $ 500,000
Option #3B  Partial Sod Restoration w/ automated sprinkler system
  • $ 300,000 + $20,000 per year
  • 10 year cost = $800,000
Option #3C  Synthetic Turf Renovation
  • $800,000
  • 10 year cost = $800,000
Dr. Newcome went over the options.  He warned that the District probably shouldn't spend money on grass if it isn't going to be watered.   An automatic sprinkler system would be best.

Under option 3C, would need to work on track - which needs work anyway.

He is not yet willling to put out a recommendation.

If the field option 3A or 3B are chosen, there would need to be some level of resodding every 3 years or so  - if we want to maintain it at a good level.

The replacement cost of synthetic turf is approx. $300,000 because all of the infrastructure would be in place.

Mr. Ganow commented that he had a feeling that resodding would end up costing about as much as synthetic turf.  That is why he asked the question.

Mr. Norris asked about the coaches' feelings about safety with turf.   Dr. Newcome said he has not talked with the coaches yet, but there are conflicting reports about safety.

Mr. Norris said that we need to at least consider it, to allow the maximum number of kids to participate.  We don't want to have to deal with weather like this fall.  He asked about scheduling issues for PE, if we limit access to the grass field.   Dr. Newcome said there are plenty of fields to use for PE.

Multiple sports could use the highest possible upgrade.

Mr. Norris shared that one of his clients had recently installed a turf field & saw an increase in revenue due to more people wanted to rent the space and the amount they could charge for the rental.   There was also an increase in sponsorships.

Mr. Stoltzfus asked Mr. Rohrer to talk to the athletes about their feelings.

Dr. Newcome said that ideally, the booster organizations would help fund.  He'd like to get some sort of committment from them.

  • This should be a topic at the next several facilities meetings
  • Need to act on a decision
  • Do not want to wait until August.
  • Want to keep the process moving.
Mr. McCartney shared that one of his constituents had stopped by his house & raised concerns that the soccer club had developed the field and put a lot of money into it.  Dr. Newcome said that it was completely true.  The soccer folks have put a lot into the field.

Mr. Hume was concerned about spending this money on fields instead of academics because of our PSSA scores.

Ms. Bowman said the conversation needs to continue.   Can the boosters help?  Will we need to do something with the bleachers?  Will we need tighter control with the fencing?

Dr. Newcome asked for some direction - he believes he needs to talk with coaches, boosters and students.  He's not hearing anyone say that any option should be dismissed.

Mr. Norris said that he feels "Status Quo" is not acceptable.   We can't do this with any kind of weather.  Dr. Newcome said it would be a challenge even with ideal weather.

Mr. Hume questioned whether we need sports.  The Board needs to put pressure to bring up scores.

Ms. Bowman emphasized that this is a conversation.   It may not be economically feasible, but we need to explore it.



New Business


Other Items and Announcements


Visitors’ Comments – General


Administrator Comments/Announcements


Board Comments


Adjournment Finance/Policy Committee Meeting – Monday, December 12, 2011 – 6:00 p.m. in the District Office Conference Room

Executive Session for personnel – Monday, December 12, 2011 – Following the Regular Meeting in the District Office Conference Room

Facility Committee Meeting – Monday, January 9, 2012 – 6:30 p.m. in the District Office Conference Room

Next regularly scheduled Work Session – Monday, January 9, 2012 – 7:30 p.m. in the Octorara Jr./Sr. High School Multi-Purpose Room


Finance/Policy Committee Meeting – Monday, January 16, 2012 – 6:30 p.m. in the District Office Conference Room

Next regularly scheduled Board Meeting – Monday, January 16, 2012– 7:30 p.m. in the Octorara Jr./Sr. High School Multi-Purpose Room


Wednesday, November 16, 2011

School Board Work Session 11/14/2011

November 14, 2011 – 7:30 p.m.
Jr./Sr. High School Multi-Purpose Room


1. Lord’s Prayer

2. Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag

3.Roll Call

All present.

4. Presentations

A. Octorara Heroes

Before the Heroes presentation, Dr. Newcome presented honor roll certificates from the Pennsylvania School Board Association to Linda Bicking, John Malone & Brian Norris for 8 years of service.  The Association awards certificates for 8, 12, 16 & 20 years of service.

Dr. Bishop gave some background on the Heroes program.  She thanked the Board for allowing it to continue for another year.  It began as a mentoring program for elementary students.  Seniors meet with fourth grade students.  Ms. Federicci and Ms. Moran run the program.  She thanked those who came with the students (parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, friends).  Ms. Federicci presented the cards to the students.

Ms. Bowman commented that "this is what it is all about". 

Dr. Newcome wanted to mention that one of the students was missing the meeting.  Chris MacCauley showed his Grand Champion Suffolk ewe for the Supreme Champion Ewe of the North American Livestock Expo in Louisville, KY.  His ewe was name Supreme Champion of the Junior Show.

5.Visitors’ Comments - Agenda Items Only

6.Information Items:

7.Presentation of Agenda Items for the November 21, 2011 Regular Monthly Public Meeting:

A. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve the Local Advisory Committee for the Career and Technical Programs (CTP) for the Octorara Area Junior-Senior High School.

Dr. Newcome stated that one of the requirements to become state certified is to have an advisory committee.  There is a committment of approx. 4 days per year (1/2 day ).

Ms. Bowman said there would be an open house on Nov. 30.

Dr. Newcome invited everyone to come to see what is going on.
B. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve the Lease Purchase Agreement between US Bancorp and the Octorara Area School District for the purchase of a Konica C452 copier from Edwards Business Systems for the Primary Learning Center. Payment is 48 payments at $151.00 each for a total of $7,248.00.

C. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve the following policies, second reading: 001 - Name and Classification, 002 – Authority and Powers, 003 – Functions, 004 – Membership, 005 – Organization, 006 – Meetings, 007 – Distribution, 008 – Organization Line and Staff Regulations, 011 – Board Governance Standards/Code of Conduct, 618 – Student Activity Groups/Clubs, 707 – Use of Public School Facilities, 915 – Booster Organizations

See October entry:  District Policies with Changes

Resignation Approvals:

D. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve, with regret, the resignation of Ms. Maxine London as a Title I Instructional Assistant at the Octorara Elementary School for the purpose of retirement effective December 22, 2011. (Hired May 15, 1997)

E. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve the resignation of Ms. Robin Elias as an Instructional Assistant at the Octorara Elementary School effective November 17, 2011. (Hired August 31, 2009)

Mr. Ganow had a question about this resignation.  It appears that Ms. Elias is going to Solanco.  Dr. Newcome said she is a certified teacher and got a position at Solanco.
F. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve the resignation of Ms. Bethann Sweigart as a cafeteria employee at the Primary Learning Center effective November 8, 2011. (Hired February 1, 2007)

Hiring Approvals:

G. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve Mr. Matthew Reinert as a long term substitute Health/PE teacher at the Octorara Area Sr. High School effective October 3, 2011 through June 8, 2012 pending completion of employee related documents required by law and the District. Mr. Reinert’s salary will be $46,914 pro­rated which is step 1 of the Bachelor’s Scale. (Replacing Tom Hurley who resigned.)

H. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve the following substitute teachers for the 2011-2012 school year:
Curtis Sebastian (Emergency)

I. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve the following substitute support personnel for the 2011-2012 school year:
Pamela Supplee (Cafeteria)
Bradley Kemper (Cafeteria)

J. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve the following suppleme ntal contracts for the 2011-2012 school year:

Adam Udell Mentor Nina Thawaites 1 pt @ $570 $570

K. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve Michele King, Robin Elias, and Shannon Julius as cheerleading coaches for the 2011-2012 season. They will evenly divide 13 points at $570 per point for a total of $2,470 each.

L. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve the following changes in supplemental contracts for the 2011-2012 school year:

Jeff Butch    Student Council Advisor                3 pts to 6 pts $3,420
 Deb Atkins Student Council to Character Club 3 pts to 2 pts $1,140

M. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve Ms. Amanda King’s request for unpaid Family Medical Leave for the purpose of child rearing from approximately February 15, 2012 through March 27, 2012. Ms. King is a sixth grade teacher at the Octorara Intermediate School.

8. Facilities Committee Report

Mr. Stoltzfus said that the committee met tonight.  They received an update on finalizing the construction.  They are working on the punch list.  There are some remaining items.   They may have a fix for the water getting into the band room & the studio.  They are looking at putting a sump pump into the crawl space.    The cost is $ 10,000 - $ 20,000 because of the location, electric hookup, etc. 

Fall Fest raised approx. $ 5,380.  This will be split between Octorara Community Cares & the sports clubs. 

There are not a lot of people using the Fitness Center.  They may just keep it for school use.

The middle school (jr. high) roof is finished.

The assessment appeal resulted in less of a loss than anticipated.

The money for the high school renovation was borrowed in stages.  For the last stage, a little more was borrowed than the estimated need (as a cushion) because they knew they would need to repair the middle school roof.  There will be about $ 3,000,000 left after all the bills are paid.   Legally, the district can either use it to return to the bonds issued or use for additional construction projects.   The distict cannot put it toward the bonds, because there are none coming due.  They are looking at various issues:
1) Middle school roof
2) Brick work at the middle school (jr. high)
3) Carpet/floor issues at the PLC
4)Jr. High & elementary school are not air conditioned
5) HS track repair
6) School sign needs work

The middle school roof could take a good portion of the money. 

The first borrowing was $37 million (2006).  The 2nd & 3rd were $10 million each.  The original amount slated for the 4th borrowing was another $10 million.  We borrowed $ 7.5 million.

Dr. Newcome stated that Mr. Norris thinks the track repairs should be looked at in conjunction with the field.

9.Other Items/Concerns


10.Visitors’ Comments – General

11.Administrator Comments/Announcements

Mr. Harmer said that FROG night will be this Thurs.  All 3 elementary buildings will be participating.

Dr. Newcome handed out a notebook to Board members with remaining terms.  These are like the ones he gave the incoming new board members.

He mentioned the Career & Technical Open House again.  We need to market our programs.

He gave some information to the Board concerning the Summer Literacy Program.   He needs their input over the next couple of months.  Last summer 284 students attended at a cost of $ 157,000.    The student breakdown was:

129  Title I
11    504 agreement
81   IEP
63   Regular Education.

They used $ 20,000 of Title I money and $ 16,500 of stimulus money.  This $ 36,500 offset the $ 157,000 for a net of $ 121,000.  They are legally required to offer an extended school year for approx 90 students at a cost of $ 80,000.

The program runs 5 weeks.   There is no quibbling that it is a good program.  This needs to be a budget discussion.  We need to start the process in January if we are going to do a summer program.

Ms. Bowman asked if there is a fee for the non-required students.

Ms. Wilson said that she couldn't give an exact figure at the moment, but she will get it.  It depends on the number of weeks the student is attending.

Ms. Michalowski commented that we are required to offer it, but the students are not required to attend.

Dr. Bishop said that the cost varies.  The District has given out scholarships to families with large numbers of children or who qualify for free & reduced lunch.  They use funds from Title I and Title IIA.  As funding dwindles, Ms. Welsh (who runs the program) is looking at the effectiveness.  She is making reading score comparisons. 

Mr. Ganow asked how much more for the additional students.  Dr. Newcome said that it is approx. $ 80,000  (approx. $500 per student).

Mr. Norris asked what the lead time is for responses.  Ms. Wilson said the work begins in January.  The registration forms go out in February.

Dr. Newcome's second item:

He met last week w/ Paul Solomon & Chip Smallwood regarding the soccer field.  He wanted to discuss what needed to be done if football was to also play on that field.    Some points were clarified.

Ideal would be artificial turf - estimated cost $ 600,000 - $ 800,000.

If grass:
1) Need to keep people off the field when it isn't being used for games.
2)  Resod field.
3) Drainage issues
     The field would need to be crowned.  Acceptable crowning for soccer is 6-12 inches.  Acceptable crowning for football is 12 - 18 inches.
4) Adequate sprinkler system.
5) Maintain yearly, including fertilizing.
6) Quality sideline mats for football

The low end cost is $ 150,000; high end is $ 300,000.

Mr. Ganow said he needed more concrete numbers.  He'd like to see the ongoing costs of grass.  He would also like to see costs of artificial turf.

Ms. Bowman said we need to see what we have to do to get ready for next year.

Mr. Stoltzfus said that when the renovation plans were being made, the stadium was dropped.  If we work on the field, are the bleachers going to be an issue?

Dr. Newcome said that our insurance carrier wants us to do something about the bleachers now.

Mr. Carsley said that the insurance company would like to see at the very least, the gaps closed in.  The signs for "Family Seating" is a result of the insurance company.  They want the kids to stay low.

Mr. Stoltzfus asked if we would get a reduction in insurance costs.  Mr. Carsley said the savings would not be significant.

Dr. Newcome discussed the fact that international and college soccer games are played on grass. 

12.Board Comments

Mr. Malone said that he would not be at the meeting next week, so this will be his last meeting.  He stated that it has been an honor to work with the Administration, School Board & Staff.   He also had praise for the play Saturday night.  It was terrific.

Ms. Bowman thanked him for his service.  She agreed that the play was "absolutely phenomenal".

Mr. Hume said he received a letter from Sen. Pileggi.  He thought he was a friend of the public school system, but apparently not.    He voted for the bill that will take money from the public school system & transferring it to charter & private schools.

Mr. Ganow said that he was sorry that this was Mr. Malone's last meeting.  He read a list of what he thinks makes an effective vs. less-effective board member.


Facility Committee Meeting – Monday, November 14, 2011 – 6:00 p.m. in the District Office Conference Room

Executive Session for personnel – Monday, November 14, 2011 – Following the Work Session in the District Office Conference Room

Finance/Policy Committee Meeting – Monday, November 21, 2011 – 6:30 p.m. in the District Office Conference Room

Next regularly scheduled Board Meeting – Monday, November 21, 2011– 7:30 p.m. in the Octorara Jr./Sr. High School Multi-Purpose Room

Friday, October 28, 2011

Senate narrowly passes school choice bill -Daily Local News 10/27/2011

Senate narrowly passes school choice bill

Thursday, October 27, 2011

By Eric Boehm
PA Independent

HARRISBURG — A bill creating and expanding school choice options for Pennsylvania students passed the state Senate with a vote of 27-22 on Wednesday afternoon.

The bill would:
• Create a public school voucher program for students from low-income families;
• Expand an educational scholarship program used by some students to attend nonpublic schools;
• Institute financial and academic standards for the state’s system of public charter schools.

The final vote capped 10 months of work on the bill in the state Senate. The proposal now moves to the state House for consideration.

The voucher plan is the key point in the legislation and Gov. Tom Corbett’s top priority for the fall session. It is targeted for students in the state’s 144 failing public schools, as defined by the state Department of Education.

According to a fiscal analysis by the state Senate, the voucher program will cost about $16 million in the first year based on an estimated 3 percent of eligible students using the full voucher. That cost will increase to $96 million by the fourth year when an estimated 9 percent of eligible students are expected to use the full voucher.

State-level funding for school districts is expected to redirect $15 million from the school districts in the first year of the voucher program, and then $34 million in the fourth year, which is as far as the Senate analysis projection went.

Pennsylvania spent $26 billion in federal, state and local tax dollars on education last year.

State Sen. Judy Schwank, D-Berks, said voucher program would hurt poor districts.

“This bill is not about school choice. In fact, our public schools will only suffer under this legislation,” Schwank said.

Teacher unions also opposed the bill, because the voucher would direct a portion of state-level public school funding to the voucher program.

Michael Crossey, president of the Pennsylvania State Education Association, the state’s largest teachers’ union, said the bill was “definitely taking public education in the wrong direction.”

Pennsylvania public schools took a $900-million cut in this year’s state budget, due to declining state revenue and Republicans’ desire to rein in spending.

“This is about students and nobody else,” said state Sen. Anthony Williams, D-Philadelphia, a co-sponsor of the bill and one of three Democrats to vote for it. “We’re not taking money away from the schools. The reason parents want to take their children out of a school is because that school doesn’t work.”

In the failing schools, students from families earning less than $29,000 annually will be eligible for the full vouchers and families making less than $41,000 annually will be eligible for a partial voucher.

In the 17 districts with the 144 failing schools, the voucher’s value will range from $5,700 to $13,000 depending on the district. The average voucher would be about $7,700.

Of an estimated 70,000 eligible students, about 2,200 will use the vouchers in the first year, according to Senate estimates.

In the second year, when eligibility expands to students who attend nonpublic schools but are in the geographic area of the 144 failing schools, an estimated 3,600 public school students and 7,000 nonpublic school students will use the vouchers.

The bill also expands the 10-year-old Educational Improvement Tax Credit program that provides scholarships to students from low-income families and is funded by corporate contributions. The EITC will grow from $75 million this year to $100 million in next year’s budget and $125 million in the following year. The EITC would continue to expand by 5 percent annually thereafter.

State Sen. Jeff Piccola, R-Dauphin, chairman of the Senate Education Committee, said the EITC expansion will double the 40,000 student who participate in the scholarship program to 80,000.

The bill also contains reforms to the state’s charter schools to require more financial transparency, including annual audits and stiffer academic standards, such as requiring more standardized testing.

Democrats and Republicans praised the expansion of the EITC to allow more students to benefit from scholarships, and the charter school accountability measures, which members said were necessary for better oversight of the growing system of charter schools.

The final vote on the bill was mostly along party lines, with three Democrats joining with 24 Republicans to approve the measure. Republicans hold a 30-20 majority in the state Senate.

URL: http://www.dailylocal.com/articles/2011/10/28/news/doc4ea9d37938f6c413806219.prt
© 2011 dailylocal.com, a Journal Register Property

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

School Board Meeting 10/17/2011

October 17, 2011– 7:30 p.m.
Jr./Sr. High School Multi-Purpose Room

1. Lord’s Prayer

2.Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag

3.Roll Call

All present.
4.Approval of Minutes from the Work Session of September 12, 2011, and the Regular Meeting of September 19, 2011.

Mr. McCartney said that the quote attributed to him on page 5 of the Sept. 12th minutes is not exactly what he said.

Mr. Ganow asked that the line be removed from the minutes.




6. Information Items

7. Treasurer’s Report

A. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve the General Fund Report for period ending September 30, 2011.

Mr. Malone presented. Approved.

8. Business Manager’s Report

A. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve the list of bills for payment.

Mr. Carsley presented.  Approved.

9. Visitors’ Comments - Agenda Items Only

Larry Lavenberg (Atglen) - He is requesting a roll call vote for Item R.  If approved, please give a brief review of what approved. 

10.Eecommended Action Items: (Italicized items are new; they were not on the October 10, 2011 agenda.)

A-O:  Mr. Ganow asked if the substitute nurse is considered a teacher.  Dr. Newcome said "yes".

A. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve the Transportation Contract between the Linville Hill Mennonite School and the Octorara Area School District for the 2011-2012 school year.

B. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve the school bus run by the Linville Hill Mennonite School for the 2011-2012 school year.

C. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve Ms. Kimberly Huggins as a school bus driver employed by Linville Hill Mennonite School for the 2011-2012 school year.

D. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve the agreement between the Arc of Chester County and the Octorara Area School District for the 2011-2012 school year.

E. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve the Earned Income Tax Resolution as required by Act 32.

F. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve the following student activity requests at the Octorara Sr. High School:
Class of 2015
Sign Language Club
Family, Career and Community Leaders of America (FCCLA)

G. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve the following policies, first reading: 001 - Name and Classification, 002 – Authority and Powers, 003 – Functions, 004 – Membership, 005 – Organization, 006 – Meetings, 007 – Distribution, 008 – Organization Line and Staff Regulations, 011 – Board Governance Standards/Code of Conduct, 618 – Student Activity Groups/Clubs, 707 – Use of Public School Facilities, 915 – Booster Organizations

Resignation Approvals:

H. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve the resignation of Mr. Nicholas Kluge as yearbook advisor at the Octorara Elementary School effective September 12, 2011. (Hired January 19, 2009)

I. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve the resignation of Mr. Thomas Hurley as Health/PE teacher at the Octorara Sr. High School effective October 3, 2011. (Hired January 2, 1997)

Hiring Approvals:

J. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve Ms. Theresa Rudick as a computer technician for the District effective September 26, 2011 pending completion of employee related documents required by law and the District. Ms. Rudick’s rate will be $10.50 per hour for four hours per day.

K. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve the following substitute teachers for the 2011-2012 school year:
Caitlin Cellini (Elementary, Middle School Math)
Pamela Dorton (Elementary)
Stacey Hoopes (Elementary)
Lisa Budzik (Librarian)
Ashley Sosack (Elementary, Special Ed)
Susan Constable (Nurse)

L. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve the following substitute support personnel for the 2011-2012 school year:
Tina Housman (Instructional Assistant)
Melissa Ogburn (Instructional Assistant)
Susan Simpson (Instructional Assistant, Secretary)
Kathleen DeLia (Cafeteria)
Laura Ross (Instructional Assistant)
Emily Creighton (Instructional Assistant)

M. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve the supplemental contract for Mr. Joe Lynch as Octorara Elementary School yearbook advisor for the 2011-2012 school year at one point at $570. (Replacing Nicholas Kluge who resigned.)

N. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve the following substitute cafeteria staff to become permanent staff effective October 3, 2011 at the rate of $8.50 per hour:
Danise Miller (Replacing Ashley Smith)
Diane Vinson (Replacing Mary Weigher)
Joan Shupe (Replacing Bonnie Fuller)

O. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve the following changes in salary due to graduate credits earned:
Jennifer George From M ($55,102) to M+15 ($59,906) Step 6
Kelly Wetzel From M+30 ($62,632) to M+45 ($65,484) Step 3

P. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve the following change orders:
407-02 DeGol - Additional floor prep in area E $2,893.75
410-01 All Walls & Ceilings – Replace water damaged ceiling tiles (will be billed to contractors) $ 760.00

Q. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve Ms. Barbara Scarcelle as a Title I Reading Assistant at the Octorara Jr. High School effective October 14, 2011 pending completion of employee related documents required by law and the District. Ms. Scarcelle’s rate will be $11.65 per hour. (Replacing Judith Lion who resigned.)

R. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve the Collective Bargaining Agreement with the Octorara Area Education Association for the period July 1, 2011 through June 30, 2014 as recommended by the Board Negotiating Team.

Roll call vote:
Bicking - Yes
Bowman - Yes
Ganow - Yes
Hume - No
Johnson - Yes
Malone - Yes
McCartney - No
Norris - Yes
Stoltzfus - Yes

There were 4 Board members on the negotiating team (Bowman, Ganow, Johnson, Norris).  They met several times, along with the Superintendent, Business Manager, Benefits Manager, and the OAEA.  They reported to the Board.  (See press release published last week for details)  If there are questions,please ask the negotiating team.

One goal was to control wage increases, given the economy.  Another goal was to gain control of healthcare costs.  There is a plan design change, as well as increases in premiums and co-pays.  Every month that this contract is not approved, the district is losing money.  It will slow down the movement in steps.

Mr. Norris said that as a member of the team, he wanted to thank the negotiating team.  It was refreshing.

Mr. Hume thanked the negotiating committee.    They did an excellent job in negotiations.  But there will still be an increase in costs.

Mr. Ganow made some clarifications to what was presented. 

Mr. McCartney asked about 403.5 on page 23.  He questioned the teacher's negotiators meeting with the Superintendent six times per year.   Dr. Newcome said this has been in the contract since 1993.  They address concerns and interests before they become problems.

Ms. Bowman asked Mr. Udell to confirm the ratification.  Mr. Adam Udell was the chief negotiator for the teachers.  It was ratified with a "yes" vote of 95%.

Ms. Bowman thanked them for recognizing the financial difficulty the District faces.  She read a joint press release. 

S. That the Octorara School Board of Directors accept the resignation of Theresa Kelleher as Head Cheerleader Coach effective 9/27/2011.


T. That the Octorara School Board of Directors accept Mary Cassidy, Cheryl Coughlin, Gary Gawin and Amy Oster as Parent Swim Coaches.


Mr. Ganow mentioned an article in the High School newspaper concerning Cierra Runge being in the Olympic swimming trials.  That is outstanding.

11. Finance/Policy Committee Report

Mr. Carsley reported that the Finance/Policy Committee met before this meeting.  They reviewed budget information for next year.  They also reviewed the policies above for the 2nd reading.

The Lancaster County Tax Collection Bureau provided projected revenues for next school year.

12. I.U./C.A.T. Board Representative’s Report
The meeting will be Wednesday.  Mr. Stoltzfus will forward the report after the meeting.  He discussed what they have been working on.  The Authority Board is looking at what to do with a building in Coatesville that was replaced by a renovated building in Downingtown.  The building in Coatesville will be vacant next fall.  There are 3 options they are looking at.  The option they will probably go with will involve renovation & renting out part of the building to other tenants.  He will know more by January 2012.

Dr. Newcome said if he hears any updates, he will inform the Board.

13. Old Business


14. New Business


15. Other Items and Announcements


16. Visitors’ Comments – General

Joan Agen (Parkesburg) had some comments/questions re: Fall Festival.  She was proud of the families who participated.  She commended Mr. Propper for coordinating.  She asked if they knew how much money was made.  It was a great first start.

Paige Brown (Atglen) wanted to talk about the condition of the soccer field.  She felt it was disrespectful to the soccer players that the football team played on the wet field and did not fix it before the next soccer game.  Both teams have a chance to go to districts.  The field is dangerous and it is not fair.

17. Administrator Comments/Announcements
Joe Mattis (Student Council Rep) - They are still trying to raise more money toward the statue.  They are working on some new ideas. 

Family Fun night will be held 10/28 at the High School.  It is a great time.  There are different rooms sponsored by different clubs.

Dr. Newcome reminded the Board to "Save The Date" - 11/20 is the Memorial Cove dedication.

We are back in budget season.

18. Board Comments
Mr. Ganow said he was proud to serve on the negotiating team.  They worked well together and each person brought something different to the team.

Mr. Hume thanked Joe Mattis for the letter he sent.  He also wanted to explain his "no" vote.  It was because of the financial situation.

Mr. McCartney also wanted to explain his "no" vote.  It wasn't because the contract had no value.  He also asked people to look at Agenda 21.

Mr. Stoltzfus thanked the negotiating team for a job "well done".  Oct. 27th is the National Honor Society Haunted Barn on his property.

Ms. Bowman spoke about the soccer field.  She said that it is there job to identify problems and solutions.  They need to provide as many opportunities as possible.  They need to manage the facilities better.  There have been things going around the internet concerning the field.

19. Adjournment Finance/Policy Committee Meeting – Monday, October 17, 2011 – 6:30 p.m. in the District Office Conference Room

Executive Session for personnel – Monday, October 17, 2011 – Following the Regular Meeting in the District Office Conference Room

Facility Committee Meeting – Monday, November 14, 2011 – 6:00 p.m. in the District Office Conference Room

Next regularly scheduled Work Session – Monday, November 14, 2011 – 7:30 p.m. in the Octorara Jr./Sr. High School Multi-Purpose Room

Finance/Policy Committee Meeting – Monday, November 21, 2011 – 6:30 p.m. in the District Office Conference Room

Next regularly scheduled Board Meeting – Monday, November 21, 2011– 7:30 p.m. in the Octorara Jr./Sr. High School Multi-Purpose Room

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Updated soccer field photos

The field album has been updated with 4 photos.  The soccer field was flattened (rolled) on Tues. Oct. 18, 2011.  Although, there still isn't enough grass on it, it is no longer dangerous.  It doesn't look too bad looking across.  If you walk on the field, it is still pretty slippery & is missing a lot of grass.  The major damage has been fixed.... and that is pretty much what was needed - to respect the other teams enough so they weren't in danger.  Thanks to those who helped make the field "flat" again.


Press Release Concerning Teachers' Contract

I thought it was important to get this out there, so I am posting in advance of my meeting notes being complete (which may take all week, because there are 3 girls' soccer games this week).


Octorara Area School District Board of Directors
Octorara Area Education Association

The Octorara Area School District Board of Directors voted on Monday, October 17, 2011 to approve an agreement with the Octorara Area Education Association. The agreement was ratified the previous week by the membership of the Octorara Area Education Association which represents two hundred one teachers, counselors and education specialists. Upon ratification by the Board of Directors, Adam Udell, representing the Association came forward to officially notify the public of the Association’s ratification of the agreement. The agreement is for the three year period starting July 1, 2011 and ending June 30, 2014.

The agreement calls for the following conditions related to salary and benefits:

          2011-12 Wage Freeze (No Movement On Salary Schedule)
          2012-13 1% Salary Increase Plus Movement For Seniority
          2013-14 1% Salary Increase Plus Movement For Seniority

Two items related to salary include the narrowing of types of courses that will be approved for course reimbursement and the restriction of movement on the salary schedule to one step every two years.


2011-12 Change In Medical Plan*
               Change In Prescription Plan*

*These changes reduce the District cost by increasing fees at the point of care for Association members.

2012-13 Increase In Health Benefit Premiums**

**These increases change contributions for an average Association member from approximately 3.5% to 8% for single coverage and 11% for family coverage.

The agreement is the result from ten months of hard work by the two parties, including fourteen face-to-face meetings and at least as many separate meetings by both parties amounting to over one hundred hours of deliberation by the negotiating teams. Both parties took the time to listen to the concerns of the other party while building trust and finding areas of compromise in an atmosphere of mutual respect. The Board of Directors and the Association believe this product, arrived at in this fashion, will benefit the students, families and tax payers of the Octorara Area School District.

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Letter I sent to the School Board regarding the condition of the soccer field

From Board Work Session minutes (6/13/2011): “He (Dr. Newcome) said the football team said they would do any repairs to the field for any soccer games that remain to be played.”

“The football boosters have been good stewards of the grounds.” (Lisa Bowman)

“He (Mr. Norris) trusts the football team will make the field suitable to play soccer the following week.”

From e-mails between myself & the School Board:
Mr. Norris: “We have been given assurances that if there is rain the game will be rescheduled.”

Questions asked by me & not answered in that email exchange: “How can we be certain the field will be fixed and playable in 2 days? I don’t know anyone who can grow grass in 2 days. ......What is the soccer team supposed to do if the field isn’t ready?”

Jack Mariano’s color commentary of the Friday night game in Parkesburg Today: “On a chilly, damp evening on a rain soaked field,..”

Octorara Field Hockey on facebook (10/14/2011): WETorara strikes again! Today's game against rival Unionville has been canceled.

See the pictures in the link below to see the progression of the deterioration of the field:

https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.2526458765972.236184.1388517241&type=1&l=59790307da    If the link does not take you directly there, please copy/paste into your web browser. The first few pictures are the field right before homecoming. The next 3 pictures are the field the day after homecoming. The rest are from after Friday night's game.

The field was never completely fixed after last season. There were large patches of dirt that got bigger after the homecoming football game. Those larger patches were not fixed and now we have the destruction of the field following the game Friday night, October 14, 2011.

The Board made assurances the field would be fixed and that the soccer teams would not suffer. The field has not been fixed: Not after last season, not after the homecoming game & not after Friday night’s game.

This District has made it quite clear between the Homecoming fiasco (where everyone else suffered inconvenience so that football could play on the soccer field) and now allowing football to play on a drenched soccer field when there were 4 days of home soccer games left in the season, that the only athletes who matter are the football players. The safety and dignity of the soccer players is not a concern to this District.

The Boys’ Soccer team had to play a game on that “field” at 1:00 p.m. the day after the field was destroyed. We are very fortunate that no one was seriously injured. But what might happen when the field dries out & those gouges harden? What happens when a soccer player’s foot gets stuck in one of those gouges? A broken ankle? A torn ACL?

The Soccer Club has spent tens of thousands of dollars and countless man hours to make that field the best grass soccer field in the county. It is now nothing more than a mud-hole.

The football team cannot possibly keep their word that the field would be fixed for the rest of the soccer season. And the soccer players will have to suffer for it. They do not deserve that.

Please keep this in mind when the football team asks next year to play on the soccer field during soccer season. I would certainly expect that the answer next year should be “no”.

District Policies with changes

Here are policies with suggested changes.   First reading to occur at Monday, October 17, 2011 meeting:
Policy 001 11.21.11

Policy 002 11.21.11

Policy 003 11.21.11

Policy 004 11.21.11

Policy 005 11.21.11

Policy 006 11.21.11

Policy 007 11.21.11

Policy 008 11.21.11

Policy 011 11.21.11

Policy 618 11.21.11

Policy 707 11.21.11

Policy 707-App A 11.21.11

Policy 915 11.21.11

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Work Session 10/10/2011

October 10, 2011 – 7:30 p.m.
Jr./Sr. High School Multi-Purpose Room


1. Lord’s Prayer

2.Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag

3.Roll Call

All Present.

A. Representative Bryan Cutler

State Representative Bryan Cutler who represents the Lancaster County portion of the District wanted to update the Board on what is happening in Harrisburg.

He noted that the state budget was passed on time for the first time in his tenure.  The budget is lower than prior budgets.  There were cuts to education and welfare.  They fought the steepness of the cuts.  He doesn't see things getting better any time soon.  Revenue is $200 million below budget currently.  They had budgeted 3% growth.

The State owes the Federal government several million dollars for unemployment.  The State will have to do further unemployment reform. 

School vouchers are a hot issue.  It is in the Senate.  No one knows what it will look like yet.

Cyber Charter Reform Bill - work in progress; they recognize the high cost to districts.

The House is taking up privatization of liquor stores and changes to the PLCB.  There would be an immediate infusion of capital into the state system.  They haven't determined where this would go:  education , infrastructure or both.

Marcellas gas proposal - The Governor's proposal keeps the money at the county level.    There is an increase of use of the local judicial system, roads, bridges, etc.

One of Mr. Cutler's concerns is that if we put forth school vouchers, people will expect them to "fix" public education.  He doesn't think they will.   Much more complicated than that. Vouchers will play a small part in reforms.  Things that need to happen are loosening of regulations & changes to the Earned Income Tax Credit.

A task force has been formed to look at the property tax issue.  Representative Cox asked Mr. Cutler to help draft legislation.

He was on a welfare task force.  They came up with 7 pieces of legislation.  Four were passed.

Nothing is off the table regarding school funding.

He knows Clean & Green affects Octorara.  There was a formal study commissioned after Dr. Newcome testified a couple of years ago. 

Area districts have different amounts of tax shifting:
Octorara       28%
Solanco        31%
Pequea         26%

This means that 28% of the total tax revenue comes out of protected properties & the burden gets shifted to other taxpayers.

Mr. Stoltzfus asked if anyone had torn apart Clean & Green to look at the original intent and what  has actually happened?   There are a lot of properties with 10+ acres that are hobby farms rather than actually making a living from them.

Mr. Cutler said that a lot of subdivisions have been made at the 10 acre level.   These properties get the tax deduction, even though they are not really farms.   Lots of laws have good intentions.

Twenty to thirty districts are significantly impacted.

May need to partner with urban areas for legislation.   Many urban areas lose tax revenue from 501(c)3 organizations.  Lancaster loses 30% between Clean & Green and non-profits.

Ms. Bowman said that sometimes people don't understand the tax shift.

The Labor Committee is looking at a menu of Prevailing Wage bills.  They are looking at everything from doing away with it to changing the definition to looking at individual trades by area.  We need a win on this.  There should be some action on it this fall.

He has some concerns about property rights in the Marcellas Shale and individual negotiating rights.

5.Visitors’ Comments - Agenda Items Only

Ken Knickerbocker (Parkesburg) - stated he appreciates the Board.  There needed to be transparency during the negotiations with the teachers' union.  Complete secrecy defeats the purpose & stops the conversation.   It gives the appearance there is something going on, even if there isn't.

Things were brought to a head when asked about when & how an announcement would be made regarding the contract.  There was a stone wall of silence.  Not sharing when an announcement would be made crossed a line.  He understands that it is a balancing act. 

Need some information so that when an announcement is made, we can support it.

6.Information Items:


7.Presentation of Agenda Items for the October 17, 2011 Regular Monthly Public Meeting:

A. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve the Transportation Contract between the Linville Hill Mennonite School and the Octorara Area School District for the 2011-2012 school year.

B. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve the school bus run by the Linville Hill Mennonite School for the 2011-2012 school year.

C. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve Ms. Kimberly Huggins as a school bus driver employed by Linville Hill Mennonite School for the 2011-2012 school year.

D. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve the agreement between the Arc of Chester County and the Octorara Area School District for the 2011-2012 school year.

E. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve the Earned Income Tax Resolution as required by Act 32.

F. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve the following student activity requests at the Octorara Sr. High School: Class of 2015 Sign Language Club Family, Career and Community Leaders of America (FCCLA)

G. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve the following policies, first reading:
001 - Name and Classification,
002 – Authority and Powers,
003 – Functions,
004 – Membership,
005 – Organization,
006 – Meetings,
007 – Distribution,
008 – Organization Line and Staff Regulations,
011 – Board Governance Standards/Code of Conduct,
618 – Student Activity Groups/Clubs,
707 – Use of Public School Facilities,
915 – Booster Organizations Resignation Approvals:

H. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve the resignation of Mr. Nicholas Kluge as yearbook advisor at the Octorara Elementary School effective September 12, 2011. (Hired January 19, 2009)

I. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve the resignation of Mr. Thomas Hurley as Health/PE teacher at the Octorara Sr. High School effective October 3, 2011. (Hired January 2, 1997)

Hiring Approvals:

J. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve Ms. Theresa Rudick as a computer technician for the District effective September 26, 2011 pending completion of employee related documents required by law and the District. Ms. Rudick’s rate will be $10.50 per hour for four hours per day.

K. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve the following substitute teachers for the 2011-2012 school year:
Caitlin Cellini (Elementary, Middle School Math)
Pamela Dorton (Elementary)
Stacey Hoopes (Elementary)
Lisa Budzik (Librarian)

L. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve the following substitute support personnel for the 2011-2012 school year:
Tina Housman (Instructional Assistant)
Melissa Ogburn (Instructional Assistant)
Susan Simpson (Instructional Assistant, Secretary)

M. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve the supplemental contract for Mr. Joe Lynch as Octorara Elementary School yearbook advisor for the 2011-2012 school year at one point at $570. (Replacing Nicholas Kluge who resigned.)

N. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve the following substitute cafeteria staff to become permanent staff effective October 3, 2011 at the rate of $8.50 per hour:

Danise Miller (Replacing Ashley Smith)
Diane Vinson (Replacing Mary Weigher)
Joan Shupe (Replacing Bonnie Fuller)

O. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve the following changes in salary due to graduate credits earned:

Jennifer George From M ($55,102) to M+15 ($59,906) Step 6
Kelly Wetzel From M+30 ($62,632) to M+45 ($65,484) Step 5

8. Facilities Committee Report

Mr. Stoltzfus gave an update on the HS Renovation.  They are in the final stages.  There are some punch list items.   (Noise in the air conditioner, sump pump, alarm system issues, few leaks)  They are concerned about rain coming in and how to deal with the issue if it persists.

The Jr. High roof is being replaced now.

They have placed dehumidifiers on the 1st floor of the PLC.  There have been moisture issues there for years.  They are going to replace some of the carpet.

At OES, someone tripped on the sidewalk where it had shifted.  They have removed that piece and are ready to replace.

There are several commercial and residential properties that have appealed their assessments.

Still working on transportation.

Mr. Carsley is working with PECO on energy credits with the High School project.

Demand Response is still in place.  We have saved approx. $47,000 so far.

9.Other Items/Concerns

Ms. Bowman stated that the Chester County School Boards Council Meeting took place.  They discussed:
1) vocational agriculture definition
2) increase bid threshold
3) Safety in youth sports act - concussion and head injury management.

10.Visitors’ Comments – General

Ellen Brown (Atglen) asked about the policies in the agenda.  Would they actually be read?  If not, where can the public see the changes?  She also complemented Jon Propper for organizing the Fall Festival and Scott Rohrer for the HS dedication.  Both were very nice.

11.Administrator Comments/Announcements

Dr. Newcome thanked everyone who got the message out about the Superintendent Advisory Meetings the 4th Monday of every month.

The Memorial Alcove dedication will take place Nov. 20th.

The policy committee meetings are public.  He will give me electronic copies to post on my blog (They will be posted in separate posts.) 

The Citadel Heart of Learning nominations are open.  The materials are out and are due December 31st.   It is an opportunity to nominate a teacher who you really like.   (See CitadelHeartOfLearning.com for more information.  There is also information on  facebook and twitter).
There were a lot of activites over the past couple of weeks.  Homecoming was weather-challenged.  Kudos to Mr. Propper for the Fall Festival.  A special thank you to Signal88 for help with security.  The HS dedication ceremony was very nice.  The culinary classes provided refreshments.  Student council members provided tours.  Ms. Bowman and Mr. Stoltzfus cut the ribbon.
 12.Board Comments

Ms. Bowman responded to Mr. Knickerbocker's questions.  She stated that it is accepted  & suggested practice to keep negotiations private for trust.  The Board hasn't made secret financial difficulties.  The public can judge later.

Mr. Norris commented on how nice the booklet for the dedication is.   He also commented on the negotiations.  He thinks with the 24/7 news cycle that people feel the need for information.   The contract can be judged when released.  He is proud of how it was negotiated.

Mr. Ganow may not be here next week.  If the contract is on the agenda, he would vote for it & encourages the rest of the Board to vote for it.

Mr. McCartney informed everyone of a meeting being held in Parkesburg on Tuesday regarding school taxes.

Ms. Johnson mentioned that Dan Solomon was Athlete of the Week in the Daily Local News. 

Mr. Hume stated that he doesn't like the cell phone policy.  It isn't fair if some kids have cell phones & others don't.


Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Octorara Reaches Deal on Teachers' Contract

Per a release by the District, there has been a deal reached.  No details will be released until it has been voted on by the members & approved by the Board.   I don't know about you, but I think as we are the ones funding this contract, we should know something about it. 




Thursday, September 29, 2011

Octorara Fall Festival October 6-9, 2011

Help support Octorara student activities & sports - while having a great time.   There will be rides, games & food. 

The festival will be held on the grounds of the Octorara Intermediate School (across from the High School).

Times & sponsors are listed on the coupon above.

Please feel free to print the coupon - and share with your friends & family.

There is an article on Lancasteronline: Octorara to launch fall festival

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Comcast Internet Essentials

From the Octorara District Website:

Internet Essentials

At Octorara Area School District, we know that many students and their families would like to have Internet service at home so they can do homework, search jobs, download music, communicate with others and much more. We also believe the Internet can be an important part of your child's education.

That's why we want to make sure you know about a new program provided by Comcast called Internet EssentialsSM.

If you have at least one child receiving free school lunches from Octorara Area School District, your family may qualify for this fast, affordable home Internet service for the new school year. Internet Essentials costs just $9.95 per month (plus tax). For participating families, there are no price increases, activation fees or equipment rental fees.

In addition, you can buy a low cost computer for just $149.99 (plus tax) and receive free Internet training-online, in print and in classroom.

If you think this might be right for your family, it's easy to get started. Call Comcast toll free at 1-855-8-INTERNET (1-855-846-8376) to see if you qualify, enroll and get connected. Or for more information, you can go to InternetEssentials.com.

Again, Octorara Area School District wants to make sure that our students have access to online learning, and is excited to tell you about programs like Internet Essentials that may be helpful to your family.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Phoenixville Area revises policy on personal electronics - dailylocal.com

Phoenixville Area revises policy on personal electronics - dailylocal.com

Phoenixville Area revises policy on personal electronics

Cell phones are 'restricted,' not 'prohibited'

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

By Mark D. Marotta, Journal Register News Service

PHOENIXVILLE — The Phoenixville Area School Board approved a policy revision that loosens restrictions on students' use of personal electronic devices such as cell phones and iPods.

The board voted 5-0 without discussion in favor of the policy change following a motion by member Joshua D. Gould and seconded by Daniel Cushing. Board Vice President Debbie Dawson and board members Mary Croke-Parris, Jill Slawecki and David Ziev were absent.

The revised policy provides that the district "restricts the use of personally owned electronic devices by students during the school day in district buildings, on district property and while students are attending school-sponsored activities during the school day."

Previously, the policy stated such use was "prohibited."

The change to the policy consists largely of the addition of two paragraphs, one of which provides that the high school principal "will clearly communicate guidelines identifying when and where (high school) students may listen to music and text while walking between classes and during lunch periods."

The other new provision allows all students to use iPods, and to text and use cell phones "while going to and from events or games with coaches or adviser approval. These privileges may be withdrawn at any time by the principal (or designee) or the coach or adviser (or designee)."

Gould explained that under the previous version of the policy that prohibited the use of personal electronic devices, a considerable amount of time at the high school was spent confiscating cell phones. He said the administration had said that other districts were not as restrictive and recommended relaxing the policy in a way that would not be disruptive.

At a Sept. 13 school board policy committee meeting, Gould added, the administration also recommended that the board discuss the use of music devices and iPods during study halls. He said the committee decided to talk about that issue at its Oct. 18 meeting.

Gould said the policy change had nothing to do with a sexting incident earlier this year when a topless photograph of a female at the high school circulated electronically among students.

In other business, the board heard from a student representative for the junior class, AnnieMarie Rubino, who reported some concerns among students about the district's new pay-to-participate policy.

The board voted in August to adopt a policy under which middle and high school students participating in extracurricular activities are responsible for fees that begin at $25.

Some activities, such as those for which a grade is given, are excluded from the policy.

According to Rubino, students had concerns about where the money from the fees would be going. She also raised the issue of whether the fees might affect some students' ability to participate in activities.

Superintendent Alan Fegley said the money from the fee goes into the budget to pay for extracurricular activities. He added that any high school student who felt he or she could not participate in extracurricular activities because of the fee should notify Anthony Palladino, the athletic director. Students at the middle school should speak with their counselor, Fegley said.

In light of Rubino's remarks, Cushing urged the administration to work with the high school staff to ensure all students would be able to participate in activities.

"We need full participation," said board President Paul Slaninka. "We don't want one student spending one second not participating."

The Phoenixville Community Education Foundation recently worked with school officials to create a fund for students and families who are unable to afford the pay-to-participate fee.

Cushing said the school board's real estate and buildings and grounds committee had discussed renovating the cupola of the old Schuylkill School. He said a bid for the project had come in at $250,000, and school officials agreed that cost was unacceptable. Cushing said the issue likely would be discussed again among representatives from the school district, Schuylkill Township and the historical commission.

URL: http://www.dailylocal.com/articles/2011/09/20/news/srv0000013984358.prt
© 2011 dailylocal.com, a Journal Register Property

School Board Meeting 09/19/2011

September 19, 2011– 7:30 p.m.
Jr./Sr. High School Multi-Purpose Room


1.Lord’s Prayer

2.Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag

3.Roll Call

2 absent
4.Approval of Minutes from the Work Session of August 8, 2011, and the Regular Meeting of August 15, 2011.


5. Presentations
A. Buy Board Cooperative Purchasing

Mr. Carsley provided information to the Board about another opportunity for group purchasing.  It is a web-based program where you can choose 1 vendor or multiple vendors.  You must be a member of the state school board association.  To join, they prefer Board action through resolution.

Mr. McCartney asked if a price comparison had been completed.  Mr. Carsley stated that information was not available at the meeting he attended.

B. PSSA Results
Dr. Bishop, Mr. Rohrer & Ms. Wilson made a presentation concerning the PSSA results & actions being taken.

Dr. Bishop went over No Child Left Behind (NCLB).    By 2014, 100% of students must be proficient in math & reading.  In Pennsylvania, there are 17 targets.  If one sub-group doesn't meet AYP, then the school is in Warning.  If you miss 15 of 17 targets, you get the same Warning.

Octorara's Elementary & Intermediate schools are on warning due to sub-groups.  There are schools in the area who missed AYP by 1 point.

For the 2011-12 year, the percentage of students who must be proficients moves from 72% to 81% for reading and from 67% to 78% in math (in ALL subgroups). 

There is a direct correlation between socio-economic levels & test scores.

Preparing for the test takes away from good teaching.   The PSSA is a snapshot in time & involves a lot of memorization.

We tell our teachers "Do what is necessary for the test, then get back to regular instruction."

The State Report Card for 2010-11 has not been released to the public yet.  We don't know the results statewide - how many schools are in warning.  The results are usually released about mid-September.

We are now aligning curriculum to the Common Core Standards (National Standards).  These are not new.  They were started in the 1990's, then set aside.  They were brought into play again with the economic stimulus package & the Race To The Top.

The reauthorization of NCLB is 4 years late.  It will not be reauthorized before the next presidential election.  Both Democrats & Republicans agree that is is flawed, but they don't know what to do.

Again....for 2013-14, 100% of students must be proficient in reading & math.  This will not happen.

Some school districts have opted out & have put Congress on notice.  The Obama administration is allowing a waiver.  The States can apply for the waiver, but it has to go before a committee to be approved.  There are no instructions yet on how to make this application.

Since there is no news, we are proceeding with what we know.

Mr. Rohrer took over the presentation.

  • 2011  Reading   72%     Math 67%
  • 2012  Reading   81%     Math 78%
  • 2013  Reading   91%     Math  89%
  • 2014  Reading 100%     Math 100%
The District made AYP for Attendance & Graduation Rate.

The High School, Intermediate School & Elementary School are all on Warning (For the 1st time).

Most deficiencies were within the subgroups of IEP and Economic Disadvantaged students.

Ms. Wilson talked about what they are doing.

They are using I.U. resources, even though they are not in the position of being mandated to.

The curriculum in reading & math has been aligned with the State & the Core standards.  This is work that is never done.

They are giving professional development to the teachers to change teaching styles - to get the students engaged and not be passive learners.  Ms. Wilson gave a quote "School should not be a place where young people go to watch old people work."  Teachers should be facilitators.

They are changing groupings in math & reading.   Research now shows that students should be grouped hetergeneously rather than by ability.  All students should be taught content at grade level. Remediation should then be given to those who need help.  Example:  In the High School, all students take Algebra 1 (there is no longer Algebra A & B).  The struggling student also has an Algebra Lab to get remediation.

There is a K-12 math committee meeting on 9/29.  They will be discussing assessments.

Grades 3-8 will continue to have 4sight testing.
Grades 9-12 will have classroom diagnostic tests aligned to the Keystone Exams.

Grades 7 & 8 will have Algebra readiness assessments.   This will identify students who are ready for Algebra 1 in Jr. High & can also identify those who may struggle with Algebra in 9th grade.

Ms. Bowman stated that w/ NCLB, school will reach 100%.  She asked if in looking at the Keystone exams, will the same subgroups have issues.

Mr. Rohrer stated that there isn't good data on those exams, but given our socio-economic breakdown, there may be some issues.  We aren't even sure what we are preparing for.  The Keystone exams may never happen.  There may be a national exam.

Ms. Wilson thinks that since the Keystone exams are course specific - if they are used these students may have a bit more success.

Mr. Norris asked how socio-economic status was defined.  The answer was "free & reduced lunches".

Mr. Norris asked the number of these students is charting upwards.  The answer was "yes".

Mr. Norris asked if as the number of socio-economic disadvantaged students go up, does the number of IEPs go up.  Ms. Wilson said that it isn't that black & white.   We also have students that belong to more than one sub-group.

Dr. Bishop said it is a game of numbers.  If you have <40 students in a subgroup, those numbers don't factor into AYP.  (My note - so that tells me that if a district has 39 students in a subgroup & all 39 of those students don't make proficiency - it doesn't count.   But, if you have 41 students & 28 aren't proficient in math, they you end up in Warning).

Mr. Norris is concerned about the numbers.  Systemic changes need to occur.  It will be difficult with budget constraints.

Mr. Ganow asked how we reach these kids now that they are getting on-grade level instruction.  Mrs. Wilson said that the changes in how we understand how students learn will help.  In the past, we grouped by ability.  The low kids were with other low kids & expectations were low.  If we raise expectations, they many will rise to the occassion.

Mr. Ganow wanted to know if we are having language issues.  Dr. Bishop said we always have language issues.

Mr. Rohrer said it has taken 2 years to make these changes.

Dr. Bishop said that in math in the elementary levels, students are learning math concepts rather than rote memorization of math facts.  She handed out a sheet with questions that 2nd graders had answered.

6.Information Items

7. Treasurer’s Report
A. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve the General Fund Report for period ending August 31, 2011.

Mr. Carsley presented in Mr. Malone's absence.


8.Business Manager’s Report
A. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve the list of bills for payment.

Mr. Carsley presented. 

Ms.Johnson had a question about Check # 173361.   It is spam filter, email filter , antivirus services.

Mr. Ganow asked how many elevators are on  campus.   There are 4.

9.Visitors’ Comments - Agenda Items Only

Larry Lavenberg (Atglen) had a question about Item Z.  How many school districts have a policy that is similar to the one being proposed.  He asked friends in other parts of the state.  They prohibit cell phones.
10.Recommended Action Items: (Italicized items are new; they were not on the September 12, 2011 agenda.)

A. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve the list of school bus drivers employed by Althouse Transportation, Inc. for the 2011-2012 school year.

B. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve the list of school bus runs by Althouse Transportation, Inc. for the 2011-2012 school year.

Mr. McCartney had questions about stops.  He feels that stops should be combined.  There are two stops in Christiana that intersect another street.  The stops are 76.5 yards apart.  These should be one stop. 

Ms. Johnson suggested that it may be a safety issue, given the number of students at those two stops.

Yes - 6
No - 1 (McCartney)


Resignation Approvals:

C - S Approved.
C. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve the resignation of Ms. Beth Lambert as a cafeteria employee at the Octorara Jr. High School effective August 18, 2011. (Hired November 4, 2008)

D. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve the resignation of Ms. Bonnie Fuller as a cafeteria employee at the Octorara Sr. High School effective August 16, 2011. (Hired October 1, 2009)

E. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve the resignation of Ms. Donna Crawford as a lunchroom/playground aide at the Octorara Elementary School effective August 29, 2011. (Hired August 27, 2007)

F. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve the resignation of Ms. Doris Klein as a Title I math assistant at the Octorara Jr. High School effective August 23, 2011. (Hired February 27, 2009)

G. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve the resignation of Ms. Stephanie Rusen as a half-time gifted education teacher at the Octorara Jr. High School effective August 23, 2011. (Hired August 22, 2007)

Hiring Approvals:

H. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve Ms. Danae Dick as a long term substitute Title I math assistant at the Octorara Elementary School effective August 29, 2011 through December 15, 2011 pending completion of employee related documents required by law and the District. Ms. Dick’s rate will be $10.15 per hour. (Replacing Robyn Frye who will be student teaching.)

I. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve Ms. Gwenanne Hartshorn as a long term substitute Speech and Language Therapist at the Octorara Primary Learning Center effective August 29, 2011 through approximately October 14, 2011 pending completion of work related documents required by law and the District. Ms. Hartshorn’s rate will be $140 per day. (Replacing a medical leave of absence.)

J. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve Ms. Jan D’Angelo as a half­time gifted education teacher at the Octorara Jr. High School effective August 29, 2011. Ms. D’Angelo’s salary will be $29,735 pro-rated. (Ms. D’Angelo has worked for the District previously and will be replacing Stephanie Rusen who resigned.)

K. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve Ms. Tara Busby as a lunchroom/playground aide at the Octorara Elementary School effective August 29, 2011 pending completion of employee related documents required by law and the District. Ms. Busby’s rate will be $8.75 per hour. (Replacing Donna Crawford who resigned.)

L. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve Ms. Kelly Reuter as a personal care aide at the Octorara Elementary School effective August 29, 2011 pending completion of employee related documents required by law and the District. Ms. Reuter’s rate will be $11.65 per hour. (Replacing Wanda Fisher who resigned.)

M. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve Mr. David Villa as Access Assistant for the District effective October 1, 2011. Mr. Villa’s rate will be $18.49 per hour for 20 hours per week.

N. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve the following as proctors for the PSAT/PLAN being given on Saturday, October 15, 2011. The rate is a maximum of $30 per hour not to exceed four hours per test administration.

Lisa Budzik, Jeff Butch, Danielle Cullen, Scott Cullen, Sandy Federici, Jen German, Edward Golden, Maria Hoff, Ashley Kimbrough, Dan Lefever, Karen Letts, Joanne Moore, David Rutledge, Tom Imms

O. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve the following substitute teachers for the 2011-2012 school year:
Tammy Anthony (Elementary)
Karen Baillie (Early Childhood)
Kristen Ciaccia (Elementary)
Ann Clymer (Biology, General Science)
Erin Himes (Elementary, Middle LA, FACS)
Brittany Iler (Music K-12)
Joyce Kruse (FACS, Library Science)
Paul McAndrew (Social Studies 7-12)
Jodi Mincer (Special Education, Middle English)
Julie Umlah (Elementary, Middle Math)
Nicole Webster (Early Childhood, Reading)
Christopher Wrigley (Elementary)
Rebecca Klinsport (Math 7-12 )
Cynthia Sedlak (Elementary)

P. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve the following substitute support personnel for the 2011-2012 school year:
Danise Miller (Cafeteria)
Wendy Nellius (Cafeteria)
Jennifer Zimath (Cafeteria)
Michelle Gemma (Instructional assistant)
Victoria Louthian (Cafeteria)
Melanie Ferrara (Cafeteria)

Q. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve the following supplemental contracts for the 2011-2012 school year:

Katherine Smith 7th Grade Field Hockey Coach 4 pts @ $570 $2,280
Kendal Dixon Varsity Track Coach 6 pts @ $570 $3,420
Dave Heffner Jr. High Newspaper 4 pts @ $570 $2,280
Aimee Blochberger Mentor Jan D’Angelo 1 pt @ $570 $ 570
Danielle Carmella Mentor Tshela Dennis 1 pt @ $570 $ 570

R. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve the following changes in salary due to graduate credits earned:
Amy Steinmetz From M ($56,818) to M+15 ($61,519) Step 8
Christian Taylor From M ($54,244) to M+15 ($59,100) Step 5
Mark Hess From M+30 ($72,179) to M+60 ($77,342) Step 14

S. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve the following change orders:
408-03 Reed Assoc Casework modifications $772.00 008
Bristol Asbestos abatement $4,500.00

T - Y Approved.
T. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve the resignation of Ms. Judith Lion as a Title I reading assistant at the Octorara Jr. High School effective September 23, 2011. (Hired August 25, 2008)

U. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve Ms. Kathleen Dikun as a long term substitute third grade teacher at the Octorara Elementary School effective September 12, 2011 through October 10, 2011. Ms. Dikun’s rate will be $140 per day. (Ms. Dikun is currently an instructional assistant at the Elementary School and will return to that position on October 11, 2011. She is replacing a medical leave of absence.)

V. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve Ms. Robin McKenna as a long term substitute instructional assistant at the Octorara Elementary School effective September 12, 2011 through October 10, 2011. Ms. McKenna’s rate will be $11.65 per hour. (Replacing Kathleen Dikun.)

W. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve Ms. Carolyn Ireson as an Alternative Ed instructional assistant at the Octorara Sr. High School effective September 12, 2011 pending completion of employee related documents required by law and the District. Ms. Ireson’s rate will be $11.65 per hour. (Replacing Cori Brittingham who resigned.)

X. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve Ms. Rebecca Klinsport as a Title I math assistant at the Octorara Jr. High School effective September 12, 2011 pending completion of employee related documents required by law and the District. Ms. Klinsport’s rate will be $11.65 per hour. (Replacing Doris Klein who resigned.)

Y. That the Octorara Board of School Directors acknowledge receipt of the Pennsylvania Auditor General’s Audit Report covering the period June 28, 2007 through March 4, 2011 except as otherwise indicated in the report.

Z. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve the Student Cell Phone Use – Pilot Policy as outlined by Mr. Rohrer on Monday, September 12, 2011 to the Board. (The administration will report back in February 2012 with a recommendation based on this pilot program to ask for any appropriate change to the student handbook.)

Mr. Rohrer has a list of schools that have similar policies.  It has been positive so far.  There has been no increase in tardies.

Mr. Stoltzfus asked how many cell phones were confiscated during the same time period last year.   Mr. Rohrer said that Mr. Blantz was gathering that information.

Mr. Ganow said that he is interested to see how it works.


See next post re: Change in Phoenixville's policy.

AA. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve the student activity request for “24/7 REWIND” at the Octorara Sr. High School.

24/7 Youth Group - discussion based  - no public funds used.
BB - Sarah Bollenbach was approved as a volunteer for the fall musical The Wizard of Oz.

CC - Richard Pankonian was approved as a long term sub as a Business teacher until 9/23.

11. Finance/Policy Committee Report

Mr. Carsley stated that the preliminary Act 1 index is 1.7%.   Octorara's should end up around 2.2%.  He presented a tentative budget calendar.  They reviewed the state audit.

12.I.U./C.A.T. Board Representative’s Report
Will meet this Wednesday.  One of the items to be discussed is the CAT-Brandywine building.

13. Old Business

14.New Business


15. Other Items and Announcements


16.Visitors’ Comments – General

17. Administrator Comments/Announcements

Mr. Rohrer said that there is a time change for the High School Dedication.  It will now be at 2;00 p.m. on 10/8/2011.   Tours will begin at 2:30 p.m.

Dr. Newcome:
  • In August, there were questions about certifications.  He is pretty confident that the district is in good shape.
  • The HS band will be taking a trip 4/27 - 29.  This is an information item.
  • Memorial alcove - spelling error fixed.  It looks nice.
  • On website - He is starting a Superintendent's Advisory Meeting.  It will be the 4th Monday of the month.   It will be in the District conference room.  It is for parents and community residents.  People can bring questions & suggestions.  He will make reports to the Board.
  • There have been questions about the fall festival.  They have met with Houghton on the rides.  It seems like it will happen.  We hope to grow it in the future & help fund extra curricular activities
Mr. Ganow had some questions about the defibrillator.

18. Board Comments

19. Adjournment

Finance/Policy Committee Meeting – Monday, September 19, 2011 – 6:30 p.m. in the District Office Conference Room

Executive Session for personnel – Monday, September 19, 2011 – Following the Regular Meeting in the District Office Conference Room

Facility Committee Meeting – Monday, October 10, 2011 – 6:00 p.m. in the District Office Conference Room

Next regularly scheduled Work Session – Monday, October 10, 2011 – 7:30 p.m. in the Octorara Jr./Sr. High School Multi-Purpose Room

Finance/Policy Committee Meeting – Monday, October 17, 2011 – 6:30 p.m. in the District Office Conference Room

Next regularly scheduled Board Meeting – Monday, October 17, 2011– 7:30 p.m. in the Octorara Jr./Sr. High School Multi-Purpose Room