June 15, 2009 ¬ 7:30 p.m.
Octorara Intermediate School Library
l.Lord's Prayer
2.Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag
3.Roll Call
1 absent
4. Minutes:
Approve the following minutes from the Work Session of May 11, 2009
Approve the following minutes from the Board Meeting of May 18, 2009
6. Information Item:
7. Treasurer's Report:
A.That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve the General Fund Report for period ending May 31, 2009.
Mr. Malone gave the Treasurer’s report.
8. Business Manager's Report:
A.Approval of Bills for Payment
Mr. Lee gave the Business Manager’s report
Mr. Mango asked if the scholarships were “pass-throughs”. Mr. Lee responded that they are.
9. Visitors' Comments ¬ Agenda Items Only
Judy Stuehrmann had questions concerning the Asst. Superintendent position up for approval tonight. She wanted to know the following: Would Mr. Rohrer still be principal of the High School? If so, how would that work out for the High School? What are his qualifications? Is it a new position?
Dr. Newcome replied that Mr. Rohrer has 7 years experience as a High School Principal. He initiated “pathways” in his former district and they are being implemented here. The job was not officially open and would not have been filled had Mr. Rohrer not agreed to act in both capacities. The High School should not suffer.
Pam Meek asked how the public was made aware of the budget, etc. She was concerned about the elimination of the language program for 5th and 6th grade.
Mr. Hershey responded that the process is ongoing & is included in the minutes.
Mr. Malone stated that as soon as one budget is approved, the next one is started.
Mr. Ganow said that it is all done in public meetings.
Ms. Meek hoped that a little more effort could be given to make the public aware.
Dr. Newcome stated that the minutes are posted on the website after approval. They are behind about a month. The language program was discussed in the Dec/Jan timeframe.
Mr. Stoltzfus said that the board meetings are publicized by law.
10. Recommended Action Items:
(Italicized items are new, they were not on the June 8, 2009 agenda.)
A. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve Ms. Sarah Roenigk's request for sabbatical leave for the first semester 2009-2010 school year for professional development. Ms. Roenigk is an Art teacher at the Octorara High School.
B. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve the attached resolution adopting the 2009 ¬ 2010 General Fund Budget Expenditures in the amount of $44,021,839.
Mr. Hershey thanked everyone involved in the budget process. There was a lot of hard work involved and he appreciates the effort.
Mr. Ganow thinks the budget is too high, but that cuts also went too deep. It is an acceptable compromise.
Mr. Hume said there were an unbelievable amount of cuts. We don’t have the funding to give what is needed. He commends the administration for what they have done.
Roll Call:
Mrs. Bicking Yes
Mrs. Bowman Yes
Mr. Ganow Yes
Mr. Hume Yes
Mr. Malone Yes
Mr. Mango Yes
Mr. Stoltzfus Yes
Mr. Hershey Yes
Dr. Newcome commented that it was a difficult budget season. They are already in the planning stages for next year.
C. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve the attached resolution establishing a real estate millage rate of 32.23 mills in Chester County and 27.68 mills in Lancaster County.
D. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve the following financial
institutions and investment firms for financial services during the 2009-2010 school
year, in accordance with Section 621 of the School Code:
1. Fulton Bank - depository and investment
2. PA School District Liquid Asset Fund - depository and investment
3. PA Local Government Investment Fund - investment only
4. RBC Dain Rauscher, Inc.- investment only
5. Sovereign Bank - investment only
E.That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve the following list of signatories for the designated bank accounts effective July 1, 2009:
General Fund: ¬ President, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary
Cafeteria Fund: ¬ President, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary
Fitness Center Fund: ¬ President, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary
(Required 3 Signatures)
Official Imprest Fund: - Superintendent, Business Manager, High School Principal,
Asst. High School Principal, Athletic Director, Board Secretary
(Required 2 Signatures)
School Activity Fund: - Building Principal, Building Asst. Principal, Business
(Required Business Manager signature with one counter signature)
F. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve the appropriate budget transfers
for the year ending 2008-2009 as a result of the annual financial audit. (Note: This is a requirement for the school code to be done prior to June 30th of each fiscal year.)
G. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve the attached list of salaries for
school district employees for the 2009-2010 school year.
H. That the Octorara Board of School Directors appoint the following facilities to
provide school health services for the 2009-2010 school year:
Brandywine Valley Family Care
County Line Medical Center
I. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve Dr. Jeffrey Blair and The
Coatesville Dental Clinic as the school dental consultants for the 2009-2010 school
year at a rate of $90.50 per session: ($.50 increase from 2008-2009)
J.That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve a price change for student lunches at the High School for the 2009 ¬ 2010 school year to $2.50. (See attached memo.)
K.That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve the submission of Part H of PLANCON for the High School Renovation and Addition Project. (Project Financing)
L. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve the change order to Bristol Environmental, Inc, in the amount of a credit of $12,500 for the Asbestos Removal contract of the High School Renovation and Addition Project. (This information was presented to the Facilities Committee.)
M. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve the attached MOU (Memorandum of Understanding) with the OAEA (Octorara Area Education Association). ¬ Relating to revision of the HRA Plan for retired professional employees.
N.That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve an agreement with Tri- Star/Systems for the administration of the HRA Plan for retired professional employees.
O.That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve the attached revised Position
Descriptions for the Octorara District Office.
Resignation Approvals:
P.That the Octorara Board of School Directors accept Ms. Elizabeth Bushong's
resignation as a Head Cross Country and Head Track and Field coach effective June 1, 2009.
Q.That the Octorara Board of School Directors accept Ms. Anita Ungerbuehler's resignation as a Learning Support teacher at the Octorara Elementary School effective June 5, 2009. (Hired August 2008)
R.That the Octorara Board of School Directors accept Ms. Christine Chilson's resignation as a Lunchroom/Playground Supervisor at the Octorara Intermediate School effective May 14, 2009. (Hired August 2008)
Hiring Approvals:
S.That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve the following substitute teachers for the 2008-2009 school year:
Jennifer Locke (English)
Amanda Lenton (Elementary)
T.That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve the following substitute cafeteria employee at a rate of $8.00/hour for the 2008-2009 school year:
Margaret Hanning
U. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve the following supplemental
contract for the 2008-2009 school year:
Patrick Lauletta Mentor for E. Sifford 2 points @ $520 = $1040
Drew Reynolds Assistant Marching Band Director 3 points @ $520 = $1560
V.That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve the employment of Ms. Judy Lion as a Personal Care Assistant for the Summer Reading Camp. Ms. Lion's hourly rate will be $10.90 from June 22, 2009 through June 30, 2009 and will increase to $11.45 from July 1, 2009 through July 23, 2009. (Ms. Lion is currently a Title I Reading Assistant at the Octorara Middle School.)
W. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve the employment of Ms. Tara Pitts as a Family and Consumer Science teacher, pending completion of employee related documents required by law and the district, at the Octorara High School. Ms. Pitts' salary will be $43,741.00 which is Step 1 of the Bachelor's Scale effective August 26, 2009. (Replacing Virginia Hartsfield who resigned.)
X.That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve the employment of Ms. Charlotte Bridges as an ESL Instructional Assistant, pending completion of employee related documents required by law and the district, at the Octorara Primary Learning Center and Octorara Elementary School. Ms. Bridge's hourly rate will be $9.65/hour effective August 31, 2009. (Replacing Rana Watterson who resigned.)
Y.That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve the appointment of Mr. Scott Rohrer as Assistant Superintendent for Secondary Education grades 7 through 12 effective July 1, 2009 through June 30, 2012.
Z.That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve the employment of Ms. Sharon Richey as a Learning Support Assistant for the Summer Literacy Camp. Ms. Richey's hourly rate will be $10.30 from June 22, 2009 to June 30, 2009 and will increase to $10.85 from July 1, 2009 through July 23, 2009. (Ms. Richey is currently a One-on-One Assistant at the Octorara High School.)
AA. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve the following Summer EAP Tutoring teachers at a rate of $30.00/hour:
Sarah Callaway
Roberta Souders
Roxanne Sockoloskie
Anita Ungerbuehler
Melanie Johnson
Doris Klein ¬ at a rate of $26.00/hour
Mr. Ganow asked why Ms. Klein is at $26/hr. Mrs. Hardy replied that she is new this year.
BB. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve the employment of Ms. Sandy Mazzagatti as an itinerant teacher effective August 26, 2009. This will be an 80% contracted position based on Step 14 of the Master's Scale at a salary of $49,108. (Ms. Mazzagatti presently serves as an itinerant teacher in the Octorara Area School District as a contracted employee with the Chester County Intermediate Unit.)
Mr.Ganow questioned Step 14. Dr. Newcome explained that Ms. Mazzagatti will be working 80% of a 189 day contract. She is currently employed by the I.U. and is working at Octorara. It is cheaper for us to employ her directly.
CC. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve the following individuals to be paid 1 point ($545.00) as Pathway Coordinators. These funds are allocated from the Regional Career Educational Partnership grant for the 2008-09 school year. They are:
1. Business, Marketing, Finance, & Information Technology Andrew Napolitano
2.Arts & Communication Rachel Minnich
3. Social & Human Services Scott Conaghan
4.Engineering, Industrial Technology, & Agriculture Charlie Graydus
5. Science & Health Valerie Guiseppe
Mr. Ganow asked to be reminded what this is. Mr. Rohrer explained it is to promote connection to businesses and community – support curriculum.
Mr. Hume stated he has reviewed the pathway information and it looks beneficial.
DD.That the Octorara. Board of School Directors approve the following change orders
to Lobar Inc. for the High School Addition and Renovation Project:
Change Order 401-07 $2,475.69 To revise door hardware and frames schedule.
Change Order 401-08 $4,786.37 To replace existing fire hydrants.
EE. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve the following High School EAP
Reading Tutors. (These are year to year positions based on receiving funds from the EAP Grant):
Mary Wallett at a salary of $48,630 which is Step 2 of the Master's Scale.
Jessica Hammond at a salary of $44,018 which is Step 2 of the Bachelor's Scale.
FF. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve Ms. Joanna Bowder's request for
unpaid Family Medical Leave for the purpose of childrearing from approximately November 24, 2009 to February 1, 2010. Ms. Bowder is a Reading Specialist at the Primary Learning Center.
GG. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve the 2009-2010 handbook for the Octorara Intermediate School (Attached)
Dr. Newcome noted that a cover letter was attached to explain the changes. There were revisions to discipline levels, dress code, testing dates, etc.
Mr. Hume questioned if there was enough money for the handbooks in the budget. Dr. Newcome stated that there was.
HH. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve a change in salary for Karen Williamson for the Summer Outreach Program from $22 to $24 per hour. Ms. Williamson was approved as a substitute at the May 18, 2009 board meeting. She will now be teaching full time for the program.
11. I.U./C.A.T. Board Representative's Report
Mr. Mango stated that the next meeting is Wed. night & he will report by e-mail. The Board will need to vote on the move of CAT-Brandywine to Downingtown. The Board needs to decide if they want the I.U. to come talk. Dr. Newcome asked that the Board review the information concerning the move prior to the July meeting. Mr. Stoltzfus said that Coatesville may purchase the building on the Coatesville campus.
12. Old Business
13. New Business
14. Other Items and Announcements
15.Visitors' Comments
16. Board Comments
Mr. Malone wanted to recognize John Lee for his years of service to the District & the Board. This is his last meeting. Mr. Lee enjoyed working with the Board & the Administration.
Mr. Mango wanted to address Ms. Stuermann and Ms. Meek. He understands the frustration. A lot of the actions have been going on for 6 months to a year. He thanked them for their questions.
Mr. Hume seconded Mr. Mango’s comments. He wished more people would get involved. He also wanted to add to something he mentioned last week concerning the music program at the apartments in Parkesburg. He wanted to recognize Ms. Henegan.
Mr. Stoltzfus stated that it is a concern about getting information to the public, but that even when there was a local paper, many people didn’t read it.
There was some discussion about adding board information to papers that go home with the students. The problem with that is it not being available to those who do not have children in the schools.
17. Adjournment
Facilities Committee Meeting ¬ Monday, July 13, 2009 ¬ 6:30 p.m. Octorara Intermediate
School Faculty Room
Policy Committee Meeting ¬ Monday, July 20, 2009 ¬ 6:30 p.m. Octorara Intermediate
School Faculty Room
Next regularly scheduled Work Session ¬ Monday, July 13, 2009 ¬ 7:30 p.m.
Octorara Intermediate School Library
Next regularly scheduled Board Meeting ¬ Monday, July 20, 2009 ¬ 7:30 p.m. Octorara
Intermediate School Library
Executive Session for Personnel will be held following this meeting in the Octorara
Intermediate School Faculty Room.
Monday, June 15, 2009
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Octorara School Board Work Session 06/08/2009
June 8, 2009 ¬ 7:30 p.m.
Middle School Multi-Purpose Room
l. Lord's Prayer
2. Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag
3. Roll Call
All present
4. Visitors' Comments - Agenda Items Only
5. Presentations:
Grading Policy
The Grade Committee presented the new Grading Policy. The Purpose is for consistency of grading, identify student weaknesses and measure achievement.
Mr. Malone asked if the grade scale is consistent between the buildings. Dr. Bishop stated that is one of the goals.
Mr. Mango asked if a standardized report card is coming. Dr. Bishop stated that is part of the process.
Mrs. Bowman asked how much of this was already being done. Dr. Bishop felt that is was pretty close to what is currently happening.
6. Information Items:
7. Presentation of Agenda Items for the June 15, 2009 Regular Monthly Public Meeting:
A. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve Ms. Sarah Roenigk request for sabbatical leave for the first semester 2009-2010 school year for professional development. Ms. Roenigk is an Art teacher at the Octorara High School.
B. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve the attached resolution adopting the 2009 ¬ 2010 General Fund Budget Expenditures in the amount of $44,021,839.
Dr. Newcome said that there was nothing additional for budget discussion on the agenda because of this item.
Mr. Ganow asked if the vote for the budget gets passed with a simple majority or if they need 6 votes. Dr. Newcome & Mr. Lee think it is a simple majority.
Mr. Norris brought up that the Board was given bad information concerning Indoor Track and whether it was a PIAA sport. Dr. Newcome read a statement apologizing for error. Having gone over the athletic budget again, he stands by his recommendation that Indoor Track be eliminated due to the cost & that he feels it is an off-season conditioning bridge for Cross Country & Spring Track. He also stated that the PIAA does not sponsor Indoor Track championships.
Mr. Norris also raised concern over the wording of how Football was going to be included in the athletic budget as fully funded. Dr. Newcome didn’t think it was an issue since it stated ‘operating costs’.
Dr. Newcome stated that the Administration did not take the PSBA membership out of the budget.
He also asked that if the Board is not in a position to pass the budget, that he needed to know what to work on for next week.
Several Board Members indicated that they are comfortable with this budget.
C. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve the attached resolution establishing a real estate millage rate of 32.23 mills in Chester County and 27.68 mills in Lancaster County.
D. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve the following financial institutions and investment firms for financial services during the 2009-2010 school year, in accordance with Section 621 of the School Code:
1. Fulton Bank-depository and investment
2. PA School District Liquid Asset Fund ¬ depository and investment
3. PA Local Government Investment Fund-investment only
4. RBC Dain Rauscher, Inc.-investment only
5.Sovereign Bank-investment only
E. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve the following list of signatories for the designated bank accounts effective July 1, 2009:
General Fund: ¬ President, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary
Cafeteria Fund: ¬ President, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary
Fitness Center Fund: ¬ President, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary
(Required 3 Signatures)
Official Imprest Fund: - Superintendent, Business Manager, High School
Principal, Asst. High School Principal, Athletic Director, Board Secretary
(Required 2 Signatures)
School Activity Fund: - Building Principal, Building Asst. Principal, Business
(Required Business Manager signature with one counter signature)
F. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve the appropriate budget transfers for the year ending 2008-2009 as a result of the annual financial audit.
(Note: This is a requirement for the school code to be done prior to June 30th of each fiscal year.)
Mr. Stoltzfus asked where we currently stand.
Mr. Lee replied that the District is currently under budget, but they won’t know for sure until closer to June 30.
Mr. Hume asked if this goes to the Fund Balance.
Mr. Lee replied that it did.
G. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve the attached list of salaries for school district employees for the 2009-2010 school year.
H. That the Octorara Board of School Directors appoint the following facilities to provide school health services for the 2009-2010 school year:
Brandywine Valley Family Care
County Line Medical Center
I. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve Dr. Jeffrey Blair and The Coatesville Dental Clinic as the school dental consultants for the 2009-2010 school year at a rate of $90.50 per session: ($.50 increase from 2008-2009)
Mr. Hershey asked what is considered a session. Mr. Lee replied that it is one exam. The District provided transportation.
J.That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve a price change for student lunches at the High School for the 2009 ¬ 2010 school year to $2.50. (See attached memo)
K.That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve the submission of Part H of PLANCON for the High Addition and Renovation Project. (Project Financing)
Mr. Lee explained that this is temporary reimbursement from the state of money we borrowed.
L. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve the change order to Bristol Environmental, Inc, in the amount of a credit of $12,500 for the Asbestos Removal contract of the High School Renovation and Addition Project. (This information was presented to the Facilities Committee)
Mr. Stoltzfus explained that this is what he has discussed in past meetings – a credit due to coordination of effort.
M. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve the attached MOU (Memorandum of Understanding) with the OAEA (Octorara Area Education Association). ¬ Relating to revision of the HRA Plan for retired professional employees.
Changing brokers for health coverage for retirees.
N.That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve an agreement with Tri- Star/Systems for the administration of the HRA Plan for retired professional employees.
This goes with item “M”
O.That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve the attached revised Position Descriptions for the Octorara District Office.
Resignation Approvals:
P.That the Octorara Board of School Directors accept Ms. Elizabeth Bushong's resignation as a Head Cross Country and Head Track and Field coach effective June 1, 2009.
Q.That the Octorara Board of School Directors accept Ms. Anita Ungerbuehler's resignation as a Learning Support teacher at the Octorara Elementary School effective June 5, 2009. (Hired August 2008)
R.That the Octorara Board of School Directors accept Ms. Christine Chilson's resignation as a Lunchroom/Playground Supervisor at the Octorara Intermediate School effective May 14, 2009. (Hired August 2008)
Mr. Mango wondered if there needed to be a discussion on an increase in pay to help reduce turnover. Dr. Newcome said it could be looked at in the next contract negotiation in 2011.
Hiring Approvals:
S.That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve the following substitute teachers for the 2008-2009 school year:
Jennifer Locke (English)
Amanda Lenton (Elementary)
T. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve the following substitute cafeteria employee at a rate of $8.00/hour for the 2008-2009 school year:
Margaret Hanning
U. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve the following supplemental contract for the 2008-2009 school year:
Patrick Lauletta Mentoring 2 points @ $520 = $1040
V.That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve the employment of Ms. Judy Lion as a Personal Care Assistant for the Summer Reading Camp. Ms. Lion's hourly rate will be $10.90 from June 22, 2009 through June 30, 2009 and will increase to $11.45 from July 1, 2009 through July 23, 2009. (Ms. Lion's is currently a Title I Reading Assistant at the Octorara Middle School)
W. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve the employment of Ms. Tara Pitts as a Family and Consumer Science teacher, pending completion of employee related documents required by law and the district, at the Octorara High School. Ms. Pitt's salary will be $43,741.00 effective August 26, 2009. (Replacing Virginia Hartsfield who resigned)
Mr. Ganow wanted to know what Step this was. Mr. Rohrer replied that it was Step 1.
X.That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve the employment of Ms. Charlotte Bridges as an ESL Instructional Assistant, pending completion of employee related documents required by law and the district, at the Octorara Primary Learning Center and Octorara Elementary School. Ms. Bridge's hourly rate will be $9.65/hour effective August 31, 2009. (Replacing Rana Watterson who resigned)
Y.That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve the appointment of Mr. Scott Rohrer as Assistant Superintendent for Secondary Education grades 7 through 12 effective July 1, 2009 through June 30, 2012.
This is to take care of certain items for the State.
Z.That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve the employment of Ms. Sharon Richey as a Learning Support Assistant for the Summer Literacy Camp. Ms. Richey's hourly rate will be $10.30 from June 22, 2009 to June 30, 2009 and will increase to $10.85 from July 1, 2009 through July 23, 2009. (Ms. Richey is currently a One-on-One Assistant at the Octorara High School)
Mr. Ganow wanted to know why the rate changed. Mr. Lee replied that it is for the new fiscal year.
AA. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve the following Summer EAP Tutoring teachers at a rate of $30.00/hour:
Sarah Callaway
Roberta Souders
Roxanne Sockoloskie
Anita Ungerbuehler
Melanie Johnson
8.Facilities Committee Report
Mr. Stoltzfus reported on the walk-through of the construction. They are starting to lay the brick out back. They are a little ahead of schedule. The additions are scheduled to be completed in December. We will start seeing a lot more happening now that school is out. He wanted to make the Board aware that some of the sidewalks are being redone & they may want to redo more. They are getting the numbers. There are also two fire hydrants that need to be replace. They will cost approx. $2,400 each. The change-orders for interior doors is a net $2,500.
9. Other Items/Concerns
10. Visitors' Comments ¬ General
Lennie Brown let the Board know that Rachel Miller received a scholarship of $1,000 from the Lanco Soccer League.
11. Board Comments
Mr. Mango said the Flag Football camp went well.
Mrs. Bowman said that Graduation went well.
Mr. Hume complimented the Middle School Music Program
12. Adjournment
Dr. Newcome recommended that for the summer, Board meetings should move to the Intermediate School Library starting next week. – due to the construction.
Facilities Committee Meeting ¬ Monday, June 8, 2009 ¬ 6:30 p.m. District Office Conference Room (Tour of the High School Addition and Renovation work to begin at 6:00 p.m. meeting in the District Office at 5:45 p.m.)
Next regularly scheduled Board Meeting ¬ Monday, June 15, 2009 ¬ 7:30 p.m.
Octorara Middle School MPR
Next regularly scheduled Work Session ¬ Monday, July 13, 2009¬ 7:30 p.m. Octorara
Middle School MPR
Executive Session for Personnel will be held following this meeting in the District
Office Conference Room
June 8, 2009 ¬ 7:30 p.m.
Middle School Multi-Purpose Room
l. Lord's Prayer
2. Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag
3. Roll Call
All present
4. Visitors' Comments - Agenda Items Only
5. Presentations:
Grading Policy
The Grade Committee presented the new Grading Policy. The Purpose is for consistency of grading, identify student weaknesses and measure achievement.
Mr. Malone asked if the grade scale is consistent between the buildings. Dr. Bishop stated that is one of the goals.
Mr. Mango asked if a standardized report card is coming. Dr. Bishop stated that is part of the process.
Mrs. Bowman asked how much of this was already being done. Dr. Bishop felt that is was pretty close to what is currently happening.
6. Information Items:
7. Presentation of Agenda Items for the June 15, 2009 Regular Monthly Public Meeting:
A. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve Ms. Sarah Roenigk request for sabbatical leave for the first semester 2009-2010 school year for professional development. Ms. Roenigk is an Art teacher at the Octorara High School.
B. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve the attached resolution adopting the 2009 ¬ 2010 General Fund Budget Expenditures in the amount of $44,021,839.
Dr. Newcome said that there was nothing additional for budget discussion on the agenda because of this item.
Mr. Ganow asked if the vote for the budget gets passed with a simple majority or if they need 6 votes. Dr. Newcome & Mr. Lee think it is a simple majority.
Mr. Norris brought up that the Board was given bad information concerning Indoor Track and whether it was a PIAA sport. Dr. Newcome read a statement apologizing for error. Having gone over the athletic budget again, he stands by his recommendation that Indoor Track be eliminated due to the cost & that he feels it is an off-season conditioning bridge for Cross Country & Spring Track. He also stated that the PIAA does not sponsor Indoor Track championships.
Mr. Norris also raised concern over the wording of how Football was going to be included in the athletic budget as fully funded. Dr. Newcome didn’t think it was an issue since it stated ‘operating costs’.
Dr. Newcome stated that the Administration did not take the PSBA membership out of the budget.
He also asked that if the Board is not in a position to pass the budget, that he needed to know what to work on for next week.
Several Board Members indicated that they are comfortable with this budget.
C. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve the attached resolution establishing a real estate millage rate of 32.23 mills in Chester County and 27.68 mills in Lancaster County.
D. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve the following financial institutions and investment firms for financial services during the 2009-2010 school year, in accordance with Section 621 of the School Code:
1. Fulton Bank-depository and investment
2. PA School District Liquid Asset Fund ¬ depository and investment
3. PA Local Government Investment Fund-investment only
4. RBC Dain Rauscher, Inc.-investment only
5.Sovereign Bank-investment only
E. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve the following list of signatories for the designated bank accounts effective July 1, 2009:
General Fund: ¬ President, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary
Cafeteria Fund: ¬ President, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary
Fitness Center Fund: ¬ President, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary
(Required 3 Signatures)
Official Imprest Fund: - Superintendent, Business Manager, High School
Principal, Asst. High School Principal, Athletic Director, Board Secretary
(Required 2 Signatures)
School Activity Fund: - Building Principal, Building Asst. Principal, Business
(Required Business Manager signature with one counter signature)
F. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve the appropriate budget transfers for the year ending 2008-2009 as a result of the annual financial audit.
(Note: This is a requirement for the school code to be done prior to June 30th of each fiscal year.)
Mr. Stoltzfus asked where we currently stand.
Mr. Lee replied that the District is currently under budget, but they won’t know for sure until closer to June 30.
Mr. Hume asked if this goes to the Fund Balance.
Mr. Lee replied that it did.
G. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve the attached list of salaries for school district employees for the 2009-2010 school year.
H. That the Octorara Board of School Directors appoint the following facilities to provide school health services for the 2009-2010 school year:
Brandywine Valley Family Care
County Line Medical Center
I. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve Dr. Jeffrey Blair and The Coatesville Dental Clinic as the school dental consultants for the 2009-2010 school year at a rate of $90.50 per session: ($.50 increase from 2008-2009)
Mr. Hershey asked what is considered a session. Mr. Lee replied that it is one exam. The District provided transportation.
J.That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve a price change for student lunches at the High School for the 2009 ¬ 2010 school year to $2.50. (See attached memo)
K.That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve the submission of Part H of PLANCON for the High Addition and Renovation Project. (Project Financing)
Mr. Lee explained that this is temporary reimbursement from the state of money we borrowed.
L. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve the change order to Bristol Environmental, Inc, in the amount of a credit of $12,500 for the Asbestos Removal contract of the High School Renovation and Addition Project. (This information was presented to the Facilities Committee)
Mr. Stoltzfus explained that this is what he has discussed in past meetings – a credit due to coordination of effort.
M. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve the attached MOU (Memorandum of Understanding) with the OAEA (Octorara Area Education Association). ¬ Relating to revision of the HRA Plan for retired professional employees.
Changing brokers for health coverage for retirees.
N.That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve an agreement with Tri- Star/Systems for the administration of the HRA Plan for retired professional employees.
This goes with item “M”
O.That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve the attached revised Position Descriptions for the Octorara District Office.
Resignation Approvals:
P.That the Octorara Board of School Directors accept Ms. Elizabeth Bushong's resignation as a Head Cross Country and Head Track and Field coach effective June 1, 2009.
Q.That the Octorara Board of School Directors accept Ms. Anita Ungerbuehler's resignation as a Learning Support teacher at the Octorara Elementary School effective June 5, 2009. (Hired August 2008)
R.That the Octorara Board of School Directors accept Ms. Christine Chilson's resignation as a Lunchroom/Playground Supervisor at the Octorara Intermediate School effective May 14, 2009. (Hired August 2008)
Mr. Mango wondered if there needed to be a discussion on an increase in pay to help reduce turnover. Dr. Newcome said it could be looked at in the next contract negotiation in 2011.
Hiring Approvals:
S.That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve the following substitute teachers for the 2008-2009 school year:
Jennifer Locke (English)
Amanda Lenton (Elementary)
T. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve the following substitute cafeteria employee at a rate of $8.00/hour for the 2008-2009 school year:
Margaret Hanning
U. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve the following supplemental contract for the 2008-2009 school year:
Patrick Lauletta Mentoring 2 points @ $520 = $1040
V.That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve the employment of Ms. Judy Lion as a Personal Care Assistant for the Summer Reading Camp. Ms. Lion's hourly rate will be $10.90 from June 22, 2009 through June 30, 2009 and will increase to $11.45 from July 1, 2009 through July 23, 2009. (Ms. Lion's is currently a Title I Reading Assistant at the Octorara Middle School)
W. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve the employment of Ms. Tara Pitts as a Family and Consumer Science teacher, pending completion of employee related documents required by law and the district, at the Octorara High School. Ms. Pitt's salary will be $43,741.00 effective August 26, 2009. (Replacing Virginia Hartsfield who resigned)
Mr. Ganow wanted to know what Step this was. Mr. Rohrer replied that it was Step 1.
X.That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve the employment of Ms. Charlotte Bridges as an ESL Instructional Assistant, pending completion of employee related documents required by law and the district, at the Octorara Primary Learning Center and Octorara Elementary School. Ms. Bridge's hourly rate will be $9.65/hour effective August 31, 2009. (Replacing Rana Watterson who resigned)
Y.That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve the appointment of Mr. Scott Rohrer as Assistant Superintendent for Secondary Education grades 7 through 12 effective July 1, 2009 through June 30, 2012.
This is to take care of certain items for the State.
Z.That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve the employment of Ms. Sharon Richey as a Learning Support Assistant for the Summer Literacy Camp. Ms. Richey's hourly rate will be $10.30 from June 22, 2009 to June 30, 2009 and will increase to $10.85 from July 1, 2009 through July 23, 2009. (Ms. Richey is currently a One-on-One Assistant at the Octorara High School)
Mr. Ganow wanted to know why the rate changed. Mr. Lee replied that it is for the new fiscal year.
AA. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve the following Summer EAP Tutoring teachers at a rate of $30.00/hour:
Sarah Callaway
Roberta Souders
Roxanne Sockoloskie
Anita Ungerbuehler
Melanie Johnson
8.Facilities Committee Report
Mr. Stoltzfus reported on the walk-through of the construction. They are starting to lay the brick out back. They are a little ahead of schedule. The additions are scheduled to be completed in December. We will start seeing a lot more happening now that school is out. He wanted to make the Board aware that some of the sidewalks are being redone & they may want to redo more. They are getting the numbers. There are also two fire hydrants that need to be replace. They will cost approx. $2,400 each. The change-orders for interior doors is a net $2,500.
9. Other Items/Concerns
10. Visitors' Comments ¬ General
Lennie Brown let the Board know that Rachel Miller received a scholarship of $1,000 from the Lanco Soccer League.
11. Board Comments
Mr. Mango said the Flag Football camp went well.
Mrs. Bowman said that Graduation went well.
Mr. Hume complimented the Middle School Music Program
12. Adjournment
Dr. Newcome recommended that for the summer, Board meetings should move to the Intermediate School Library starting next week. – due to the construction.
Facilities Committee Meeting ¬ Monday, June 8, 2009 ¬ 6:30 p.m. District Office Conference Room (Tour of the High School Addition and Renovation work to begin at 6:00 p.m. meeting in the District Office at 5:45 p.m.)
Next regularly scheduled Board Meeting ¬ Monday, June 15, 2009 ¬ 7:30 p.m.
Octorara Middle School MPR
Next regularly scheduled Work Session ¬ Monday, July 13, 2009¬ 7:30 p.m. Octorara
Middle School MPR
Executive Session for Personnel will be held following this meeting in the District
Office Conference Room
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