August 16, 2010 – 7:30 p.m.
Middle School Multi-Purpose Room
1.Lord’s Prayer
2.Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag
3.Roll Call
All present.
4.Approval of Minutes from the Work Session of July 12, 2010 and the Regular Meeting of July 19, 2010.
6.Information Items
7.Treasurer’s Report
A. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve the General Fund Report for period ending July 31, 2010.
8.Business Manager’s Report
A. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve the list of bills for payment.
Mr. Ganow asked whether two checks to the same person were duplicates. They aren't.
9.Visitors’ Comments - Agenda Items Only
10.Recommended Action Items: (Italicized items are new; they were not on the August 9, 2010 agenda.)
A-J approved.
A. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve the following change orders: Bristol Environmental, Inc. #005 Asbestos removal 1st floor corridor and nurse’s suite in the amount of $8,645.00. Bristol Environmental, Inc. #006 Asbestos removal 1st floor renovation area in the amount of $7,000.00.
Resignation Approvals:
B. That the Octorara Board of School Directors accept, with regret, the resignation of Ms. Sherry Carolus as cafeteria/playground supervisor at the Octorara Elementary School effective July 20, 2010. (Hired 9/3/97)
C. That the Octorara Board of School Directors accept the resignation of Ms. Kathleen Dikun as an instructional aide at the Octorara Elementary School effective August 5, 2010. (Ms. Dikun is filling a long-term substitute third grade position for the 2010-2011 school year. She will return to the aide position for the 2011-2012 school year.)
Hiring Approvals:
D. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve the employment of Ms. Robin Keevan as a long term substitute physical education teacher in the Octorara Middle School effective August 25, 2010 pending completion of employee related documents required by law and the District. Ms. Keevan’s salary will be $46,914.00 which is Step 1 of the Bachelor’s Scale. (Replacing Deb Canby who is on sabbatical leave.)
E. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve the employment of Ms. Kathleen Dikun as a long term substitute third grade teacher at the Octorara Elementary School effective August 25, 2010 pending completion of employee related documents required by law and the District. Ms. Dikun’s salary will be $46,914.00 which is Step 1 of the Bachelor’s Scale. (Replacing Jody Bradley who is on child rearing leave.)
F. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve Ms. Dana Coulter’s request for unpaid Family Medical Leave for the purpose of child rearing from August 25, 2010 through October 4, 2010. Ms. Coulter is a second grade teacher at the Octorara Primary Learning Center.
G. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve Ms. Sarah Callaway’s request for unpaid Family Medical Leave for the purpose of child rearing from approximately October 26, 2010 through January 3, 2011. Ms. Callaway is a special education teacher at the Octorara Primary Learning Center.
H. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve Ms. Amanda King’s request for unpaid Family Medical Leave for the purpose of child rearing from approximately November 22, 2010 through January 3, 2011. Ms. King is a sixth grade teacher at the Octorara Intermediate School.
I. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve the following changes of salary omitted from the salary list approved on June 28, 2010:
Ashley Brennan $46,914 Step 1 Bachelor’s Scale
Aleta Connell $81,848 Step 20 Master’s +30 Scale
J. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve the following change in salary due to graduate credits earned:
JoAnn Marinacci From M ($55,102) to M+15 ($59,906) Step 6
Megan Munn From M ($54,244) to M+15 ($59,100) Step 5
Sally Welk From M+30 ($65,733) to M+45 ($68,622) Step 10
Roberta Souders From M ($77,402) to M+15 ($79,625) Step 20
Sarah Callaway From M ($51,669) to M+15 ($56,682) Step 2
K-FF approved (comments/questions listed below items)
K. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve Policy 226, Searches, second reading. .
Mr. McCartney had a question as to whether the policy followed state guidelines. Dr. Newcome replied that the policy was vetted by the policy committee.
L. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve the proposal for NRG Controls, Inc. service agreement renewal, option 2.
M. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve the Memorandum of Understanding between the Octorara Area School District Board of Directors and the Octorara Area Education Association regarding Octorara District Office Support Personnel starting salaries.
N. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve the resignation of Mr. Nicholas Raftas as an alternative education instructional assistant at the Octorara Area High School effective August 11, 2010. (Hired August 31, 2009)
O. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve the employment of Mr. Matthew Talley as a technology education teacher at the Octorara Area High School effective August 25, 2010 pending completion of employee related documents required by law and the District. Mr. Talley’s salary will be $46,914.00 which is Step 1 of the Bachelor’s Scale. (Replacing Don Mills who retired.)
Dr. Newcome explained that another candidate had been brought to the Board previously, but did not complete paperwork because he decided to take a job with another district. This is a new candidate.
P. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve the employment of Ms. Gina DiBenedetto as a long term substitute physical education teacher at the Octorara Intermediate School effective August 25, 2010 through December 2, 2010 at the rate of $140 per day pending completion of employee related documents required by law and the District. (Replacing Beth Bushong who is on child rearing leave.)
Q. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve the employment of Ms. Doris Klein as a Title I math assistant at the Octorara Middle School for the 2010-2011 school year pending completion of employee related documents required by law and the District. Ms. Klein’s rate will be $11.40 per hour. (This is a new position paid for by ARRA funds. Ms. Klein is an approved substitute for the District.)
R. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve the employment of Ms. Caitlin Cellini as a Title I math assistant at the Octorara Intermediate School for the 2010-2011 school year pending completion of employee related documents required by law and the District. Ms. Cellini’s rate will be $11.40 per hour. (Replacing Lina Vu who resigned.)
S. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve the employment of Ms. Katherine Ward as a Title I reading aide at the Octorara Middle School effective August 25, 2010 pending completion of employee related documents required by law and the District. Ms. Ward’s rate will be $11.40 per hour. (Replacing Laurel Vnucak who resigned.)
T. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve the employment of Ms. Natalie Meek as a lunchroom/playground supervisor at the Octorara Intermediate School effective August 25, 2010 pending completion of employee related documents required by law and the District. Ms. Meek’s rate will be $8.50 per hour. (Ms. Meek’s resignation was approved on May 17, 2010; she is returning to the position.)
U. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve the employment of Mr. Matthew Furlong as payroll clerk/accounting supervisor assistant for the District effective August 12, 2010 pending completion of employee related documents required by law and the District. Mr. Furlong’s salary will be $39,500. (Replacing Carol Edwards who retired.)
V. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve the employment of Ms. Teresa Cassel as lunch/playground supervisor at the Octorara Elementary School effective August 25, 2010 pending completion of employee related documents required by law and the District. Ms. Cassel’s rate will be $8.50 per hour. (Replacing Sherry Carolus who resigned.)
W. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve Ms. Gwendolen Klotz’s request for unpaid Family Medical Leave for the purpose of child rearing effective August 25, 2010 through November 22, 2010. (Ms. Klotz was approved for an unpaid leave of absence without benefits for the 2010-2011 and 2011–2012 school years on May 17, 2010. This is a request for the 12 weeks of family medical leave she is eligible for.)
X. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve the list of substitute teachers, substitute emergency permit teachers, and substitute support staff for the 2010-2011 school year pending proper certification verification.
Y. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve the list of supplemental contracts for the 2010-2011 school year.
Z. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve the employment of Ms. Tammy Anthony as an instructional assistant at the Octorara Elementary School for the 2010-2011 school year pending completion of employee related documents required by law and the District. Ms. Anthony’s rate will be $11.40 per hour. (Replacing Kathleen Dikun who is a long-term substitute for the 2010-2011 school year.)
AA. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve the employment of Ms. Amanda Welsh as a Title I math assistant at the Octorara Elementary School effective August 25, 2010 pending completion of employee related documents required by law and the District. Ms. Welsh’s rate will be $11.40 per hour. (Replacing Richard Letts who resigned.)
BB. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve the employment of Ms. Jodi Lewis as a Title I reading assistant at the Octorara Intermediate School effective September 13, 2010 through December 10, 2010 pending completion of employee related documents required by law and the District. Ms. Lewis’ rate will be $11.40 per hour. (Replacing Stacey Hoopes who will be student teaching.)
CC. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve Ms. Taylor Carroll as a substitute elementary education teacher for the 2010-2011 school year.
DD. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve the following change in salary due to graduate credits earned:
Marjory Zajac From M ($56,818) to M+15 ($61,519) Step 8
EE. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve Jim and Amy Wilde as volunteer volleyball coaches at the Octorara Area High School for the 2010-2011 school year.
FF. That the Octorara Board of School Directors accept the resignation of Mr. Richard Letts as a Title I math assistant at the Octorara Intermediate School and an Alternative Education instructional assistant at the Octorara Area High School effective August 9, 2010. (Hired August 31, 2009.)
Information Item:
Ms. Susan Thieroff will transfer from full-time accounts payable clerk to half-time accounts payable clerk from August 30, 2010 through December 31, 2010.
11. I.U./C.A.T. Board Representative’s Report
No meeting in August.
12.Old Business
Board received report on Fitness Center. Mr. Weagley hopes that it will pick up in the fall. Ms. Bowman asked about the phone calls he had received. About 1/2 came in. Ms. Bowman asked about the fee reduction and the fee for non-residents. Mr. Weagley said that currently there are no non-resident members. The discounted rate is for the trial period. Mr. Hume commented that the rates are not what the Board approved. Mr. Weagley said they reduced the rates because of limited hours.
Mr. Malone asked if anyone had looked into the possibility of using the phone system for community members without children. Dr. Newcome said it can't be done due to the contract. The contract is only for students and staff ($16,000 for 3100 people). Mr. Norris asked what it would cost to open it up?
13.New Business
Mr. Norris wanted some history on the policy for field trips. Dr. Newcome said the goal is to come up with a policy by June 2011. Need to define purpose (education, rewards,etc) and to provide consistency within grades.
Dr. Newcome said he had been contacted by Betsy Gallagher. She is part of a group trying to reconstitute S.A.V.E. She asked if the Board would have any suggesNonetions for a representative from the northern end of Rt. 41. Ms. Bowman would like to look at more. She isn't sure about their position on development along the Rt. 41. corridor.
14.Other Items and Announcements
15.Visitors’ Comments – General
County Commissioner Terence Farrell attended the meeting. He has been visiting all of the Chester County schools. He wanted to let the District know that he is available. The County and the District face similar challenges. He thanked the District for the partnerships with the County (PODS & the energy purchasing coop.) He also sits on the Board of the Y and is please that the District is working with the Y.
Mr. Ganow mentioned that the new County Park at Wolf's Hollow is now open.
Ms. Bowman thanked Mr. Farrell for coming out. She wanted to point out that the demographics in this area are different than elsewhere in the County (in response to Mr. Farrell's comment that Chester County is the wealthiest county in the State). He recognizes the special challenges with 319.
Kent Buohl (Parkesburg) gave an update on HS Girls' Soccer. One of the highlights of the season is Girls' Night Out. The younger players come out and have a good time at a game. Last year, the team sponsored a tailgate. They are doing it again this year with the focus on Breast Cancer Awareness. All proceeds will go toward this cause. The team will be wearing pink & white. The jerseys are being donated. The game will be held on Sept. 18th. The tailgate will begin at 3:30 p.m. The Board is invited to the game & will be receiving an invitation.
The team also raised funds to purchase new uniforms. They sold cookbooks (some are still available) and held other fund raisers.
Mr. Weagley also commented on Girls' Night Out. He talked about how the soccer program has done a nice job of building continuity from the youngest players to the high school players.
Homecoming will be held Sept. 24-25th. The parade is at 7:00 p.m. Friday. There is a football game Thurs. night.
16.Board Comments
Mr. Ganow thought there are some private residences in the park. He wondered if they are on the tax rolls. He would also like someone to look into whether the park would be a good place for a cross country course.
Mr. Hume said that 6-8 weeks ago he had requested some information from the HS and hadn't received it yet. Mr. Rohrer had it with him to share with Mr. Hume after the meeting.
Facility Committee Meeting – Monday, August 16, 2010 – 6:00 p.m. in the District Office Conference Room (Cell Tower Agreement) Executive Session for personnel - Monday, August 16, 2010 –6:30 p.m. in the Octorara District Office Conference Room
Facility Committee Meeting – Monday, September 13, 2010 – 6:00 p.m. in the District Office Conference Room Next regularly scheduled Work Session – Monday, September 13, 2010 – 7:30 p.m. in the Octorara Middle School Multi-Purpose Room
Finance Committee Meeting – Monday, September 20, 2010 – 6:30 p.m. in the District Office Conference Room Next regularly scheduled Board Meeting – Monday, September 20, 2010 – 7:30 p.m. in the Octorara Middle School Multi-Purpose Room
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Monday, August 16, 2010
School Board Work Session 8/9/2010
August 9, 2010 – 7:30 p.m.
Middle School Multi-Purpose Room
1. Lord’s Prayer
2.Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag
3.Roll Call
2 absent
5.Visitors’ Comments - Agenda Items Only
6.Information Items:
7.Presentation of Agenda Items for the August 16, 2010 Regular Monthly Public Meeting:
A. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve the following change orders: Bristol Environmental, Inc. #005 Asbestos removal 1st floor corridor and nurse’s suite in the amount of $8,645.00. Bristol Environmental, Inc. #006 Asbestos removal 1st floor renovation area in the amount of $7,000.00.
Resignation Approvals:
B. That the Octorara Board of School Directors accept, with regret, the resignation of Ms. Sherry Carolus as cafeteria/playground supervisor at the Octorara Elementary School effective July 20, 2010. (Hired 9/3/97)
C. That the Octorara Board of School Directors accept the resignation of Ms. Kathleen Dikun as an instructional aide at the Octorara Elementary School effective August 5, 2010. (Ms. Dikun is filling a long-term substitute third grade position for the 2010-2011 school year. She will return to the aide position for the 2011-2012 school year.)
Hiring Approvals:
D. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve the employment of Ms. Robin Keevan as a long term substitute physical education teacher in the Octorara Middle School effective August 25, 2010 pending completion of employee related documents required by law and the District. Ms. Keevan’s salary will be $46,914.00 which is Step 1 of the Bachelor’s Scale. (Replacing Deb Canby who is on sabbatical leave.)
E. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve the employment of Ms. Kathleen Dikun as a long term substitute third grade teacher at the Octorara Elementary School effective August 25, 2010 pending completion of employee related documents required by law and the District. Ms.Dikun’s salary will be $46,914.00 which is Step 1 of the Bachelor’s Scale. (Replacing Jody Bradley who is on child rearing leave.)
F. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve Ms. Dana Coulter’s request for unpaid Family Medical Leave for the purpose of child rearing from August 25, 2010 through October 4, 2010. Ms. Coulter is a second grade teacher at the Octorara Primary Learning Center.
G. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve Ms. Sarah Callaway’s request for unpaid Family Medical Leave for the purpose of child rearing from approximately October 26, 2010 through January 3, 2011. Ms. Callaway is a special education teacher at the Octorara Primary Learning Center.
H. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve Ms. Amanda King’s request for unpaid Family Medical Leave for the purpose of child rearing from approximately November 22, 2010 through January 3, 2011. Ms. King is a sixth grade teacher at the Octorara Intermediate School.
I. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve the following changes of salary omitted from the salary list approved on June 28, 2010:
Ashley Brennan $46,914 Step 1 Bachelor’s Scale
Aleta Connell $81,848 Step 20 Master’s +30 Scale
J. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve the following change in salary due to graduate credits earned:
JoAnn Marinacci From M ($55,102) to M+15 ($59,906) Step 6
Megan Munn From M ($54,244) to M+15 ($59,100) Step 5
Sally Welk From M+30 ($65,733) to M+45 ($68,622) Step 10
8. Facilities Committee Report
Met this evening about the HS Renovation. Seems to be going well. There are a few issues that keep popping up. Out back by the dock & cafeteria, they needed to move micro & fiber lines. They weren't deep enough.
There are 2 places where water is coming in (Band Room & TV Studio). This is being investigated.
There will be a few change orders added to the agenda for next Monday.
They found more asbestos. There will be change orders for that.
OIS still has rain coming in. The original contract will be looking into this.
The MS roof project is going well & should be completed for the beginning of school.
The cell tower is still being worked on & is currently with the solicitor.
9.Other Items/Concerns
10.Visitors’ Comments – General
Ellen Brown (Atglen) thanked the District for publishing The Reporter. It is nice for this year's graduating class to see something in print about their accomplishments. She did have an issue with the notice regarding the sports physicals. It was published that the physicals were $10 and the form on the district website is not the correct one. She had brought it to the attention of the District when the published morning announcements stated $10 and that the form was incorrect.
Lennie Brown (Atglen) asked if it is possible to use the phone system to inform people who don't have children in school about activities such as concerts & plays on an opt-in basis. It would be a free night out for people.
He also wanted to let the Board & District know that two members of the Class of 2010 received scholarships. Josh Wolfe received $1,000 from the Lanco Soccer League and Greg Patrick received $4,000 from EPYSA (Eastern Pennsylvania Youth Soccer Association).
Mr. Weagley addressed the sports physicals. He said that the correction got to the District office too late. He had let people know that they were $20 and he directed people to the highschoolsports.net site for the form.
11.Board Comments
Mr. Norris asked when the school supply lists would be distributed. He has had several people ask about it. Items are picked over & no longer on sale by the time the lists come out.
He also asked about the status of the fitness center opening.
Mr. Hume commented on senior citizens & music. If notices are given to him, he could get them to the complexes.
He also asked about information he had requested from the HS that he hasn't received. He is concerned about 9th grade retention rates & dropout rates. He thinks this information should be shared with the Board. It seems the district is concerned about comparisons to other districts.
Mr. Weagley reported on the fitness center. There are currently 12 people signed up. He's had over 10 phone calls. He is cautiously optomistic. He will give a more in depth report next week.
Dr. Bishop responded concerning supply lists. They are coordinated to go out at the same time. Mr. Hume asked if they could be placed on the website. The response was that different teachers want different things.
Ms. Bowman asked that someone check to see how widely the district could use the phone system and if there would be additional cost.
Facility Committee Meeting – Monday, August 9, 2010 – 6:00 p.m. in the Octorara District Office Conference Room.
Executive Session for personnel - Monday, August 16, 2010 –6:30 p.m. in the Octorara District Office Conference Room.
Next regularly scheduled Board Meeting – Monday, August 16, 2010 – 7:30 p.m. in the Octorara Middle School Multi-Purpose Room
August 9, 2010 – 7:30 p.m.
Middle School Multi-Purpose Room
1. Lord’s Prayer
2.Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag
3.Roll Call
2 absent
5.Visitors’ Comments - Agenda Items Only
6.Information Items:
7.Presentation of Agenda Items for the August 16, 2010 Regular Monthly Public Meeting:
A. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve the following change orders: Bristol Environmental, Inc. #005 Asbestos removal 1st floor corridor and nurse’s suite in the amount of $8,645.00. Bristol Environmental, Inc. #006 Asbestos removal 1st floor renovation area in the amount of $7,000.00.
Resignation Approvals:
B. That the Octorara Board of School Directors accept, with regret, the resignation of Ms. Sherry Carolus as cafeteria/playground supervisor at the Octorara Elementary School effective July 20, 2010. (Hired 9/3/97)
C. That the Octorara Board of School Directors accept the resignation of Ms. Kathleen Dikun as an instructional aide at the Octorara Elementary School effective August 5, 2010. (Ms. Dikun is filling a long-term substitute third grade position for the 2010-2011 school year. She will return to the aide position for the 2011-2012 school year.)
Hiring Approvals:
D. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve the employment of Ms. Robin Keevan as a long term substitute physical education teacher in the Octorara Middle School effective August 25, 2010 pending completion of employee related documents required by law and the District. Ms. Keevan’s salary will be $46,914.00 which is Step 1 of the Bachelor’s Scale. (Replacing Deb Canby who is on sabbatical leave.)
E. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve the employment of Ms. Kathleen Dikun as a long term substitute third grade teacher at the Octorara Elementary School effective August 25, 2010 pending completion of employee related documents required by law and the District. Ms.Dikun’s salary will be $46,914.00 which is Step 1 of the Bachelor’s Scale. (Replacing Jody Bradley who is on child rearing leave.)
F. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve Ms. Dana Coulter’s request for unpaid Family Medical Leave for the purpose of child rearing from August 25, 2010 through October 4, 2010. Ms. Coulter is a second grade teacher at the Octorara Primary Learning Center.
G. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve Ms. Sarah Callaway’s request for unpaid Family Medical Leave for the purpose of child rearing from approximately October 26, 2010 through January 3, 2011. Ms. Callaway is a special education teacher at the Octorara Primary Learning Center.
H. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve Ms. Amanda King’s request for unpaid Family Medical Leave for the purpose of child rearing from approximately November 22, 2010 through January 3, 2011. Ms. King is a sixth grade teacher at the Octorara Intermediate School.
I. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve the following changes of salary omitted from the salary list approved on June 28, 2010:
Ashley Brennan $46,914 Step 1 Bachelor’s Scale
Aleta Connell $81,848 Step 20 Master’s +30 Scale
J. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve the following change in salary due to graduate credits earned:
JoAnn Marinacci From M ($55,102) to M+15 ($59,906) Step 6
Megan Munn From M ($54,244) to M+15 ($59,100) Step 5
Sally Welk From M+30 ($65,733) to M+45 ($68,622) Step 10
8. Facilities Committee Report
Met this evening about the HS Renovation. Seems to be going well. There are a few issues that keep popping up. Out back by the dock & cafeteria, they needed to move micro & fiber lines. They weren't deep enough.
There are 2 places where water is coming in (Band Room & TV Studio). This is being investigated.
There will be a few change orders added to the agenda for next Monday.
They found more asbestos. There will be change orders for that.
OIS still has rain coming in. The original contract will be looking into this.
The MS roof project is going well & should be completed for the beginning of school.
The cell tower is still being worked on & is currently with the solicitor.
9.Other Items/Concerns
10.Visitors’ Comments – General
Ellen Brown (Atglen) thanked the District for publishing The Reporter. It is nice for this year's graduating class to see something in print about their accomplishments. She did have an issue with the notice regarding the sports physicals. It was published that the physicals were $10 and the form on the district website is not the correct one. She had brought it to the attention of the District when the published morning announcements stated $10 and that the form was incorrect.
Lennie Brown (Atglen) asked if it is possible to use the phone system to inform people who don't have children in school about activities such as concerts & plays on an opt-in basis. It would be a free night out for people.
He also wanted to let the Board & District know that two members of the Class of 2010 received scholarships. Josh Wolfe received $1,000 from the Lanco Soccer League and Greg Patrick received $4,000 from EPYSA (Eastern Pennsylvania Youth Soccer Association).
Mr. Weagley addressed the sports physicals. He said that the correction got to the District office too late. He had let people know that they were $20 and he directed people to the highschoolsports.net site for the form.
11.Board Comments
Mr. Norris asked when the school supply lists would be distributed. He has had several people ask about it. Items are picked over & no longer on sale by the time the lists come out.
He also asked about the status of the fitness center opening.
Mr. Hume commented on senior citizens & music. If notices are given to him, he could get them to the complexes.
He also asked about information he had requested from the HS that he hasn't received. He is concerned about 9th grade retention rates & dropout rates. He thinks this information should be shared with the Board. It seems the district is concerned about comparisons to other districts.
Mr. Weagley reported on the fitness center. There are currently 12 people signed up. He's had over 10 phone calls. He is cautiously optomistic. He will give a more in depth report next week.
Dr. Bishop responded concerning supply lists. They are coordinated to go out at the same time. Mr. Hume asked if they could be placed on the website. The response was that different teachers want different things.
Ms. Bowman asked that someone check to see how widely the district could use the phone system and if there would be additional cost.
Facility Committee Meeting – Monday, August 9, 2010 – 6:00 p.m. in the Octorara District Office Conference Room.
Executive Session for personnel - Monday, August 16, 2010 –6:30 p.m. in the Octorara District Office Conference Room.
Next regularly scheduled Board Meeting – Monday, August 16, 2010 – 7:30 p.m. in the Octorara Middle School Multi-Purpose Room
School Board Meeting 07/19/2010
July 19, 2010 - 7:30 p.m.
Middle School Multi-purpose Room
1. Lord's Prayer
2. Pledge of Allegiance
3. Roll Call
1 absent
4. Approval of Minutes from the Work Session of June 14, 2010 and the Regular Meeting of June 28, 2010.
5. Presentations
A. Dr. Nancy Bishop - curriculum update
Dr. Bishop discussed the current mapping process.
For the General Curriculum - start with PA State Standards. Curriculum maps are a database of standards. Teachers turn the standards into learning. They are a sequence of skills. Principals facilitate a group of K-12 teachers. Each group is responsible for a different content area.
Mr. Haller facilitates the Social Studies curriculum. They look at what they are teaching. They compare to look at gaps & redundancy. They create a concensus map. They will meet in August to develop plans for the 2010/11 year.
Ms. McNamara and Ms. Micholowski facilitate the Science curriculum. There are 14 teachers on this team. The district is currently in total alignment in content & skills. A lot of grades already have common assessments. They are working on common vocabulary for K-12. They looked at the science PSSA to make sure that content is covered. The secondary grades need to make some minor tweaks. The primary grades need a little more work. They have to make sure that everyone has exposure to the same thing.
Mr. McCartney asked about something that was not on the example they were shown. Dr. Bishop said it is covered at a different grade level.
Ms. Wilson facilitates English/Language Arts. This is a little different process. There are 4 parts: reading, writing, speaking, and listening. They started with writing. They have a common writing assessment. They filled in with content & skills. This past year was the first year it was required.
They have started with the reading curriculum this past June. There is a lot of the same content for K-12, but the skill level changes along with the rigor of the texts.
Mr. Rohrer explained that the same process is used for each content area. For Math, 5h & 6th grade has been revised. Third & 4th grade were meeting over the summer. There are common assessments for 3-6 grades. Second grade is working on common assessments, as are 7-12th.
They are working on concensus maps by grade level. The Math coord. team is focusing on 6 areas.
Mr. McCartney asked if the same effort is being made in every district in the state. Mr. Rohrer replied that not every district is doing it this way. Each district is different and has different needs.
Mr. McCartney asked if they were working with other districts. Ms. Wilson said that one of the consultants (Janet Hale) has connected with teachers in other states and districts. She has shared Octorara's work with other districts & gotten information from them.
Dr. Bishop said that in the spring, the Federal government released core standards (National Standards). The State is looked at how their standards match the Federal standards. Forty-seven states are adopting the Federal standards. PA's standards strongly align with Federal standards. PA has not decided if they are going to adopt the Federal standards. The state has to also align the Keystone exams.
OASD has looked at National standards (especially English/Language Arts) to integrate into the work being done. The math consultants are also looking to integrate the National standards.
The literacy standards are unique. The Middle School already has the standards in their map. They are ahead of the curve.
The State has a curriculum mapping initiative going on. They are looking at different mapping vendors.
Mr. Norris wants to get a sense of the resources (time & financial) committed. How will the current economic environment impact this initiative. He is worried that a reduction in staffing and an increase in class size will impact this.
Is the district looking toward web based content instead of textbooks?
Dr. Bishop stated that the last few years contained intensive work. The maps are complete; now they are studying and implementing the maps (teachers teaching).
Utilizing the maps saves time.
- New teachers coming in can look at the maps & know what to teach and when to teach it.
- Every student in the grade is getting the same content - it doesn't matter if there are 20 students in a class or 26.
-Online resources are being used. A teacher in one grade can see if content is covered in another grade.
Ms. Bowman said that she understands that this is a process, but that the upfront costs & time are done. Dr. Bishop said that is correct.
Ms. Bowman then asked if it is safe to assume that if you had 2 kids in 3rd grade they would be taught the same things. Dr. Bishop replied that they would
Ms. Bowman then asked about a website for parents that was mentioned. Dr. Bishop stated that they aren't ready for that yet. The parent maps will look a little different.
Dr. Bishop said that by the end of the 2010/11 school year 95% of the concensus maps should be complete.
Dr. Newcome said this is a 5-7 year process and that it is more important to get it right than to rush to get it complete.
6. Information Items
7. Treasurer's Report
A. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve the General Fund Report for period ending June 30, 2010.
Mr. Malone gave the report. Approved.
8. Business Manager's Report
A. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve the list of bills for payment.
Mr. Carsley gave the report. He also had the answer to a question asked last month re: donation. This was for the use of the facility for AP testing.
9. Visitors' Comments - agenda items only
10. Recommended Action Items: (Italicized items are new; They were not on the July 12, 2010 agenda).
A. That the Octorara Area Board of School Directors accept the audit report from Trout, Ebersole & Group for the Lancaster County Tax Collection Bureau for the year ended December 31, 2009.
B. That the Octorara Area Board of School Directors approve the attached contract reduction and extension for student transportation services with Althouse Transportation, Inc.
C. That the Octorara Area Board of School Directors approve Change Order 404-03 for Eastern Shore Services to provide a credit to eliminate mobile cart & equipment in the TV Studio for the Octorara Area High School renovation project in the amount of $9,312.00.
D. That the Octorara Area Board of School Directors approve the agreement with Conrad Siegel Actuaries through Pennsylvania Trust to provide GASB 45 Valuation Service at a cost not to exceed $7,000 as outlined in the attached agreement. (This agreement is for the purpose of audit compliance).
Resignation Approvals.
E. That the Octorara Area Board of School Directors accept the resignation of Mr. Kyle Whary as eighth grade girls' basketball coach effective July 6, 2010. (Hired November 16, 2009)
Hiring Approvals
F. That the Octorara Area Board of School Directors approve the employment of Ms. Erin Morrisey as high school junior varsity field hockey coach. This position is designated at 6 points at $570 per point. (Replacing Abigail Hancock who resigned).
G. That the Octorara Area Board of School Directors approve the change in salary for Richard W. Curtis III from $46,014 to $46,914. Mr. Curtis was approved on May 17, 2010 as the newly hired technology teacher at Octorara High School. (The approved salary was a typo error.)
H. That the Octorara Area Board of School Directors approve the following change in salary due to graduate credits earned:
Jean Curry From B+15 ($57,502) to M ($59,470) Step 10
Thomas Hurley From M+15 ($65,470) to M+30 ($67,344) Step 11
I. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve the attached contract between Pressley Ridge and the Octorara Area School District for the Employee Assistance Program.
J. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve the resignation of Ms. Margaret Hanning as a cafeteria employee effective July 8, 2010. (Hired October 1, 2009).
K. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve Ms. Laura Martinez as a teacher for the Summer EAP/Extended Year Program from June 21 through July 22, 2010 at a rate of $30.00 per hour.
L. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve the employment of Ms. Dawn Munion as a math teacher in the Octorara Area High School for the 2010-2011 school year pending completion of work related documents required by law and the District. Ms. Munion's salary will be $48,873 which is Step 1 of the Bachelor's +15 scale. (Replacing Terry Johnson's position who retired).
Mr. Rohrer said that this is grant-funded. Approved.
M. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve Policy 226, Searches, first reading.
To search lockers, desks, containers, etc.; search grounds & vehicles.
N. That the Octorara Board of School Directors accept the resignation of Ms. Lindsay Mitman as Middle School field hockey coach effective July 14, 2010. (Hired August 2008.)
O. That the Octorara Board of School Directors accept the resignation of Ms. Lindsay Mitman as a long term substitute third grade teacher at the Octorara Elementary School for the 2010-2011 school year. (Hired June 28, 2010.)
P. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve an increase in lunch price for the Octorara Primary Learning Center, Elementary School, Intermediate, and Middle Schools by 15¢ per lunch and increase ala carte milk prices in all buildings by 10¢ to offset higher costs. (The price for lunch at the PLC, OES, and OIS will be $2.15; the price for lunch at the OMS will be $2.40. Ala carte milk price will be 60¢ per bottle.)
Q. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve Ms. Virginia McBride for six hours per week for six weeks at a rate of $16.15 per hour to serve in the District Office as a temporary secretary effective July 19, 2010. (This position is budgeted for three hours per day for 240 days. We are filling this temporarily as we determine needs in the District Office.)
Dr. Newcome reported that the District completed a 4 year rental agreement with the Brandywine Y. It is to run from 1/1/2011 - 12/31/2014. It has been determined to not bring to the Board every facility request.
Copy of Agreement: Y agreement 2011-2014
(This document is in a Word format. If you cannot open Word documents, please let me know & I will convert to .pdf.)
Note that this does not include the fitness center.
11. I.U./C.A.T. Board Representative’s Report
Next week.
12. Old Business
13. New Business
14. Other Items and Announcements
Mr. Carsley wanted to thank Althouse Transportation for working with the District in reducing the increase for next year. He really appreciates that they did.
15. Visitors’ Comments – General
16. Board Comments
Mr. Norris thanked Ms. Hardy for her effort with the June minutes.
Mr. Hume thanked the Board and the Administration for the time put into bring the Y to the District.
Mr. Hume also wondered if the District was looking at any sort of cyber-school. He is a believer in technology.
17. Adjournment
July 19, 2010 - 7:30 p.m.
Middle School Multi-purpose Room
1. Lord's Prayer
2. Pledge of Allegiance
3. Roll Call
1 absent
4. Approval of Minutes from the Work Session of June 14, 2010 and the Regular Meeting of June 28, 2010.
5. Presentations
A. Dr. Nancy Bishop - curriculum update
Dr. Bishop discussed the current mapping process.
For the General Curriculum - start with PA State Standards. Curriculum maps are a database of standards. Teachers turn the standards into learning. They are a sequence of skills. Principals facilitate a group of K-12 teachers. Each group is responsible for a different content area.
Mr. Haller facilitates the Social Studies curriculum. They look at what they are teaching. They compare to look at gaps & redundancy. They create a concensus map. They will meet in August to develop plans for the 2010/11 year.
Ms. McNamara and Ms. Micholowski facilitate the Science curriculum. There are 14 teachers on this team. The district is currently in total alignment in content & skills. A lot of grades already have common assessments. They are working on common vocabulary for K-12. They looked at the science PSSA to make sure that content is covered. The secondary grades need to make some minor tweaks. The primary grades need a little more work. They have to make sure that everyone has exposure to the same thing.
Mr. McCartney asked about something that was not on the example they were shown. Dr. Bishop said it is covered at a different grade level.
Ms. Wilson facilitates English/Language Arts. This is a little different process. There are 4 parts: reading, writing, speaking, and listening. They started with writing. They have a common writing assessment. They filled in with content & skills. This past year was the first year it was required.
They have started with the reading curriculum this past June. There is a lot of the same content for K-12, but the skill level changes along with the rigor of the texts.
Mr. Rohrer explained that the same process is used for each content area. For Math, 5h & 6th grade has been revised. Third & 4th grade were meeting over the summer. There are common assessments for 3-6 grades. Second grade is working on common assessments, as are 7-12th.
They are working on concensus maps by grade level. The Math coord. team is focusing on 6 areas.
Mr. McCartney asked if the same effort is being made in every district in the state. Mr. Rohrer replied that not every district is doing it this way. Each district is different and has different needs.
Mr. McCartney asked if they were working with other districts. Ms. Wilson said that one of the consultants (Janet Hale) has connected with teachers in other states and districts. She has shared Octorara's work with other districts & gotten information from them.
Dr. Bishop said that in the spring, the Federal government released core standards (National Standards). The State is looked at how their standards match the Federal standards. Forty-seven states are adopting the Federal standards. PA's standards strongly align with Federal standards. PA has not decided if they are going to adopt the Federal standards. The state has to also align the Keystone exams.
OASD has looked at National standards (especially English/Language Arts) to integrate into the work being done. The math consultants are also looking to integrate the National standards.
The literacy standards are unique. The Middle School already has the standards in their map. They are ahead of the curve.
The State has a curriculum mapping initiative going on. They are looking at different mapping vendors.
Mr. Norris wants to get a sense of the resources (time & financial) committed. How will the current economic environment impact this initiative. He is worried that a reduction in staffing and an increase in class size will impact this.
Is the district looking toward web based content instead of textbooks?
Dr. Bishop stated that the last few years contained intensive work. The maps are complete; now they are studying and implementing the maps (teachers teaching).
Utilizing the maps saves time.
- New teachers coming in can look at the maps & know what to teach and when to teach it.
- Every student in the grade is getting the same content - it doesn't matter if there are 20 students in a class or 26.
-Online resources are being used. A teacher in one grade can see if content is covered in another grade.
Ms. Bowman said that she understands that this is a process, but that the upfront costs & time are done. Dr. Bishop said that is correct.
Ms. Bowman then asked if it is safe to assume that if you had 2 kids in 3rd grade they would be taught the same things. Dr. Bishop replied that they would
Ms. Bowman then asked about a website for parents that was mentioned. Dr. Bishop stated that they aren't ready for that yet. The parent maps will look a little different.
Dr. Bishop said that by the end of the 2010/11 school year 95% of the concensus maps should be complete.
Dr. Newcome said this is a 5-7 year process and that it is more important to get it right than to rush to get it complete.
6. Information Items
7. Treasurer's Report
A. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve the General Fund Report for period ending June 30, 2010.
Mr. Malone gave the report. Approved.
8. Business Manager's Report
A. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve the list of bills for payment.
Mr. Carsley gave the report. He also had the answer to a question asked last month re: donation. This was for the use of the facility for AP testing.
9. Visitors' Comments - agenda items only
10. Recommended Action Items: (Italicized items are new; They were not on the July 12, 2010 agenda).
A. That the Octorara Area Board of School Directors accept the audit report from Trout, Ebersole & Group for the Lancaster County Tax Collection Bureau for the year ended December 31, 2009.
B. That the Octorara Area Board of School Directors approve the attached contract reduction and extension for student transportation services with Althouse Transportation, Inc.
C. That the Octorara Area Board of School Directors approve Change Order 404-03 for Eastern Shore Services to provide a credit to eliminate mobile cart & equipment in the TV Studio for the Octorara Area High School renovation project in the amount of $9,312.00.
D. That the Octorara Area Board of School Directors approve the agreement with Conrad Siegel Actuaries through Pennsylvania Trust to provide GASB 45 Valuation Service at a cost not to exceed $7,000 as outlined in the attached agreement. (This agreement is for the purpose of audit compliance).
Resignation Approvals.
E. That the Octorara Area Board of School Directors accept the resignation of Mr. Kyle Whary as eighth grade girls' basketball coach effective July 6, 2010. (Hired November 16, 2009)
Hiring Approvals
F. That the Octorara Area Board of School Directors approve the employment of Ms. Erin Morrisey as high school junior varsity field hockey coach. This position is designated at 6 points at $570 per point. (Replacing Abigail Hancock who resigned).
G. That the Octorara Area Board of School Directors approve the change in salary for Richard W. Curtis III from $46,014 to $46,914. Mr. Curtis was approved on May 17, 2010 as the newly hired technology teacher at Octorara High School. (The approved salary was a typo error.)
H. That the Octorara Area Board of School Directors approve the following change in salary due to graduate credits earned:
Jean Curry From B+15 ($57,502) to M ($59,470) Step 10
Thomas Hurley From M+15 ($65,470) to M+30 ($67,344) Step 11
I. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve the attached contract between Pressley Ridge and the Octorara Area School District for the Employee Assistance Program.
J. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve the resignation of Ms. Margaret Hanning as a cafeteria employee effective July 8, 2010. (Hired October 1, 2009).
K. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve Ms. Laura Martinez as a teacher for the Summer EAP/Extended Year Program from June 21 through July 22, 2010 at a rate of $30.00 per hour.
L. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve the employment of Ms. Dawn Munion as a math teacher in the Octorara Area High School for the 2010-2011 school year pending completion of work related documents required by law and the District. Ms. Munion's salary will be $48,873 which is Step 1 of the Bachelor's +15 scale. (Replacing Terry Johnson's position who retired).
Mr. Rohrer said that this is grant-funded. Approved.
M. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve Policy 226, Searches, first reading.
To search lockers, desks, containers, etc.; search grounds & vehicles.
N. That the Octorara Board of School Directors accept the resignation of Ms. Lindsay Mitman as Middle School field hockey coach effective July 14, 2010. (Hired August 2008.)
O. That the Octorara Board of School Directors accept the resignation of Ms. Lindsay Mitman as a long term substitute third grade teacher at the Octorara Elementary School for the 2010-2011 school year. (Hired June 28, 2010.)
P. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve an increase in lunch price for the Octorara Primary Learning Center, Elementary School, Intermediate, and Middle Schools by 15¢ per lunch and increase ala carte milk prices in all buildings by 10¢ to offset higher costs. (The price for lunch at the PLC, OES, and OIS will be $2.15; the price for lunch at the OMS will be $2.40. Ala carte milk price will be 60¢ per bottle.)
Q. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve Ms. Virginia McBride for six hours per week for six weeks at a rate of $16.15 per hour to serve in the District Office as a temporary secretary effective July 19, 2010. (This position is budgeted for three hours per day for 240 days. We are filling this temporarily as we determine needs in the District Office.)
Dr. Newcome reported that the District completed a 4 year rental agreement with the Brandywine Y. It is to run from 1/1/2011 - 12/31/2014. It has been determined to not bring to the Board every facility request.
Copy of Agreement: Y agreement 2011-2014
(This document is in a Word format. If you cannot open Word documents, please let me know & I will convert to .pdf.)
Note that this does not include the fitness center.
11. I.U./C.A.T. Board Representative’s Report
Next week.
12. Old Business
13. New Business
14. Other Items and Announcements
Mr. Carsley wanted to thank Althouse Transportation for working with the District in reducing the increase for next year. He really appreciates that they did.
15. Visitors’ Comments – General
16. Board Comments
Mr. Norris thanked Ms. Hardy for her effort with the June minutes.
Mr. Hume thanked the Board and the Administration for the time put into bring the Y to the District.
Mr. Hume also wondered if the District was looking at any sort of cyber-school. He is a believer in technology.
17. Adjournment
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