Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Work Session 10/10/2011

October 10, 2011 – 7:30 p.m.
Jr./Sr. High School Multi-Purpose Room


1. Lord’s Prayer

2.Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag

3.Roll Call

All Present.

A. Representative Bryan Cutler

State Representative Bryan Cutler who represents the Lancaster County portion of the District wanted to update the Board on what is happening in Harrisburg.

He noted that the state budget was passed on time for the first time in his tenure.  The budget is lower than prior budgets.  There were cuts to education and welfare.  They fought the steepness of the cuts.  He doesn't see things getting better any time soon.  Revenue is $200 million below budget currently.  They had budgeted 3% growth.

The State owes the Federal government several million dollars for unemployment.  The State will have to do further unemployment reform. 

School vouchers are a hot issue.  It is in the Senate.  No one knows what it will look like yet.

Cyber Charter Reform Bill - work in progress; they recognize the high cost to districts.

The House is taking up privatization of liquor stores and changes to the PLCB.  There would be an immediate infusion of capital into the state system.  They haven't determined where this would go:  education , infrastructure or both.

Marcellas gas proposal - The Governor's proposal keeps the money at the county level.    There is an increase of use of the local judicial system, roads, bridges, etc.

One of Mr. Cutler's concerns is that if we put forth school vouchers, people will expect them to "fix" public education.  He doesn't think they will.   Much more complicated than that. Vouchers will play a small part in reforms.  Things that need to happen are loosening of regulations & changes to the Earned Income Tax Credit.

A task force has been formed to look at the property tax issue.  Representative Cox asked Mr. Cutler to help draft legislation.

He was on a welfare task force.  They came up with 7 pieces of legislation.  Four were passed.

Nothing is off the table regarding school funding.

He knows Clean & Green affects Octorara.  There was a formal study commissioned after Dr. Newcome testified a couple of years ago. 

Area districts have different amounts of tax shifting:
Octorara       28%
Solanco        31%
Pequea         26%

This means that 28% of the total tax revenue comes out of protected properties & the burden gets shifted to other taxpayers.

Mr. Stoltzfus asked if anyone had torn apart Clean & Green to look at the original intent and what  has actually happened?   There are a lot of properties with 10+ acres that are hobby farms rather than actually making a living from them.

Mr. Cutler said that a lot of subdivisions have been made at the 10 acre level.   These properties get the tax deduction, even though they are not really farms.   Lots of laws have good intentions.

Twenty to thirty districts are significantly impacted.

May need to partner with urban areas for legislation.   Many urban areas lose tax revenue from 501(c)3 organizations.  Lancaster loses 30% between Clean & Green and non-profits.

Ms. Bowman said that sometimes people don't understand the tax shift.

The Labor Committee is looking at a menu of Prevailing Wage bills.  They are looking at everything from doing away with it to changing the definition to looking at individual trades by area.  We need a win on this.  There should be some action on it this fall.

He has some concerns about property rights in the Marcellas Shale and individual negotiating rights.

5.Visitors’ Comments - Agenda Items Only

Ken Knickerbocker (Parkesburg) - stated he appreciates the Board.  There needed to be transparency during the negotiations with the teachers' union.  Complete secrecy defeats the purpose & stops the conversation.   It gives the appearance there is something going on, even if there isn't.

Things were brought to a head when asked about when & how an announcement would be made regarding the contract.  There was a stone wall of silence.  Not sharing when an announcement would be made crossed a line.  He understands that it is a balancing act. 

Need some information so that when an announcement is made, we can support it.

6.Information Items:


7.Presentation of Agenda Items for the October 17, 2011 Regular Monthly Public Meeting:

A. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve the Transportation Contract between the Linville Hill Mennonite School and the Octorara Area School District for the 2011-2012 school year.

B. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve the school bus run by the Linville Hill Mennonite School for the 2011-2012 school year.

C. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve Ms. Kimberly Huggins as a school bus driver employed by Linville Hill Mennonite School for the 2011-2012 school year.

D. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve the agreement between the Arc of Chester County and the Octorara Area School District for the 2011-2012 school year.

E. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve the Earned Income Tax Resolution as required by Act 32.

F. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve the following student activity requests at the Octorara Sr. High School: Class of 2015 Sign Language Club Family, Career and Community Leaders of America (FCCLA)

G. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve the following policies, first reading:
001 - Name and Classification,
002 – Authority and Powers,
003 – Functions,
004 – Membership,
005 – Organization,
006 – Meetings,
007 – Distribution,
008 – Organization Line and Staff Regulations,
011 – Board Governance Standards/Code of Conduct,
618 – Student Activity Groups/Clubs,
707 – Use of Public School Facilities,
915 – Booster Organizations Resignation Approvals:

H. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve the resignation of Mr. Nicholas Kluge as yearbook advisor at the Octorara Elementary School effective September 12, 2011. (Hired January 19, 2009)

I. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve the resignation of Mr. Thomas Hurley as Health/PE teacher at the Octorara Sr. High School effective October 3, 2011. (Hired January 2, 1997)

Hiring Approvals:

J. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve Ms. Theresa Rudick as a computer technician for the District effective September 26, 2011 pending completion of employee related documents required by law and the District. Ms. Rudick’s rate will be $10.50 per hour for four hours per day.

K. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve the following substitute teachers for the 2011-2012 school year:
Caitlin Cellini (Elementary, Middle School Math)
Pamela Dorton (Elementary)
Stacey Hoopes (Elementary)
Lisa Budzik (Librarian)

L. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve the following substitute support personnel for the 2011-2012 school year:
Tina Housman (Instructional Assistant)
Melissa Ogburn (Instructional Assistant)
Susan Simpson (Instructional Assistant, Secretary)

M. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve the supplemental contract for Mr. Joe Lynch as Octorara Elementary School yearbook advisor for the 2011-2012 school year at one point at $570. (Replacing Nicholas Kluge who resigned.)

N. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve the following substitute cafeteria staff to become permanent staff effective October 3, 2011 at the rate of $8.50 per hour:

Danise Miller (Replacing Ashley Smith)
Diane Vinson (Replacing Mary Weigher)
Joan Shupe (Replacing Bonnie Fuller)

O. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve the following changes in salary due to graduate credits earned:

Jennifer George From M ($55,102) to M+15 ($59,906) Step 6
Kelly Wetzel From M+30 ($62,632) to M+45 ($65,484) Step 5

8. Facilities Committee Report

Mr. Stoltzfus gave an update on the HS Renovation.  They are in the final stages.  There are some punch list items.   (Noise in the air conditioner, sump pump, alarm system issues, few leaks)  They are concerned about rain coming in and how to deal with the issue if it persists.

The Jr. High roof is being replaced now.

They have placed dehumidifiers on the 1st floor of the PLC.  There have been moisture issues there for years.  They are going to replace some of the carpet.

At OES, someone tripped on the sidewalk where it had shifted.  They have removed that piece and are ready to replace.

There are several commercial and residential properties that have appealed their assessments.

Still working on transportation.

Mr. Carsley is working with PECO on energy credits with the High School project.

Demand Response is still in place.  We have saved approx. $47,000 so far.

9.Other Items/Concerns

Ms. Bowman stated that the Chester County School Boards Council Meeting took place.  They discussed:
1) vocational agriculture definition
2) increase bid threshold
3) Safety in youth sports act - concussion and head injury management.

10.Visitors’ Comments – General

Ellen Brown (Atglen) asked about the policies in the agenda.  Would they actually be read?  If not, where can the public see the changes?  She also complemented Jon Propper for organizing the Fall Festival and Scott Rohrer for the HS dedication.  Both were very nice.

11.Administrator Comments/Announcements

Dr. Newcome thanked everyone who got the message out about the Superintendent Advisory Meetings the 4th Monday of every month.

The Memorial Alcove dedication will take place Nov. 20th.

The policy committee meetings are public.  He will give me electronic copies to post on my blog (They will be posted in separate posts.) 

The Citadel Heart of Learning nominations are open.  The materials are out and are due December 31st.   It is an opportunity to nominate a teacher who you really like.   (See for more information.  There is also information on  facebook and twitter).
There were a lot of activites over the past couple of weeks.  Homecoming was weather-challenged.  Kudos to Mr. Propper for the Fall Festival.  A special thank you to Signal88 for help with security.  The HS dedication ceremony was very nice.  The culinary classes provided refreshments.  Student council members provided tours.  Ms. Bowman and Mr. Stoltzfus cut the ribbon.
 12.Board Comments

Ms. Bowman responded to Mr. Knickerbocker's questions.  She stated that it is accepted  & suggested practice to keep negotiations private for trust.  The Board hasn't made secret financial difficulties.  The public can judge later.

Mr. Norris commented on how nice the booklet for the dedication is.   He also commented on the negotiations.  He thinks with the 24/7 news cycle that people feel the need for information.   The contract can be judged when released.  He is proud of how it was negotiated.

Mr. Ganow may not be here next week.  If the contract is on the agenda, he would vote for it & encourages the rest of the Board to vote for it.

Mr. McCartney informed everyone of a meeting being held in Parkesburg on Tuesday regarding school taxes.

Ms. Johnson mentioned that Dan Solomon was Athlete of the Week in the Daily Local News. 

Mr. Hume stated that he doesn't like the cell phone policy.  It isn't fair if some kids have cell phones & others don't.


1 comment:

  1. It is interesting that a member of the community said to me over the weekend (paraphrased)"I see the Board asked the public to trust them concerning the contract negotiations. How can we trust them with that, if we can't trust them to make the right decision concerning the soccer field?"


Comments are moderated. Although I asked people to sign their comments (or at least use their initials), I have only been getting 'anonymous' comments. I have changed the settings to that the posts will need some sort of identifier.