Saturday, January 21, 2012

WIC list

Foodlist En

HB 1776 states that they will use the WIC list to determine which foods will remain tax-free.  Are they going to stick strictly to the list (including sizes) or will there be adjustments.  If they stick strictly to the list, it would be ridiculous.

If you buy a gallon of milk, you won't be taxed.  If you buy a quart of milk, you will be taxed.  
If you buy frosted mini-wheats, you won't be taxed.  If you buy spoon size shredded wheat, you will be taxed.   The only shredded wheat on the list to not be taxed is vanilla almond.
Regular apples won't be taxed, but organic apples will be.  
A dozen eggs won't be taxes, but a carton of 18 eggs will be.
Packaged sliced cheese isn't taxed, but deli-sliced cheese is.
Brand A of juice isn't taxed, but Brand B of the exact same thing is.
Corn tortillas aren't taxed, flour tortillas are.
Whole wheat bread isn't taxed if you are a woman breastfeeding multiple infants - otherwise it would be taxed  (Now how are they going to know if a woman is breastfeeding multiple infants?  That seems a bit intrusive - and how do they program their registers for that?)

FAQs for HB 1776


How can they promise that it will "never again require an increase in the tax rate"?  And what is to stop them from continuously raising the sales tax rate & using the funds for other purposes? 

I love how they skate around the fact that the sales tax rate in Delaware is 0% and talk about a different tax instead.  I'm sure no one ever goes to Delaware for big-ticket items to avoid sales tax

I'm really bothered by the statement that broadening the items that are taxed levels the playing field for businesses.  Is someone who sells office supplies really at a disadvantage compared to someone selling groceries?  They have nothing to do with each other.

I'm also bothered by the statement that districts would be fully-funded.  They won't be fully-funded. They will be funded to the extent of their current revenue.  It makes the assumption that some districts, such as Octorara haven't had to make tough choices & cut programs or not add programs.  Octorara HS currently offers two languages (Spanish &  French).    Coatesville offers 4 languages (German,  Spanish, French and Russian).  Avon Grove also offers four languages (German, Spanish, French & Italian).   So, how, under this funding could Octorara increase their language offerings?  Coatesville & Avon Grove would continue to receive funding for the additional languages & Octorara would continue to not be able to offer them.

I also like how they blame federal unfunded mandates, but don't blame state unfunded mandates. 

One of the questions asks if the place to address the issue is at the local school board level.  The response is " The fact is, none of the property taxes in the state have been voted in by the voters.  They have been voted in by a small band of school board members essentially unaccountable to the taxpayer."   Really?  I have two issues with this: 1) Aren't those school board members elected by the voters to make decisions?  Can't they be voted out if you don't agree with them?  Aren't the meetings public so you can voice your opinion to them?  Don't they have phones & email?  2) How is this different than the sponsor of this bill and his collegues expanding the sales tax?   I'm not saying it is a bad idea, but it isn't any different than what they accuse school boards of doing.   Do we get to vote on every tax increase the state legislature passes?  Are we going to get to vote on this bill?  I don't think so.

Ten Reasons for HB 1776

Ten Reasons

Questions & Concerns about HB 1776 The Property Tax Independence Act

As stated in my previous post, I think the intention is good, but there are too many unanswered questions & concerns.    (Apparently, I cannot embed multiple documents on the same page, so there will be a separate post with each document).

Here are the documents from Rep. Cox's website:

The document states:  The Property Tax Independence Act uses our current sales tax mechanism to fund schools, restoring the original intent of hte tax.  The "The PA Education Sales Tax" was enacted in 1953 for this specific purpose and virtually 100 percent of the revenue from the sales tax is still dedicated to education funding.

"restoring the original intent"  and "virtually 100 percent".....If they need to restore the original intent, then that implies that some of the revenue is being used for other things.  And either 100% is being used for education or it isn't.   So this statement is somewhat suspect.

The question is:  Why was it allowed to stray from its original intent?  How will we prevent this increase in tax & scope from being usurped for other purposes?

The expanded list includes "spectator sports admissions".  Does this mean that the school district now has to collect sales tax when people attend sporting events?  My $5.00 ticket to attend a basketball game, now becomes a $5.35 ticket?    (I'm not sure whether the district remits sales tax on cafeteria sales currently.)

Food items not included on the WIC list will be taxed.   My question is whether they will adher to the size limits on the WIC list (which will be in a different post).  I'll comment on some of those items in that post.

I'm wondering how they came up with the $50 limit on clothing & shoes.  Have they priced a pair of shoes lately?  Heck, the jeans I just bought at Kohls were buy one-get-one-half off.  One pair was $54.  So, would I pay tax on the first pair, but not the 2nd pair?  What about the 30% off coupon I had?  Would that be taken off first, bringing the 1st pair below $50 and therefore sales tax free?

This bill claims to eliminate the disparity between districts, but I can't see where that happens in these documents.  It states that schools are initially funded at current levels.  So poor schools are funded at the levels they currently are; where they can't provide the perks that more wealthy districts provide (laptops, ipads, etc.).  Those wealthy districts are funded at their current levels, where they CAN provide those perks.  The only adjustments come from population changes.  So, the funding is still at the per pupil level current at each district.  How does that provide equity?   Are those population changes considered only the number of students or does it take into consideration the types of students?   If a district has a sudden jump in the number of special needs students, will their allocation increase or will they have to take away from non-special needs students to provide additional support?  Per the document:  A per-student expentiture level will be determined for each district and will be re-calculated annually.  Each school district will then receive annual upward or downward funding adjustments based on changes in student enrollment multiplied by the current per-pupil cost.  Where does the equity occur?

Why don't they just make the gambling revenue all go to schools as it was sold to the public?  All I remember hearing when they were trying to pass that legislation is that it would be used to decrease property taxes.  They didn't mention that they wanted to spend money on stadiums & airports.  I guess they thought we wouldn't notice.  We had one of our own state representatives lie to us in our own auditorium.  When asked about the gambling revenue funding the soccer stadium in Chester, he said it wasn't going to happen - when it did happen & he was the one who facilitated it.

How can this bill limit the increase in school budgets to the rate of inflation, when the state legislature has guaranteed that expenses will go up more than that with PSERS funding?   They say there are no mandates attached, but what about the unfunded mandates already in place? 

How are districts supposed to renovate old buildings?  There is no way that the residents of the Octorara District would have passed a referendum to renovate the High School.  Yet, the building was getting to the point of being dangerous.  It was filled with asbestos; the chemistry lab had very poor ventilation; parts of the structure were unsafe.

What about charter school funding?  Will the districts still be responsible for paying for charter schools?  Will those students be counted in the districts totals? 

HB 1776 The Property Tax Independence Act

Below is an email that was forwarded to me.  It contains a link to a petition to back House Bill 1776 The Property Tax Independence Act which would eliminate school property taxes.  On first read, it sounds like a good idea.  However, after reading the attachments, there are a lot of unanswered questions & I fear some unintendended consequences.  I'll put my concerns & questions in a separate posting.  At this point, I can't say whether I think people should back it or not.  I think the intention is good, but I'm concerned about the details.


21 January 2012

Dear Friends,

Please see the message below my signature from State Representative Jim Cox concerning a new on-line petition to support school property tax elimination efforts.

Representative Cox’s school property tax elimination legislation that is fully supported by the PTCC and PCTA will be introduced in the Pennsylvania House of Representatives in the very near future and will be introduced shortly thereafter in the Senate by Senator David Argall.

It is extremely important that you visit Representative Cox’s website and submit the petition as soon as possible. Since each member of your family can separately sign the petition, please have them do so, too. Your effort will be a huge help in moving the school property tax elimination effort forward during the coming months. PLEASE do it immediately!

Because of the extreme importance of this Action Item I’ve kept it short and to the point. There is much more news and information about the Property Tax Independence Act that I’ll be sending in later Updates. For more details, please visit the PTCC website at

Please act now to help the cause by signing the petition and forwarding this email to everyone on your Pennsylvania email address list.

As always, thank you for your help and support.

David Baldinger
PTCC Administrator

Sign the Online Property Tax
Independence Act Petition!

From Pennsylvania State Representative Jim Cox:

On February 7, Governor Tom Corbett will deliver his annual budget address to a joint session of the Pennsylvania House and Senate. In addition to spelling out his budget plan for the year, this annual tradition provides the governor with a platform to identify his legislative priorities.

Help us encourage the governor to make the Property Tax Independence Act his top priority by signing the online petition on my website.

We want to show the governor that this issue deserves his attention and support as he outlines his agenda for 2012.

To help us achieve this goal, we are collecting online "signatures" from residents all across the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania to show the governor that this initiative has broad-based public support.

Please make your voice known by signing the online petition.

Click here to complete the petition

Please share this email with everyone you know who shares our vision of a Pennsylvania free from the burden of school property taxes!

For more details about the Property Tax Independence Act, click here.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Board Meeting 01/16/2012

January 16, 2012 – 7:30 p.m.
Jr./Sr. High School Multi-Purpose Room

1.Lord’s Prayer

2.Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag

3.Roll Call

All present.
4. Approval of Minutes from the Reorganization Meeting of December 5, 2011, the Work Session of December 5, 2011, and the Regular Meeting of December 12, 2011.

There were some typos that do not change the content .   Approved.

5. Presentations
A. Freshman Academy-Scott Rohrer, Mark Peticca

Before discussing Freshman Academy, Mr. Rohrer went over changes in the course of study which will be voted on later.  Reminded the Board that Futures I moved to 8th grade.  This year, both 8th and 9th grade are taking Futures.  Would like to add Futures II, which could be taken in 10th, 11th or 12th grade.   This would be a .5 credit class.  Students would set own goals, align with pathway, look for internships, etc.

Ms. Bowman asked if any courses were being removed.  Mr. Rohrer said there were some name changes.   In 9-11th grade, Applied English is being eliminated.  Everyone who is not taking Honors or AP English will be taking Academic English.    The classes will be tied to the Keystone exams.   Mr. Rohrer said they are waiting to find out when the Keystone exams will start - possibly with the Class of 2014.   Ms. Bowman asked if it is similar to eliminating Algebra A/B.    Mr. Rohrer spoke about some other classes.   Mr. Ganow asked if we have the teachers in place for the classes.  Mr. Rohrer said that the teachers are in place.

Mr. Pettica did a presentation on the pilot 9th Grade Academy.   Mr. Rohrer introduced the presentation.  He said that the goal is to have everyone who starts 9th grade graduate.    They hope to decrease 9th grade retention rates. (Retention in this sense means that the student does not have enough credits to officially move to 10th grade.)  They want to see how program changes impact the numbers.

Mr. Pettica did a lot of research to see what is going on elsewhere.

Three things:
1) Indentify needs.
2) Provide instructional support.
3) Implement across all freshman.

Every Wednesday, during homeroom they have a quick activity.  Started with organization, note taking, and study hints.  They also have emotional & social goals.

Mr. Rohrer said that a lot of it is based on the BRAVES acronym.   He thinks that what Mr. Pettica put together is outstanding.  They are getting a lot of great feedback from teachers and students.  Some upper level teachers are using this year since this is new.

The goal in upper grades is to group homerooms by pathways. 

The Board members had a lot of positve comments. 

Mr. Hume had a lot of questions & comments.
He made many statements about failing the students; students aren't prepared; he appreciates the effort, but doesn't see any progress.   We have a problem with absences.  Need someone to make home visits.

Ms. Bowman stated that we've made strides.  We are addressing the issues.

Ms. Melton stated that students need to take responsibility for learning.  Teachers have to help promote learning, then the students need to take responsibility.

Mr. Pettica stated that he was a math/science teacher for years in the middle school before moving to the highh school.  Everyone works beyond their job description to do right by the students.  There are many successes in the high school.  There are so many kids with so many needs.   He is very proud to be part of the District. 

Mr. Hume said that we have problems & it starts in the lower grades.  We have low PSSA scores.

Dr. Newcome said that we do have a relationship with Judge Gill for truancy.  We do have attendance protocols.  We have relationships with social service agencies.  We do not have a home/school position.   Every guidance counselor & instructional support teacher have done home visits.  We are dealing with large social issues.   We aren't 100% successful, but we are working toward. 

Ms. Bowman said that we often talk about the poverty rate in the area.  We need to remember that if there are 20 who are not successful, we have 200 who are successful.

Mr. Rohrer thanked Mr. Pettica for his hard work.  We know there has been an increase in hardships due to the economy.  It makes things difficult.

B. Budget Discussion

Mr. Carsley said that the budget hasn't changed since December.    We need to pass a preliminary budget in January.   The newly formed Education Committee will meet the 4th Monday of the month at 6 p.m.  At 7:30, the Superintendent Advisory meeting will take place. 

Ms. Bowman emphasized that the budget is a working document. 

Mr. Carsley said he has been meeting with Ms. Johnson.  He has been going over the calculations, etc., so that she has an understanding in case he's not at a meeting. 

Mr. Norris asked if there has been any information from the state.  Mr. Carsley replied that he hasn't  heard anything.   Basic education funding will not be cut  (at this time).  

Ms. Bowman addressed Mr. Lapp's comments from last week concerning public vs private schools.  The tuition is not the cost of education in a private school.    Higher grades cost more.  She also spoke about costs of public schools that private schools aren't legally bound to spend.  (Special education; public charter schools; retirement; prevailing wage to build; vo-tech programs)  Public schools also pay for transportation to private schools & certain nursing services. 

Dr. Newcome said that the cost per student in grades 7-12 is 35% higher than K-6. 

In 2006, there were 135 students who were home-schooled.   This school year, there are 85.   That is a difference of 50.  Most of those 50 are now attending cyber charter schools at a cost of approx. $ 500,000 to the district.  That is 3/4 of a mill in Chester County.    It is a tough line to hold when you have unfunded mandates.  It is a basic math problem.  We bear the cost of the new "private" schools.  Data does not show they are better.  Where families used to bear the burden, now the taxpayers are funding.  If the current PA administration gets their way, we will also be funding private schools.   

Funding charter schools is spending money twice for the same thing..  We are paying for full-time Kindergarten at public charter schools when we can't pay for full-time Kindergarten here. 

Mr. Stoltzfus asked how much time it takes to monitor homeschoolers.  Dr. Newcome said it takes about 80 hours per year. 

Mr. Lapp said we are spending about $16,000 per student.  Someone has to look out for the taxpayer. 

Dr. Newcome said that part of that number is paying for charter schools & other mandates. 

Ms. Bowman mentioned field development.  It is currently just a discussion.  Nothing has been proposed or recommended.   She states that the football club fulfilled their obligation because they raised some money.  And there are different people on the board than when the agreement was made. 

6.Information Items


7.Treasurer’s Report
A. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve the General Fund Report for period ending December 31, 2011.

Ms. Johnson gave the report.   Approved.

8. Business Manager’s Report
A. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve the list of bills for payment.

Mr. Carsley gave the report.  Mr. McCartney questioned missing check numbers.   Mr. Carsley said they are probably voided checks.  He will verify that.  Approved.

9. Visitors’ Comments - Agenda Items Only

10.Recommended Action Items: (Italicized items are new; they were not on the January 9, 2012 agenda.)

A. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve the Proposed Preliminary Budget for the 2012-2013 fiscal year.

Roll Call Vote.   9 "Yes"   0 "No".

B - H Approved.
B. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve the 2012-2013 calendar.

C. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve the 2012-2014 contract with Signal Service, Inc. for maintenance of the traffic signals in the District.

Resignation Approvals:

D. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve the resignation of Mr. Jason Smith as assistant wrestling coach at the Octorara Area Sr. High School effective December 14, 2011. (Hired November 15, 2010)

Hiring Approvals:

E. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve Ms. Joan Miller as a long term substitute Title I Reading Aide at the Octorara Elementary School effective January 3, 2012 through approximately June 8, 2012 pending completion of employee related documents required by law and the District. Ms. Miller’s rate will be $11.65 per hour. (Replacing Maxine London who retired.)

F. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve Ms. Cheryl Nelson as a long term substitute ESL Instructional Assistant at the Octorara Primary Learning Center effective December 22, 2011 through March 30, 2012 pending completion of employee related documents required by law and the District. Ms. Nelson’s rate will be $11.65 per hour. (Replacing Charlotte Bridges who is student teaching.)

G. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve changing the following substitute cafeteria employees to permanent cafeteria employees effective January 16, 2012:

Melanie Ferrara – cafeteria worker at the rate of $8.50 per hour Wendy Nellius – cafeteria worker at the rate of $8.50 per hour Victoria Louthian – cafeteria worker/cashier at the rate of $8.75 per hour

H. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve the following supplemental contracts for the 2011-2012 school year:

Josh Parker Assistant Wrestling Coach 9 pts @ $570 $5,130
Michelle Miller Mentor Kim Kraf – OIS 1 pt @ $570 $ 570
Donna Edwards Mentor Kim Kraf – OES 1 pt @ $570 $ 570
Brooke Tymeson Girls’ Varsity Softball Coach 7 pts @ $570 $3,990

I. That the Octorara Board of School Directors accept, with regret, Mr. Dale Miller’s resignation as the Director of Buildings and Grounds for the purpose of retirement effective June 29, 2012. (Hired May 12, 1977)


J. That the Octorara Board of School Directors accept, with regret, Ms. Nancy Bishop’s resignation as the Assistant Superintendent for Elementary Education for the purpose of retirement effective June 30, 2012. (Hired October 23, 1995)


Mr. Ganow moved that this position not be replaced for next budget year.   Approved.

K. That the Octorara Board of School Directors accept the resignation of Ms. Nina Thwaites as Director of the Elementary School Talent Show/Music Director effective January 10, 2012. (Hired January 17, 2011)


L. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve the changes in the Octorara Area Sr. High School Program of Studies for the 2012-2013 school year.


M. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve Ms. Jade Burkhardt as a long term substitute lunchroom/playground aide at the Octorara Elementary School effective January 17, 2012 through the remainder of the 2011-2012 school year. Ms. Burkhardt’s rate will be $8.75 per hour. (Replacing a medical leave.)


N. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve Mr. Jason Ralston as a temporary special education teacher on assignment effective January 5, 2012 through March 16, 2012. Mr. Ralston’s rate will be $258.59 per day which is pro­rated from Step One of the Bachelor’s Scale.

Mr. Ralston is filling in for a special education teacher who is working on a special project with students.

11. Finance/Policy Committee Report

No Policy committee tonight.

Finance Committee discussed:
- renewal of auditor's contract.
-someone wants to rent space across Rt. 41 to store equipment.  Mr. Carsley is looking into the details (insurance, etc.)
-New check listing was presented as an alternative to current listing.
-Mr. Carsley will be looking at Health Trust Funds
-received 2 special requests for the budget a) tech dept. is looking to increase a .5 FTE to 1.0 b) OES is looking for an extended day program.   This would cover 220 struggling students grades 1-5 at a cost of $142,000.   These requests will go to the Education committee.

Ms. Bowman announced that in the future policy committee meetings will meet at 6 p.m. with the finance meeting following at 6:30 p.m.

12.I.U./C.A.T. Board Representative’s Report

Meeting will be Wednesday.  They will be voting on what to do with the CAT-Brandywine building.  Will probably go with partial renovation as discussed before.
13. Old Business


14.New Business


15. Other Items and Announcements

16.Visitors’ Comments – General


17.Administrator Comments/Announcements

Joe Mattis discussed what is going on with Student Council.  Just finished one fund raiser (Kitchen Kettle).  They will be holding a PJ's fundraiser.  There will also be a blood drive.

18. Board Comments

Mr. McCartney referenced a newspaper article where students are using cell phones to notify authorities of bullying. 

Ms. Melton asked if the district had an emergency alert system.   Dr. Newcome responded that the district does not have one in the sense that colleges do, however, we do have the telephone notification system.

Mr. Hume talked about how difficult the budget it and how he doesn't believe that residents understand.  We lost about $ 5.7 million  through reassessment, which has to be made up by everyone else.

Mr. Ganow said that Sadsbury (Lanc. Cty) pays taxes on the rails-to-trails property because they don't want to open it up to the public.  Since they won't  open it up, it makes Atglen's section inaccessible.  He believes that makes Atglen's portion taxable, as well.

Ms. Bowman mentioned that Oxford received a $1million donation.  The newspaper article suggested that the district requested it.  Ms. Bowman "officially" requested a donation to Octorara too  (jokingly...sort of).

19.Adjournment Finance/Policy Committee Meeting – Monday, January 16, 2012 – 6:30 p.m. in the District Office Conference Room

Executive Session for personnel – Monday, January 16, 2012 – Following the Regular Meeting in the District Office Conference Room

Facility Committee Meeting – Monday, February 13, 2012 – 6:30 p.m. in the District Office Conference Room

Next regularly scheduled Work Session – Monday, February 13, 2012 – 7:30 p.m. in the Octorara Jr./Sr. High School Multi-Purpose Room

Finance/Policy Committee Meeting – Monday, February 20, 2012 – 6:30 p.m. in the District Office Conference Room

Next regularly scheduled Board Meeting – Monday, February 20, 2012– 7:30 p.m. in the Octorara Jr./Sr. High School Multi-Purpose Room

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Football agreement

Please see Ken Knickerbocker's post on Parkesburg Today :

This backs up my assertion that 1) football was not supposed to play on the soccer field and 2) they were supposed to build their own field.

Some people DO pay attention to what goes on at school board meetings - and don't forget.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Work Session 01/09/2012

January 9, 2012 – 7:30 p.m.
Jr./Sr. High School Multi-Purpose Room


1.Lord’s Prayer

2. Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag

3. Roll Call

2 absent

4. Presentations
A. Budget

Mr. Carsley presented some budget information.  By May, there needs to be a 2nd approval, with the final approval coming in June.

The preliminary expenses for 2012-13 is $47 million.  
  • Salary & Benefits are approx. 58% of the budget. 
  • Employee Retirement
    • 2011/12   $ 1.6 million budgeted
    • 2012/13   $ 2.4 million estimated
    • 2013/14   $ 3.35 million estimated
    • 2014/15   $ 4.25 million estimated
    • Get approx. 50% back from the State
  • Other Expenses
    • Transportation
    • Charter Schools
    • Other Education (Alternative Ed/ Technical/ et al)  
  • Princ/Interest

Federal & State lines items flat since 2006/07

Local Revenue - Real Estate taxes are the only way that you can adjust this.

Mrs. Bowman asked how much charter school costs are reimbursed by the State.
Mr. Carsley stated that we used to receive up to 30% of the charter school costs.  It is no longer reimbursed.

For the current year, we lost approx. $600,000 in state funding for charter schools.

Mr. Lapp said that he couldn't see how we can keep raising taxes.

Ms. Bowman stated that what the Board does is to start with raising taxes to balance the budget, then go through what can be cut to decrease the taxes.  There is a lot of information we don't have.

Mr. Carsley is attending a budget conference in February.   We will get the gambling revenue information in April.

Mr. McCartney said that the number one issue for lawmakers is property taxes.  They will have to do something.

Dr. Newcome said that he plans on providing preliminary sketch of reductions.   30 positions have been cut over the past 3 years.

We are asking things that are a challenge to keep quality programs.

He is not against competition, but if the Charter School law did not exist, he could lower class size & save money in grades K-2.  There is a redundency of services.  In an era where money is no object, it could be different. 

This is the academic version of the middle school sports discussion.  The discussion at that time was why should the district bear the burden of middle school sports, when there were options in the community that were being utilized. 

Mr. Norris had a comment about transportation.  We are bearing the cost to transport those few students.

Mr. Stoltzfus asked for the cost difference.  

Dr. Newcome calculated what would happen if for Kindergarten, if the 17 students who are at 5 different charter schools returned to Octorara.    We currently spend $ 10,441/student. (approx. $ 177,500).

If those students came back, we would have to hire one teacher at about $60,000.  We would have a savings of $ 117,000.  Class size would go from an average of 20 to an average just under 19.

Charter schools are not a panacea.   We could create the same if we had the money.

Mr. Stoltzfus asked if charter schools are bound by Act 1.

Mr. Carsley doesn't believe they are, since they are not a taxing authority.   Each school district has a different tuition rate.  It is dependent upon their budgets.

Mr. Lapp asked how much we need to educate a student.  From the figures tonight, he calculated about $16K per student.  That seems outrageous.  He spent far less at West Fallowfield Christian.

Ms. Bowman asked how his children got there  (pointing out that Octorara bears the burden of transportation costs for West Fallowfield).

5. Visitors’ Comments - Agenda Items Only

6. Information Items:
A. Susan Thieroff will transfer from full-time secretary to the Assistant Superintendent to 70% time secretary to the Assistant Superintendent from January 23, 2012 through May 11, 2012.

7.Presentation of Agenda Items for the January 16, 2012 Regular Monthly Public Meeting:

A. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve the proposed preliminary budget for the 2012-2013 fiscal year.

B. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve the 2012-2013 calendar

Dr. Newcome said that there are no major shifts to the calendar.

C. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve the 2012-2014 contract with Signal Service, Inc. for maintenance of the traffic signals in the District.

Resignation Approvals:
D. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve the resignation of Mr. Jason Smith as assistant wrestling coach at the Octorara Area Sr. High School effective December 14, 2011. (Hired November 15, 2010)

He actually resigned earlier, but the district didn't have his letter.

Hiring Approvals:
E. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve Ms. Joan Miller as a long term substitute Title I Reading Aide at the Octorara Elementary School effective January 3, 2012 through approximately June 8, 2012 pending completion of employee related documents required by law and the District. Ms. Miller’s rate will be $11.65 per hour. (Replacing Maxine London who retired.)

Mr. Norris said he didn't understand this position being a long term sub since Ms. London retired.  Dr. Newcome said this provides the district with the opportunity to determine if we keep this position next year.
F. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve Ms. Cheryl Nelson as a long term substitute ESL Instructional Assistant at the Octorara Primary Learning Center effective December 22, 2011 through March 30, 2012 pending completion of employee related documents required by law and the District. Ms. Nelson’s rate will be $11.65 per hour. (Replacing Charlotte Bridges who is student teaching.)

G. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve changing the following substitute cafeteria employees to permanent cafeteria employees effective January 16, 2012:

Melanie Ferrara – cafeteria worker at the rate of $8.50 per hour
Wendy Nellius – cafeteria worker at the rate of $8.50 per hour
Victoria Louthian – cafeteria worker/cashier at the rate of $8.75 per hour

H. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve the following supplemental contracts for the 2011-2012 school year:

Josh Parker Assistant Wrestling Coach 9 pts @ $570 $5,130
Michelle Miller Mentor Kim Kraf – OIS 1 pt @ $570 $ 570
Donna Edwards Mentor Kim Kraf – OES 1 pt @ $570 $ 570

8. Facilities Committee Report

Mr. Stoltzfus said they discussed remaining HS renovation items.  The contractors have completed the punchlist.  The architect has to come back & inspect to make sure everything is complete. 

The sump pump is installed to try and fix the water issues in the band room & studio.  We are getting a letter from our solicitor to send to the contractor stating we are not happy with the result & reserve the right to go back to them if the leaking continues.

Capital projects are narrowed down to 4 possible:
  1. Pumps to circulate heat better at the middle school (jr. high)
  2. Carpet issues at the PLC
  3. Middle school (jr high) roof
  4. Masonry & brick work at the middle school (jr. high)
Still looking at energy service companies to save money

Someone wants to rent ground across the road to store equipment.  In initial stages of talks.

Signal service contract:  lights on Highland Rd; Rt. 10 & Rt 41.  The contract amount has not changed.

Demand response expires in Aug.  We are looking to do something for next year.

9. Other Items/Concerns


10. Visitors’ Comments – General

Mr. Knickerbocker asked how much we are spending on Signal.  Mr. Carsley said $1,225 maintenance.
11. Administrator Comments/Announcements


12. Board Comments
Mr. Norris asked if they could get an update on the Kindergarten program at some point in the future.

Mr. Hume thanked the music department for bringing students to perform at the senior citizen housing in Parkesburg.  It is greatly appreciated.

13. Adjournment

Facility Committee Meeting – Monday, January 9, 2012 – 6:30 p.m. in the District Office Conference Room

Executive Session for personnel – Monday, January 9, 2012 – Following the Work Session in the District Office Conference Room

Finance/Policy Committee Meeting – Monday, January 16, 2012 – 6:30 p.m. in the District Office Conference Room

Next regularly scheduled Board Meeting – Monday, January 16, 2012– 7:30 p.m. in the Octorara Jr./Sr. High School Multi-Purpose Room