Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Board Meeting 02/18/2013

February 18, 2013 – 7:30 p.m.
Jr./Sr. High School Multi-Purpose Room

1. Moment of Silence
2. Pledge of Allegiance 
3. Roll Call
All Present

4. Approval of Minutes from the Work Session of January 14, 2013 and the Regular Meeting of January 21, 2013.

5. Presentations
A. Budget
No change from last week's presentation.
  Dr. Newcome had a handout going over several points.  He wanted to highlight 5 areas.
  1. The budget is a process.  The preliminary budget in January is not the endpoint.
  2. Historical view of cuts
  3. Collective bargaining agreements
  4. Solar/Wind power - economically not friendly.  You can receive a $160,000 grant for a $5M project.  Payback:  357 YEARS.
  5. Regional Planning Commission - was in place to try to increase ratables.

Taxpayers are currently funding 2 systems of the public school.   People need to talk to their reps about charter schools.   They are redundant.

Ms. Bowman stated that the information provided in the packets is not new.  It is a good summary of the facts that have been presented.  Where we go from here is through hard discussions.

We are $400,000 in the hole right up front from pension funding.  We don't have as much to throw overboard as other districts.  Other districts have 4 or 5 foriegn languages, but we have 2.  

Ms. Bowman received a call from the parent of an incoming 9th grade student.  After the 9th grade orientation meeting, they are very excited about the programs offered.

Dr. Newcome stated that the pension is not a negotiable item.  It is not part of the collective bargaining agreement.  It is State mandated.  The only way to control it is through staff reductions.  We have done that.

Mr. Norris said that it is important to note that the final increase is usually about 50% of the preliminary number.

The Finance Committee has been talking about ways to tackle this.

Dr. Newcome said that part of the conversation is to look "outside the box".  This district has been doing that for years.  One example that we are proud of is in technical education.  The line item for TCHS has gone down, yet we've expanded technical education for our students.  For years we sent about 100 students to TCHS (and its predesessor).  We are currently sending 75 students.  But, we have expanded the total number of students receiving technical education to 180.  We did it here, without additional expenditures.   We don't talk about these things enough.   If the trend continues, we will be spending $300,000 less at the end of 3 years.

Ms. Bowman stated that this was part of the renovations.

Mr. Lapp said that as he came on the board, he was all about freezing taxes.  He had ideas that he then found out were illegal.  We may have to tap the fund balance.

Ms. Bowman said that they have been using fund balance.  The concern is how to provide programs to the students.  We need to give them enough to go on.   A basic high school education is no longer enough in this world.

Mr. Norris asked about fuel bid prices.  Mr. Carsley responded with the following information:
Diesel:   This year   $3.50   Next year $3.24
Gas:       This year  $3.41   Next year $3.19

6. Information Items

7. Treasurer’s Report
A. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve the General Fund Report for period ending January 31, 2013.

8. Business Manager’s Report
A. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve the list of bills for payment.

9. Visitors’ Comments - Agenda Items Only
Tim Alexander (Parkesburg) - He wants the Board to not increase taxes.   He would also like them to adopt a resolution that they will decrease taxes 10% over 5 years.  Taxes are too high.  People can't sell their houses.   There was an article from November in the Lancaster paper that showed we spend too much on students.   Why are our labor costs so high?  We pay a premium for our teachers.  The median salary for teachers nationwide is $44,000.  In PA, it is $44,000.  We are starting teachers at $49,000.

He wants the Board to go back to the teachers and have them hold their salaries until our salaries look like the national average.  We are not getting value for what is paid.  Our test scores are too low.

10. Recommended Action Items:  (Italicized items are new; they were not on the February 11, 2013 agenda.)
A. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve the Proposed Preliminary Budget for the 2013-2014 fiscal year.
Roll Call Vote:
Bowman - Yes
Norris - Yes
Stoltzfus - Yes
Ganow - Yes
Lapp - Yes
Johnson -Yes
Hume - Yes
Melton - Yes
Oleyniczak -Yes

B - J  Approved

B. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve the following policies, first reading:

 705 – Safety
 709 – Building Security
 907 – School Visitors

C. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve the following Service Agreements:

 Precision Fire Protection, Inc. – Sprinkler - $1,000.00
 Berkshire Systems Group, Inc. – Fire Alarm - $4,644.00
 Tyco SimplexGrinnell – Fire Alarm - $589.00

D. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve the Tax Collector Appointment Resolution for the Octorara Area School District.

                  Resignation Approvals: 
E. That the Octorara Board of School Directors accept Ms. Jean Mandell’s resignation as building secretary effective February 15, 2013. (Hired July 1, 2008)

F. That the Octorara Board of School Directors accept, with regret, Ms. Emily Harper’s resignation as manager/cook/cashier at the Octorara Intermediate School effective January 31, 2013.  (Hired August 30, 2004)

                    Hiring Approvals:
G. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve Ms. Jacqueline Corkadel as an instructional assistant at the Octorara Jr. High School effective January 22, 2013.  Ms. Corkadel’s rate will be $10.15 per hour for 5.75 hours per day.  (Replacing Crystal Leonard who resigned.)

H. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve Ms. Emily Harper as Food Service Assistant effective February 1, 2013.  Ms. Harper’s salary will be $26,500 for seven hours a day, 200 days per year.  (Replacing Robin Peace who resigned.)

I. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve the following cafeteria substitutes at the rate of $8.25 per hour:

  Donna Mann
  Sherry Seace

J. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve the following supplemental contracts for the 2012-2013 school year:

Sarah Bollenback  Assistant Musical Director       3 pts @ $585               $1,755

K - O read and approved.

K. That the Octorara Board of School Directors accept, with regret, Ms. Sharon Richey’s resignation as an instructional assistant at the Octorara Area Sr. High School effective February 7, 2013.  (Hired August 30, 2004)

L. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve Ms. Sharon Richey as a building secretary at the Octorara Area Jr. High School effective February 8, 2013.  Ms. Richey’s salary will be $29,500 pro-rated.  (Replacing Jean Mandell who resigned.)

M. That the Octorara Board of School Directors accept, with regret, Ms. Melanie Wagner’s resignation as an instructional assistant at the Octorara Elementary School effective February 15, 2013.  (Hired August 27, 2007)

N. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve the following substitute teachers for the 2012-2013 school year:

 Victoria Cook (Elementary)
 Christine Payne (Elementary)
 Olivia Stout (Elementary)

O. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve the following substitute support staff for the 2012-2013 school year:

 Carrie Rettew

P. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve the proposed upgrades to the stadium field as submitted to the Facilities Committee for removal and replacement of the natural turf with irrigation and drainage systems.  This work will be funded and coordinated by the Octorara Community Field Development Task Force.

   Approved.  Ms. Bowman thanked the task force for all of their work.

11. Finance Committee Report
Ms. Johnson stated that almost everything had been discussed.  We went over the laws as to what you can and cannot do.  There are plenty of ideas, but unfortunately many are against the law.

12. Policy Committee Report 
Mr. Ganow stated which policies they looked at.

13. I.U./C.A.T. Board Representative’s Report
Mr. Stoltzfus said that the meeting is this Wednesday.  He will not be there, but when he gets information he will forward it to Board members.

14. Old Business

15. New Business 

16. Other Items and Announcements

17. Visitors’ Comments – General

18. Administrator Comments/Announcements
Ms Wilson (Elementary Principal) - The Elementary School will be hosting the District 12 Elementary Choral Fest.  There are several Octorara students participating.  The concert is on 3/22/2013 at 7:30 p.m. in the High School Auditorium.  Tickets are $1.

Dr. Rohrer (HS Principal/Asst. Superintendent) - wanted to highlight some students.  
  • Rachel-Aliya Makansi and Meghan Miller were accepted into the Philadelphia Inquirer Workshop.  They will get articles published.
  • Emily Maxwell designed the new logo for the Parkesburg Food Cupboard
  • The Tech Department is designing the sign for the Parkesburg Food Cupboard.
  • Brett Lloyd received a Comcast scholarship to attend Delaware County Community College for Nursing.
  • Thomas Aponte was recognized for woodworking.  He utilized books to create furniture.
  • A group of Jr. High students attended the Future City competition.  They received awards for architectual design and safety codes.
Ms. McNamara (PLC Principal) - The First Grade open house will occur on 2/21.  The students will sing patriotic songs.

Dr. Newcome  - There will be an agricultural fair on 4/13/2013.  Mr. Hume has been working on this.  The goal is for it to eventually be a revenue stream to help fund our agriculture programs.  It will not make money the first year.

Over the last 3 years, we have put forth a good effort to control spending.

He invites people to meet with him.

19. Board Comments
Ms. Bowman stated that per a publication form the PA Department of Education the average classroom teacher made $60,674 during the 2010/11 school year. There has to be a balance between the taxpayer and the student. People won't be able to sell their houses if we don't provide a good education. We have students who are doing very well. We have teachers who care & who know our students' names. Our teachers have been making do with less & will continue to do so.

Mr. Stoltzfus said that while it is true that we have the highest millage, that is only PART of the equation. Assessment values are another part. When you multiply the assessment by the millage, we fall in the middle of Chester County districts.

Mr. Hume thinks that Mr. Alexander's numbers are off. He doesn't agree with them & doesn't accept them. Dr. Newcome has gone to Harrisburg to testify. Mr. Hume has gone to Harrisburg to testify We had a representative bring people to look at our district for development. There is a strong effort to keep our area agricultural. The only commercial districts we have are Rt. 372 and parts of Rt. 30. Our representatives won't do anything.

I was saying the same things 15 years ago. We lost over $6million for land preservation. There was a 2nd piece to that legislation that never got passed. Instead of signing petitions against the school board, why don't you sign petitions for Harrisburg to release the funds.

It is not possible to keep the budget the same.

We have a great facility where students get a great education.

I believe we should fund the stands for the field.

Mr. Ganow would like to see comparitive graduation rates and teachers' salaries next month.

Ms. Bowman would like to see salary ranges. They will discuss the bleachers next month.

Ms. Johnson brought up an issue with a Kindergarten schedule.

Mr. Oleyniczak asked about getting 'No Parking' signs for Rt. 41. There have been suspicious vehicles which takes time for school resources to investigate.

Mr. Nelson said they would need approval from the state and that can take years.

Mr. Norris said everyone needs to consider the effects of a multi-county district. Everyone likes to compare us to Lancaster County, but the reality is that we are located in Chester County. Anything we do uses the Philadelphia prevailing wage. This drives up our debt and millage. Clean & green costs each household about $1,000 in taxes that are shifted from protected properties. It adds to the burden.
He noted an incident on the PLC playground & wants someone to check if that piece of equipment is necessary and safe.

Ms. Bowman said that there are ramifications to what gets cut. They are holding the policy meeting in the MPR, hoping to get a larger turnout.

On a side note.... Girl Scout cookies are 50 cents cheaper in Lancaster County than Chester County.

20. Adjournment

  Finance Committee Meeting – Monday, February 18, 2013 – 6:00 p.m. in the    District  Office Conference Room

 Policy Committee Meeting – Monday, February 18, 2013 – 6:30 p.m. in the  District  Office Conference Room

 Executive Session for personnel – Monday, February 18, 2013 – Following the   Regular Meeting in the District Office Conference Room

 Education Committee Meeting – Monday, February 25, 2013 – 6:00 p.m. in the  District  Office Conference Room

Facility Committee Meeting – Monday, March 11, 2013 – 6:00 p.m. in the District Office Conference Room

Next regularly scheduled Work Session – Monday, March 11, 2013 – 7:30 p.m. in the Jr. High School Multi-Purpose Room

Policy Committee Meeting – Monday, March 18, 2013 – 6:00 p.m. in the District Office Conference Room

Finance Committee Meeting – Monday, March 18, 2013 – 6:30 p.m. in the District Office Conference Room

Next regularly scheduled Board Meeting – Monday, March 18, 2013 – 7:30 p.m. in the Jr. High School Multi-Purpose Room

Education Committee Meeting – Monday, March 25, 2013 – 6:00 p.m. in the District  Office Conference Room