Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Public School Board Meeting 02/15/2010


February 15, 2010 – 7:30 p.m.
Middle School Multi-Purpose Room

1.Lord’s Prayer

2.Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag

3.Roll Call

All present
4. Approval of Minutes from the Work Session of January 11, 2010 and the Regular Meeting of January 18, 2010.

5. Presentations
Brian Cutler (State Representative) was there to let the Board know that he is available for questions & to let them know what is going on in Harrisburg.

He has been added to the Education Committee. The Governor would like more money for education. He is looking for $30 million extra. Mr. Cutler is concerned that there will be strings & mandates attached to this funding. He realizes that unfunded mandates are a problem. A task force may look at unfunded mandates to see if any can be suspended or repealed.

They are also looking at the impact of Clean & Green on school districts.

He also realizes that there are huge pension increases coming. They will also be looking at this.

Mr. McCartney asked if there has been any movement on the 2007 task force recommendations.

Mr. Cutler replied that one of the things they’ve looked at is the consolidation of school benefits programs & a purchasing consortium. However, he has found that many districts in our area would be adversely affected by this – districts in this area do well with this. They would be forced to spend more.

Mr. Norris asked if there would be a greater push to have the budget passed on time. Mr. Cutler said that he hoped so. The Governor would like to sign the budget by mid-June. State revenue is behind by $500 Million.

Mrs. Bowman asked if there would be pension reform. Mr. Cutler said that they have to. State benefits need to be cut. One thing he would like the state to look at is the natural gas contained on state lands. He’d like to see that used to fund infrastructure (including education) within environmental standards. There was further discussion about pension funds.

Mr. Carsley asked what they should do about budgeting an increase in basic education funding from the state. Mr. Cutler suggested that they not include it. If it occurs, then it is a bonus.

6.Discussion Item

Avon Grove Charter School Busing

Dr. Newcome along with Larry & Lynn Althouse (Althouse Transportation) addressed this.

There are some students on this route who traveling on the bus for 1 hour 50 minutes.

Dr. Newcome met with some parents. He asked Althouse Transportation for some options. They came up with four.

1. Create a stop at the PLC. Have the parents bring the students to the PLC in the morning & they would proceed from there.
2. Shuttle bussing – students would ride the bus to the Octorara Campus with Octorara students. They would then take a different bus to Avon Grove Charter. (Many students attending private schools use this). While this would decrease the ride-time for students in the northern part of the district, it would increase the time for students in the southern part of the district.
3. Add a bus at $310/day (approx. $56,000 annually)
4. Add a van at $224/day (approx. $40,000 annually)

There is nothing in the law about the length of time students ride the bus.

Mr. Malone stated that last week the Board was talking about cutting busses.

Mrs. Bicking asked how far away a private or charter school had to be before the district was no longer responsible for transportation. The answer is 10 miles from the district border. Avon Grove Charter Kemblesville is 9.7 miles.

Mr. Ganow wanted to know what the district would cut if they were to fund $ 56,000 for this bus.

A lot of discussion ensued. Everyone kept coming back to option 2. Mrs. Althouse said the problem with option 2 is that while it has a positive impact on 5 students, it would have a negative impact on 21 students.

Mr. Norris asked who does Avon Grove’s bussing & is there any way to piggy-back on that.

Mr. Ganow stated that the district does that for at least on private school. He doesn’t think it is fair to ask Althouse’s to purchase an additional bus & then the district may cut busses.

Someone asked what the tuition is for AGCS. $9,800/student.

Mr. Norris thinks the Board needs to plan for the future in this regard.

Mr. Ganow said that the best solution is to find out why parents are sending their children to charter schools & then try to get them back to Octorara.

Mr. Hume asked if there has been any conversations between the Administration & parents of students who go to the charter schools.

Dr. Newcome said that they could try, but could not require it.

Mr. Carsley said that another part of the problem is that in the current economy, for families attending private schools, if one parent loses a job, the children are being taken out of private school & are enrolled in charter school.

Mr. Stoltzfus asked if these parents are looking for a solution for this year.

Mr. Malone stated that we don’t have the money.

Mr. Hume asked if they had to make a decision tonight.

Mr. Malone asked if the District is currently abiding by the law. Dr. Newcome responded “yes”. Mr. Malone stated that it is the parents’ choice to send them to the charter school.  Discussion between Mr. Malone & Mr. Hume as to the District's responsibility to these students.  Mr. Hume thinks the district needs to do something.  Mr. Malone thinks it is the parents' choice to send the students to the charter school and the district is doing what it is legally obligated to do.

Dr. Newcome stated that they are looking at all bus routes for next year.  Some of the district's students may be riding longer than they currently do.

7.Information Items

Administrative position changes:
Transfer Jon Propper from Octorara Middle School principal to interim Octorara Area High School assistant principal.

Transfer Cliff Blantz from Octorara Area High School assistant principal to interim Octorara Middle School assistant principal.

Transfer Elena Wilson from Octorara Middle School assistant principal to interim Octorara Middle School principal.

8. Treasurer’s Report

A. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve the General Fund Report for
period ending January 31, 2010.

Mr. Malone gave the report. Approved.

9.Business Manager’s Report:

A.Approval of Bills for Payment

Mr. Carsley gave the report. 

Mr. McCarter wondered why the athletic bills had different totals on two different pages.  Mr. Carsley will look into it and get back to Mr. McCartney.

Mr. Norris had a question about a couple of items.

Approved.10. Visitors’ Comments - Agenda Items Only

Eric Stuehrmann (W. Fallowfield) said he could address some reasons why parents choose to send their children to a charter school.  Mr. Stuerhmann stated he has 3 children, one of whom he recently transferred to a charter school.  He's concerned about the District's priorties.  His oldest child took the PSAT's and was eligible as a National Merit Scholar in everything but math.   There seems to be a systemic problem with the math program.  The child who transferred has some problems that weren't addressed by the district. 

11. Recommended Action Items:
(Italicized items are new; they were not on the February 8, 2010 agenda.)

A. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve the proposed preliminary budget for the 2010-2011 fiscal year and allow the administration to apply for Act 1 exemptions.

Mr. Ganow wanted to make it clear that a positive vote at this time does not mean a positive vote in the future.  Dr. Newcome clarified that this is a legal necessity under Act 1 and not what the budget will show in the end.


Hiring Approvals:
B.That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve the employment of Ms. Melissa Rapp as a bus aide at the Octorara Intermediate School at the rate of $9.65 per hour effective February 1, 2010. (Ms. Rapp is currently employed by the District as a lunch/playground aide. She is replacing Billie Lynn Stanley who resigned.)


C.  That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve the employment of Ms. Catherine Mundy as a mid-range substitute English teacher at the Octorara Area High School effective February 1, 2010 through June 11, 2010 at the rate of $140 per day. (Ms. Mundy is replacing Jennifer Watson who is on child-rearing leave.)


D. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve the employment of Ms. Dawn Munion as a mid-range substitute math teacher at the Octorara Area High School effective January 4, 2010 through March 30, 2010 at the rate of $140 per day. (Ms. Munion is currently an approved substitute for the District and is
replacing Melissa Carrodo who is on medical leave.)


E. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve Ms. Cheryl Coughlin as a volunteer swim coach for her child. She will be representing Octorara Area High School in Chesmont League swim meets on an exhibition basis when there is a lane available at the meets.


F.That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve the following supplemental contracts for the 2009-2010 school year:
Dean Bicking OIS Technology Coordinator 2 points @ $545 $1,090
Drew Duggan OIS Academic Comp Advisor 2 points @ $545 $1,090

G.That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve the following substitute teachers for the 2009-2010 school year:
Alicia Ivey (Elementary)
Laura Stewart (Elementary)
Kelley Ternahan (Elementary, ESL)
Beth Vattelana (Special Education, Elementary)
Melissa Weathers (Elementary, Reading Specialist)


H. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve the following substitute support staff for the 2009-2010 school year:
Amy MacDonald (Instructional Assistant, Lunch Playground Aide, Nurse Aide, Library, Secretary)
David Kauffman (Custodian)


I. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve the following changes in salary due to graduate credits earned:
Drew Baumgardner From M+15 ($57,535) to M+30 ($59,524) Step 7
Shawna McAllister From M+15 ($55,181) to M+30 ($57,349) Step 4
Dena Schott From M+30 ($60,974) to M+45 ($63,750) Step 9


J.That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve the textbook Voices of Dissent – Critical Readings in American Politics, 8th Edition, Grover and Peschek, published by Pearson Education, Inc., © 2010. This text will be used by the Octorara Area High School in the AP Government course.

K. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve the purchase of cable TV distribution and video on demand server for the District from AVT Digital Media Systems at a cost of $49,190.00.

Mr. Ganow questioned whether this went out for bid.  Mr. Carsley stated that these are state prices & have already been bid.
Mr. Ganow wanted to know if it could be put out to bid anyway.  Mr. Carsley said that it could be.  Mr. Ganow did some pricing online & found several prices to be cheaper. 

Mr. Hume said that since they are looking to cut expenses that this should be shelved for the time being.  Mr. Ganow said that this is from capital funds. 

Mr. Norris said that if we don't do it now, while the classrooms are ripped up, it won't happen at all.  We depend on the state to get us the best prices.  This has been discussed for a while & it is a little late now to be questioning the prices.

Mr. Stoltzfus believes this is the time to do it.

It was explained that residents will be able to stream school events on campus to their home computers.

Mr. Stoltzfus said that we will receive credit for the coax cable.

Mr. Ganow is not opposed to doing it, he is just worried about this being the best price.

Ms. Johnson said that they had received 3 quotes at the facilities meeting.  Mrs. Bowman stated that this was discussed at 2 facilities meetings.

There was more discussion.

Mr. Carsley said that they try to piggyback onto state contracts whenever they can.  He did request other quotes & the state quote was the best.  If it is put out to bid, it would delay the installation & the project.  A bid has to be in the paper for 3 weeks.

Roll Call Vote:
Bicking              Yes
Bowman            Yes
Ganow              No
Hume                No
Johnson             Yes
Malone             Yes
McCarter          No
Norris               Yes
Stoltzfus            Yes

Approved 6-3

L. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve the attached agreement between the Octorara Area School District and the Octorara YMCA.


12. I.U./C.A.T. Board Representative’s Report

Mr. Stoltzfus said the meeting is this Wednesday.

13. Old Business

14. New Business


15. Other Items and Announcements


16. Visitors’ Comments – General

Eric Stuerhmann (W. Fallowfield) wanted to follow-up some things from the December meeting.  It was his recollection that the Board said they don't respond to community comments per policy.  However, he looked through the policies and couldn't find anything that said that.  There doesn't seem to be a 2-way conversation.

People have told him that they don't come to the meetings because the Board doesn't seem interested in listening.  He often has people ask him to bring up things at the meetings that they don't wnat to bring up themselves.    He has encouraged people to come to meetings.

He said that at the Avon Grove Charter School Board meetings that the public has an opportunity to speak with every agenda item.  The public knows exactly what is being discussed.

John Reid (Atglen)  had a question regarding the information item.  He wanted to know when these moves were effective.  As far as he knows, there has been no communication with parents.  He feels that this is a disruption so close to PSSA testing.  He also questioned the term "interim" (how long?  impact on salaries?)  As a building principal in another district, he has never seen anything like this occur.

17. Board Comments

Mrs. Bowman said that the Board has always listened and at times there has been dialogue. There are other boards who don't respond until the following month.

Mr. Norris said he cannot recall an incident where no one has addressed questions.

Members of the Board stated that they would not discuss the Superintendent contract or the information item above.

18. Adjournment

Executive Session for personnel Monday, February 15, 2010 – following the Board Meeting in the Octorara District Office Conference Room.

Facility Committee Meeting – Monday, March 8, 2010 – 6:00 p.m. in the Octorara District Office Conference Room

Next regularly scheduled Work Session – Monday, March 8, 2010 – 7:30 p.m. in the Octorara Middle School Multi-Purpose Room

Finance Committee Meeting – Monday, March 15, 2010 – 6:30 p.m. in the Octorara District Office Conference Room

Next regularly scheduled Board Meeting – Monday, March 15, 2010 – 7:30 p.m. in the Octorara Middle School Multi-Purpose Room

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Work Session 02/08/2010


February 8, 2010 – 7:30 p.m.
Middle School Multi-Purpose Room


1. Lord’s Prayer

2. Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag

3. Roll Call

1 absent

4. Visitors’ Comments - Agenda Items Only


A.Food Service Audit Report – Linda Neff

Linda Neff went over the findings from the Food Service Audit. It is the first one Ms. Neff has been directly involved in. There were some minor citations (one of which included the amount of peanut butter that is to be placed in a sandwich).

There is no follow-up visit scheduled, so that is good.

She is putting together a student advisory group to help the menus be more to the liking of the students, as long as they are within the guidelines set by the USDA.

Mr. McCartney had a few questions. Mrs. Bowman asked how long the audit took place. Ms. Neff replied that it was 3 days. Mr. Norris stated that his children have complementary things to say about the school lunches. Mrs. Bowman noted that the comments in the audit were good.

B.Budget – Dan Carsley

Let me note here that everything talked about was for discussion purposes at this time. None of what has been discussed has been approved or will even really be considered.

Dr. Newcome started the budget discussion. With the expenses currently in the budget, we are starting with a deficit of $3.4 million.

If the district makes the assumption that they raise the millage to the maximum permitted by law & use the exemptions to the full extent, then given the balancing of the mills between Chester & Lancaster counties; Chester County would increase 2.4 mills and Lancaster County would remain the same. That would still leave a deficit of $2.7 million.

Currently in the budget are items that were deleted from the budget last year (things that really should be in the budget):
  • $ 100,000 for grade level chairs, department chairs, etc.
  • Put in the full building level budgets & then decreased by 10% = $70,000. (Last year’s budget had a decrease of 20%)

State Revenue is projected as flat – no information yet from Harrisburg. They expect approx. $200,000 additional funding (maybe).

Decrease energy consumption 10% ($15,000).

Looking at transportation – trying to find a way to decrease buses – but they are currently in a situation where they may have to add a bus.

Looking at multiple strategies for Salaries & Benefits. The Administration and the Board need a philosophical discussion concerning this. Should they fill retiree positions? For the rest of this year, if anyone leaves, the building administrator will need to meet with the Superintendent to determine if there is something that can be done other than automatically posting the position.

They expect revenues to be up some. They were talking about reserves here ($500,000 - $750,000) - which in non-school world isn’t really revenue.

After all of this, there is still a $1.4 million deficit.

Dr. Newcome distributed to the Board a list of “Bad Ideas & Things We’ve Never Done Before
-No raises for non-contract employees
-eliminate Summer Reading program
-eliminate summer Kindergarten outreach
-eliminate pre-school visits to Kindergarten
-eliminate conferences & travel not funded by grants
-eliminate professional development not funded by grants
-limit vo-tech admittance
-sell advertising on the district website
-close buildings by 6 p.m. (unless it is a school activity – sports in the afternoon)
-discontinue all extra-curricular activities (Dr. Newcome emphasized that he doesn’t want to ever have to mention this one again –but felt he had to list it).
-short-term rolling furloughs for 12-month contract employees.

Mr. Norris asked what the savings would be for these “Bad Ideas”. It is difficult to evaluate them without numbers attached. They can’t even be discussed without that information. He stated that everyone needs to work together on this budget. They need help & ideas.

Dr. Newcome said he is looking for direction from the Board. If there is anything that is considered “sacred”, the Board needs to let him know so they don’t take time looking at it.

Mr. McCartney had a question about transportation. He wanted to know about safety issues they had to consider. Is there a possibility of consolidating bus stops.

Dr. Newcome said that there may not be any savings in that. You don’t want to create large groups of unsupervised students. There is also a timing issue.

Mr. McCartney stated that he was looking at it from a fuel consumption standpoint. That if there were less starting and stopping, it could save fuel.

Mr. McCartney asked if they eliminated students from going to Vo-tech what would happen to them. Dr. Newcome said that 75-80 students would need to be re-absorbed back into the high school on a full-time basis. It would slightly increase class sizes.

Mr. Norris asked how many would drop out if they couldn’t go to vo-tech. Dr. Newcome didn’t think that many would. The requirements to get into vo-tech are high and these aren’t students who were at risk of dropping out.

Mr. Carsley said it costs approx. $1.1 million to send students to vo-tech (approx. $16,000 per student).

Mr. McCartney asked if there was any follow-up after graduation to see if those students go into the fields in which they were enrolled.

Dr. Newcome stated that the guidance counselors may have some informal information, but nothing formal.

Mr. Rohrer said that in his experience, most of these students do go into those fields because they know what they want to do.

Dr. Newcome said he would see if there was any data.

Mr. Stoltzfus said that from the meetings he attends at the I.U., that there is a demand for the students attending vo-tech.

Mr. Stoltzfus asked if we were soon getting any information from Harrisburg. Mr. Carsley replied that the first run should be out this week.

There was a question about the county assessment numbers. Mr. Carsley continues to receive reports from the county. Assessments are down about $6 million compared to when last year’s tax bills were calculated (approx. $200,00 from the bottom line). He is waiting for information from Lancaster County.

Mrs. Bicking questioned why the Chester County millage is increasing & Lancaster County’s is staying the same. Mr. Carsley said it was due to “rebalancing”.

Mrs. Bicking said that before the Board & the Administration dare ask non-contract employees to not have a raise, why can’t we go to the union and ask that they take a little less this year – for example, if the increase is 3%, ask that they take 2.5%.

Mr. Hume thinks that the Board may be a little too close to the situation and may be a little out of touch with the community. He said there is a district that put together a community tax task force to look at the budget. (West Chester). He also had a list for the superintendent of items to look at in the budget.

Mrs. Bowman said the Board is open to suggestions. She also stated that Octorara is not alone this year.

Dr. Newcome said that he hadn’t asked the Board this year if they wanted additional community involvement as they haven’t asked for it the past few years. He said there could be an additional community meeting.

He would like to invite Chester County2020 for a “community conversation”. Although this would not be specific to the budget, it would probably be part of the conversation.


Ms. Bowman believes it is important for the community to understand that the district is starting with a $3 million deficit.

Mr. Malone said he wasn’t sure what could be done to decrease transportation costs. Mr. Carsley informed the Board that he would be meeting with Althouse Transportation to look at some buses that have lower numbers. Dr. Newcome said that everyone must be aware that there are consequences to making changes… a student that currently rides the bus for 25 minutes could end up riding the bus for 45 minutes.

Mr. Carsley said we have several roads with hazardous walking conditions according to PennDot. The limit for elementary student walkers is 1.5 miles and secondary student walkers is 2.0 miles. However, both Highland Rd. and Rt. 41 are considered hazardous roads for walking – so no students are permitted to walk.

Mr. Norris brought up the amount of time teachers spend out of the classroom at meetings & the amount we pay for substitutes. He wanted to know how frequently it happens.

He also is worried about community involvement in the budget process. He doesn’t think they should be looking at individual line items.

Mrs. Bicking thinks there should be employee suggestions.

Mr. Carsley stated that healthcare costs continue to rise. There have been $1.4 million in claims this year. The budget is $2.1 million. There have been a couple of significant claims. If you take those out, we are still over last year by $300,000.

Dr. Newcome addressed Mr. Norris’s question about substitutes. He explained that the Federal agenda seems to be changing the profession of teaching. He sees the future where the professional is not in the classroom, but out of the classroom looking at data. They can’t do that while in the classroom. If staff is doing the data analysis, then they can’t be in the classroom. Mr. McCartney suggested that we need data analysts. Dr. Newcome said that in this case, the people analyzing the data need to be able to transfer the conclusions to the classroom. Dr. Bishop stated that they need to be able to teach the kids & know if they are learning – and if they aren’t learning, what to do. So, she feels the teachers need to be the data analysts.

Mr. Stoltzfus said that adding any new programs is out of the question.

Dr. Newcome thanked everyone for their comments.

Mrs. Bowman encouraged the public to come out the meetings.

Information Items:
7. Presentation of Agenda Items for the February 15, 2010 Regular Monthly Public Meeting:

A. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve the proposed preliminary budget for the 2010-2011 fiscal year and allow the administration to apply for Act 1 exemptions.

This is just the starting point.

Hiring Approvals:

B. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve the employment of Ms.Melissa Rapp as a bus aide at the Octorara Intermediate School at the rate of $9.65 per hour effective February 1, 2010. (Ms. Rapp is currently employed by the district as a lunch/playground aide. She is replacing Billie Lynn Stanley who resigned.)

C. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve the employment of Ms. Catherine Mundy as a mid-range substitute English teacher at the Octorara Area High School effective February 1, 2010 through June 11, 2010 at the rate of $140 per day. (Ms. Mundy is replacing Jennifer Watson who is on child-rearing leave.)

D. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve the employment of Ms. Dawn Munion as a mid-range substitute math teacher at the Octorara Area High School effective January 4, 2010 through March 30, 2010 at the rate of $140 per day. (Ms. Munion is currently an approved substitute for the District and is replacing Melissa Carrodo who is on medical leave.)

E. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve Ms. Cheryl Coughlin as a volunteer swim coach for her child. She will be representing Octorara Area High School in Chesmont League swim meets on an exhibition basis when there is a lane available at the meets.

Ms. Bowman asked Mr. Weagley if we only have one person on our swim team. Mr. Weagley stated that there are currently 3 and that we don’t officially have a swim team. These individuals compete when they can. They are eligible to qualify to districts.

F. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve the following supplemental contracts for the 2009-2010 school year:
Dean Bicking OIS Technology Coordinator 2 points @ $545 $1,090
Drew Duggan OIS Academic Comp Advisor 2 points @ $545 $1,090

The OIS Academic Comp Advisor is actually for Envirothon.

G. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve the following substitute teachers for the 2009-2010 school year:
Alicia Ivey (Elementary)
Laura Stewart (Elementary)
Kelley Ternahan (Elementary, ESL)
Beth Vattelana (Special Education, Elementary)
Melissa Weathers (Elementary, Reading Specialist)

H. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve the following substitute support staff for the 2009-2010 school year:
Amy MacDonald (Instructional Assistant, Lunch Playground Aide, Nurse Aide, Library, Secretary)

I. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve the following changes in salary due to graduate credits earned:
Drew Baumgardner From M+15 ($57,535) to M+30 ($59,524) Step 7
Shawna McAllister From M+15 ($55,181) to M+30 ($57,349) Step 4
Dena Schott From M+30 ($60,974) to M+45 ($63,750) Step 9

8. Facilities Committee Report

Mr. Stoltzfus gave the report. The HS renovations are going well. There are still a few punch list items on the additions. They found more asbestos on pipes in an area being renovated. He expects that they will find more as the project progresses. There will be change orders to take care of this.

They are still looking at alternatives to replacing the Middle School roof.

He’s recommending that they move forward with the upgraded cabling for the TV studio. They will probably end up getting some sort of credit.

They are still working on the fire system.

They are still looking at the offer on the cell tower.

Mr. Weagley is asking for $1000 for a mat for the long jump.

Dr. Newcome stated that they had run out of time at the facilities meeting and Mr. Norris had something he wanted to bring up.

Mr. Norris deferred to Mr. Haller (OIS Principal). They found a piece of playground equipment they would like to install.

9. Other Items/Concerns

Dr. Newcome said that there is a focus group put together for the Math report. He invited Board members to attend as observers.

He wanted to further explain the Chester County 2020 community conversation. This group will be holding a farming conference at the high school. He would like them to do one of their community conversations in the district. He said that Unionville had held one. He would like a group of municipal leaders, parent organization groups, etc. to attend. He would like from the board a list of people who should be there. He would like the Board and Administration to attend in the role of observer and maybe answer questions.

He had distributed disciplinary reports to Board members and mentioned the meetings Mr. Weagley had been holding with booster & community organizations.

There is an afterschool Arts & Crafts activity being held for 1st & 2nd grade students. There is a cost involved. He wanted to inform the Board of this and if they want it on the agenda for approval, he will see that it is place there.

Ms. Bowman thanked Mr. Weagley for his involving the community. She thinks the Chester County 2020 is a great idea.

Chloe Dean (Student Representative) wanted to give an update on the Braves statue. A fund was set up in the 06-07 school year. There have been some donations & a fund raiser is planned. There is currently $ 6,437 in the account. The statue cost $25,000. They will be holding a brick fund raiser. The price is to be determined. Student Council has also been holding Nickel Days for Doctors Without Borders for the Haitian earthquake and have raised some money for that.

Mr. Malone said he believes that the statue honors the area’s heritage.

10. Visitors’ Comments – General

Ellen Brown thanked the District for placing budget information on the District website.

11. Board Comments

Mr. Norris complemented Mr. Harner (OES Principal) on the nice newsletter they distributed. He had a question about he drastic increase in absences from Aug-Nov over prior years. Mrs. McNamara said that there was a lot of flu, pneumonia and strep this year.

There were some questions about the discipline reports.

Mrs. Bowman thanked the maintenance department & bus drivers for school opening today.

12. Adjournment

Facility Committee Meeting – Monday, February 8, 2010– 6:00 p.m. in the Octorara District Office Conference Room

Executive Session for personnel Monday, February 8, 2010– following the Work Session in the Octorara District Office Conference Room.

Policy Committee Meeting – Monday, February 15, 2010 – 6:30 p.m. in the Octorara District Office Conference Room

Next regularly scheduled Board Meeting – Monday, February 15, 2010 – 7:30 p.m. in the Octorara Middle School Multi-Purpose Room