Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Octorara School Board Work Session 06/14/2010

June 14, 2010 – 7:30 p.m.
Middle School Multi-Purpose Room


1. Lord’s Prayer

2. Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag

3. Roll Call

All present.

4. Presentations:
Not on the Agenda:  TREMCO presentation
Mr. Cromwell gave the presentation he had made earlier to the Facilities Committee.
The Middle School roof had been assessed in 2007. After this past winter, it was assessed again.  There has been further damage.  In 2007, we had been given a price of $ 5.50/sq. ft. to restore the areas of the roof that needed restored (85% of the roof).  The current cost is $ 7.00/sq. ft.   Fifty-one percent of the roof needs replaced, 30% restored and 19% maintained.

We can use the AEPA (American Education Purchasing Authority).  Approx. 25 states belong to this.  They just re-bid.  Several area districts have used this (Coatesville, Unionville, Avon Grove).  The bid price is $208,000.  It is a 4-6 week job, dependent on weather. To guarantee completion by the start of school, they would need to start working on by July 4th.

Mr. Stoltzfus stated that this is something he has been talking about at board meetings for months..  The Facilities Committee feels that the Board/District needs to move on this.  If the Board waits to vote until the regular meeting, it would be cutting it close.  He asked for a motion at this meeting.  The funds would be taken from capital funds.

Mr. Ganow asked how much is remaining in the capital funds.

Dr. Newcome said that he had spoken with Mr. Carsley and that there were enough funds to cover this.

Ms. Bowman asked for a motion.


B. Fitness Center Proposal
Mr. Weagley had two items.  He spoke about the Fitness Center Proposal before the Middle School athletic proposal.

He first thanked the Football booster for relocating the long-jump pit.

He spoke in May about Tom Hurley Fitness & Performance managing the Fitness Center.  Mr. Hurley is a Physical Education & Health teacher in the district & is the JV Boys' Soccer Coach.

The proposal includes a 3-month trial period (7/12/2010 - 10/12/2010).  It would be open to the community 3 days per week during this trial period.  The District hopes to realize some revenu for facility maintenance.

Mr. Hurley would incorporate members of his other programs into the Fitness Center. 
5:30 - 6:45 a.m.  Adult programs
6:45 - 7:30 a.m. Faculty/Staff and Weight training Club
8:00am - 2:45 p.m.  Physical Education classes
2:45 - 5:30 p.m. Athletic Teams
5:30 - 6:45 p.m. Adult fitness
6:45 - 9:00 p.m. Other

All members would have to go through an orientation.  The staff of the center would have to have background checks & clearances like District employees.  They would be fitness certified (SCS and/or IYCA - dependent on program).

Mr. Weagley would meet with Mr. Hurley monthly to go over statistics.  Mr. Hurley would pay the facility rental fee.   The District would also get 50% of the membership fee.   Community members would pay $20/month.  Non-community members would pay $25/month.  (I'm pretty sure Mr. Weagley said that faculty & staff would pay the community rate - but it wasn't clear).  There would also be in-kind services involved - such as consulting with coaches, as needed.  Any equipment purchased would be available for use by the District.

Mr. Malone had a question about the times & also asked if Mr. Hurley would be the only one there.

Mr. Weagley stated that initially Mr. Hurley would be the only one.

Mr. Malone said he would like to see staff cover 5:30 - 7:30 a.m.

Mr. Hume thought that the non-community fee should be higher.

Mr. McCartney wanted to clarify the fitness members orientation & also asked who would be paying for the background checks.  Mr. Weagley said the employees would pay for their own & he would have a copy on file.  Mr. McCartney asked who would check the clearances and Mr. Weagley replied that Mr. Hurley would do that.  Mr. McCartney asked what area constituted "community".  Mr. Weagley said it is the Octorara Area School District.  Mr. McCartney had several specific questions regarding hygiene and sanitation of equipment & supplies, emergency services.  Mr. Weagley replied to them.  One key point is that all members would have to fill out a form regarding medical history to attest to their health.  There will be an update to the document presented to the Board for changes made after it was printed.

Mrs. Bowman inquired about anticipated revenue.  She would like to see the numbers, including the facility fee charge.  Mr. Weagley said that they had looked at a budget.  Mrs. Bowman said that she would like to see the estimated number of members.  Mr. Weagley said that those numbers are in the documents distributed in May, but are not in the documents tonight.

Mr. Malone said that those numbers should be included in the proposal if Mr. Hurley & Mr. Weagley want the Board to sign off on it.  Mr. Weagley said that the conservative estimate is 20 members.  He is looking at several thousand dollars in revenue.  Mrs. Bowman said that she doesn't want to see the students limited to 6:45, since the intent of the room was for the students.  She also asked if during the summer it would be free to students.  Mr. Weagley said that it would be.  The coaches have signed out time periods for their teams.

Mr. Norris wanted to know if the District was on sound legal footing.  He is concerned that there is a conflict of interest, since Mr. Hurley is an employee of the district.  He asked the question in May and has not gotten a response.  Mr. Weagley said that he didn't think it was any different than a coach running a camp during the summer.  He said that Mr. Hurley does programs other places.  Mr. Norris would like to see it in writing that there is no conflict of interest.

Mrs. Bowman asked Mr. Hume what he wanted the non-community fee to be?  Mr. Hume replied that he would just like to see the spread be more than what it is.

Mrs. Bowman said the proposal needs to be tightened up before they can vote on it.

Mr. Weagley said he would get answers to the questions.

A. Middle School Athletics Proposal
Mr. Weagley said there has been a collaborative effort of groups to form the Middle School Athletics proposal.  The high school coaches agreed that skill development & practice should be the goal, not competitiveness.   This would all be funded by the booster organizations & an activity fee.  He needs to meet with Mr. Carsley to determine a date when the money must be in place.

There would be an interscholastic component that would go through the current Chester County Middle School Scheduling Group.  There would be a combined 7th & 8th grade team with one coach (except for football).  There would be cuts made.  There would also be an intramural program which would focus on skills development and practice, with a small competitive schedule. 

The program would remain under the control of the athletic director.  At the high school level, Mr. Weagley usually invites some parent representative to sit in on interviews for coaches.  Because these would be self-funded, he would want to do the same at the middle school level.

He would offer the parent groups to serve as time keepers, etc. to help defray the cost.  They could possibly charge admission.

He met with the Chester County Middle School athletic directors and they were very interested in the proposal as they all feel they will be facing the same issues in the near future.

MS Football would have an interscholastic component.  They would have a maximum of 40 players and 2 coaches for a combined 7th & 8th grade team.  The activity fee would be $100.

MS Field Hockey would have an interscholastic component.  There would be a maximum of 25 players & 1 coach for a combined 7th & 8th grade team.  The activity fee would be $50.

MS Volleyball would have an interscholastic component.   There would be a maximum of 25 players & 1 coach for a combined 7th & 8th grade team.  The activity fee would be $50.

There would not be Girls or Boys soccer at the interscholastic level.  The Octorara Soccer Club will be adding a 7th & 8th grade program.

Title IX compliance:  This should satisfy the 3-prong test.
1) The number of opportunites for females.  Fifty-five percent of the students in the middle school are female.  Fifty three percent of the interscholastic spots are for girls.
2)  The district has a history of adding opportunities.
3) - Need winter & spring sport plans to see if we meet the 3rd prong.

Mr. Ganow is bothered by the no-cut policy going away.   This is a major change.  He wanted to know who came up with the fees.  Mr. Weagley said that he came up with the fees.  Mr. Ganow also wanted to know why the activity fee for football was twice as much.  Mr. Weagley said that football is significantly higher & there is a special insurance policy needed.   They need more coaches, officials, buses, and equipment. 

Mrs. Bowman wondered if there was additional liability since these are self-funded.  Mr. Weagley said there is not, as it is still a school sanctioned sport.

Mr. Malone wanted to know who was going to collect the fees.  Mr. Weagley will.

Mr. Malone asked if the booster organizations are going to guarantee the net expense.  Mr. Weagley said that they will and Mr. Carsley is going to set up separate general ledger accounts to track.

Mr. Norris said he appreciates the effort.  He takes some comfort with the cut-policy changes with the introduction of intramurals.

Mr. Hume asked who makes the cuts.  Mr. Weagley said the coaches would.

Ms. Johnson asked about the Athletic directors.

C. Budget

I will enter the link to the budget once I have scanned it.  I won't have a chance to do that for a day or two.

A memo from Mr. Carsley to the Board was distributed.  It contained 2 forms.   One is the official budget form that gets turned into the state & the other is the District format.

Mills for Chester County = 35.12; an 8.97% increase
Mills for Lancaster County = 28.31; a 2.27% increase

There was a reduction in the amount of fund balance used.  The budget is using approximately $300,000 of fund balance.  There are 9 staff retirements (early incentive).  Five of those positions will not be replaced.
  • Not replacing 5 positions in the HS
  • Moving reading specialist from the MS to the ES
  • Moving 1 guidance counselor from the PLC to the MS
  • Positions in K, 1, 2, 3, & 4 not being replaced.
  • .5 Clerical positions in each building being eliminated (staff to be transferred to open assistant positions)
  • 2 positions in the District office are being combined into 1
This is an approx. $1.1 million reduction. 

There may be some minor changes before June 28th.

Ms. Bicking noted that the estimated collection rate of real estate taxes is at 97%.  She wanted to know if that is a realistic goal given the economy.  Kim McCully (Accounting Supervisor) said that it had been reduced by 1%.

Mr. Hume was concerned about the 9% increase.  He is not sure that everyone understands where we live.  There is no tax base.  We live in a poverty area.  He doesn't feel that enough cuts were made to the budget given the revenue.  Efforts are being made to work on the tax base, but nothing seems to be happening.  The county commissioners want no part of it.  The school district is the most important part of the community.  We need the community to contact their representatives and unite.  He wants to make sure that the Board members understand.

Ms. McCully stated that the overall budget increase is 4%, not 9%.

Ms. Bicking asked why there is such a difference between Chester & Lancaster County.

Ms. McCully said that it is based on a percent of assessed value.  (The following is what I got from her explanation.  If it is incorrect, I hope someone from the district corrects me!! )

Assessed value of Chester County property + Assessed Value of Lancaster County property = Total Assessed Value

Assessed Value of Chester County property/Total Assessed Value = Chester County portion of tax liability

Assessed Value of Lancaster County property/Total Assessed Value = Lancaster County portion of tax liability

I presume that these amounts are spread to the property owners in each county by assessed value and then get converted to mills (or the county portion gets converted to mills & then spread - same result).

Mrs. Bowman stated that this is something else that the district has no control over.  She's not sure what else could be cut.  We are starting to cut into programs & education.  People need to talk to their representatives.

Mr. Hume talked about Act 319 and how the District has to make up the $5 million lost through that program.

Mr. Stoltzfus asked if anything was going on in Harrisburg.  Dr. Newcome said that they haven't heard anything.

5. Visitors’ Comments - Agenda Items Only
Lennie Brown (Atglen) said that the district had come up with a facility fee to charge to groups.  For athletic clubs, it doesn't matter if 20 kids participate or 500 participate, the fee charged is the same.  It is up to the club to charge the appropriate amount.  Now we are going to rent part of the facility to a person with a business.  Shouldn't he just be charged an amount for the facility, and it is up to him to make money or not? 

Ellen Brown (Atglen) asked if there is a plan in place to ensure Title IX compliance for MS sports if the FH Boosters and/or the Volleyball Club cannot come up with the money necessary to fund those sports for the fall.

6. Information Items:


7. Presentation of Agenda Items for the June 28, 2010 Regular Monthly Public Meeting:

A.That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve the attached resolution adopting the 2010 – 2011 General Fund Budget Expenditures in the amount of $46,026,385.

B. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve the attached resolution establishing a real estate millage rate of 35.12 mills in Chester County and 28.31 mills in Lancaster County.

C. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve the attached resolution for the 2010-2011 Homestead and Farmstead Exclusion.

D. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve the following financial institutions and investment firms for financial services during the 2010-2011 school year, in accordance with Section 621 of the School Code:
1.Fulton Bank-depository and investment
2.PA School District Liquid Asset Fund – depository and investment
3.PA Local Government Investment Fund-investment only
4.RBC Dain Rauscher, Inc.-investment only

E.That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve the following list of signatories for the designated bank accounts effective July 1, 2010:
General Fund: – President, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary
Cafeteria Fund: – President, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary
Fitness Center Fund: – President, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary (Required 3 signatures)
Official Imprest Fund: - Superintendent, Business Manager, High School Principal, Asst. High School Principal, Athletic Director, Board Secretary
(Required 2 signatures)
School Activity Fund: - Building Principal, Building Asst. Principal, Business Manager
(Required Business Manager signature with one counter signature)

Mr. Ganow wanted to know what the Imprest Fund was.   Petty Cash.

F.That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve the appropriate budget transfers for the year ending 2009-2010 as a result of the annual financial audit.
(Note: This is a requirement for the school code to be done prior to June 30th of each fiscal year.)

G. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve the attached list of salaries for school district employees for the 2010-2011 school year.

H. That the Octorara Board of School Directors appoint the following facilities to provide school health services for the 2010-2011 school year:
Brandywine Valley Family Care
County Line Medical Center

Mr. McCartney wanted to know who this was for.  Dr. Newcome said he could get a list.  One thing they are used for is student/athletic physicals.
I.That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve Dr. Jeffrey Blair and the Coatesville Dental Clinic as the school dental consultants for the 2010-2011 school year at a rate of $94.00 per session.

J. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve the Chester County Intermediate Unit Marketplace Services Agreement for the 2010-2011 school year.

Dr. Newcome said that we don't use if for everything.  If we can find lower prices elsewhere, we use them.

K. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve the Memorandum of Understanding with the Octorara Area Education Support Personnel Association regarding position descriptions for One-to-One Instructional Assistants.

L. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve the Memorandum of Understanding with the Octorara Area Education Association for Section 304.6, Early Retirement Incentive.

Mrs. Bowman asked for a motion tonight, as the next meeting is on June 28th.


M. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approvethe “Letter of Agreement” with Human Services, Inc.

Dr. Newcome said that we have had a relationship with them in the past.  It isn't necessarily brought to the Board every year, but given the situation, he felt he should this year.
N. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve the attainment of tenure status for the following professional employees (in accordance with Section 1108 of the current School Laws of Pennsylvania):
Lori Boldt
Marjory Boyes
Kim Cabry
Sarah Callaway
Tim Ergler
George Hadfield
Nick Kluge
Josh Irons
Stephanie Rusen
Elizabeth Scroggin
Lisa Steiner
Kyle Whary

Mr. McCartney asked what is the necessary length of time for tenure.  Mrs. Bowman replied "3 years".
O.That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve a change order to Bristol Environmental, Inc. for $17,875.00 for asbestos abatement at the Octorara Area High School.

P.That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve the request to use the varsity field hockey field on Sundays - June 20 and 27, July 11, 18, and 25, and August 1, 2010 from 6:00 – 8:00 p.m. for the purpose of clinics and scrimmages.

Mr. Ganow suggested that this be approved now.  The next meeting is after June 20th & 27th.


Q. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve the attached 2010-2011 Student Handbook for the Octorara Primary Learning Center.
R. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve the attached 2010-2011 Student Handbook for the Octorara Middle School.

S. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve the combining of the positions/job descriptions of Human Resource Coordinator and Accounting Supervisor effective July 1, 2010.

The Board recessed for an Executive Session for a contract discussion.
Resignation Approvals:

Mrs. Bowman stated that T through QQ should be passed tonight to move on any replacements.  She would like to recognize that many of those retiring have been with the district for a very long time.  We are losing some good people.

T. That the Octorara Board of School Directors accept the resignation, with regret, of Ms. Nancy Beaton as a science teacher at the Octorara Area High School for the purpose of retirement effective June 15, 2010. (Hired September 1, 1971.)

U. That the Octorara Board of School Directors accept the resignation, with regret, of Ms. Judy Benne as a fifth grade teacher at the Octorara Intermediate School for the purpose of retirement effective June 15, 2010. (Hired September 1, 1973.)

V. That the Octorara Board of School Directors accept the resignation, with regret, of Ms. Carol Bronson as an eighth grade English teacher at the Octorara Middle School for the purpose of retirement effective June 15, 2010. (Hired January 12, 1979.)

W. That the Octorara Board of School Directors accept the resignation of Ms. Melissa Carrodo as a math teacher at the Octorara Area High School effective June 15, 2010. (Hired August 23, 2006.)

X. That the Octorara Board of School Directors accept the resignation, with regret, of Mr. Neil Chippendale as a social studies teacher at the Octorara Area High School or the purpose of retirement effective June 15, 2010. (Hired September 27, 1993.)

Y. That the Octorara Board of School Directors accept the resignation, with regret, of Ms. Aleta Connell as a reading specialist at the Octorara Elementary School for the purpose of retirement effective December 31, 2010. (Hired September 1, 1985.)

Z. That the Octorara Board of School Directors accept the resignation, with regret, of Mr. Anthony DiSipio as an eighth grade science teacher at the Octorara Middle School for the purpose of retirement effective June 15, 2010. (Hired September 1, 1976.)

AA. That the Octorara Board of School Directors accept the resignation of Ms. Kristen Hay as the District dental clinic van driver effective May 19, 2010. (Hired October 9, 2009.)

BB. That the Octorara Board of School Directors accept the resignation, with regret, of Mr. Terry Johnson as a math teacher at the Octorara Area High School for the purpose of retirement effective June 16, 2010. (Hired September 1, 1974.)
CC. That the Octorara Board of School Directors accept the resignation, with regret, of Ms. Vicki Mundy as a fourth grade teacher at the Octorara Elementary School for the purpose of retirement effective June 15, 2010. (Hired July 1, 1975.)

DD. That the Octorara Board of School Directors accept the resignation of Ms. Brittany Strunk as a Title I assistant at the Octorara Primary Learning Center effective June 15, 2010. (Hired September 17, 2009.)

EE. That the Octorara Board of School Directors accept the resignation, with regret, of Ms. Judy Turzi as a guidance counselor at the Octorara Middle School for the purpose of retirement effective June 15, 2010. (Hired August 31, 1989.)

FF.That the Octorara Board of School Directors accept the resignation of Ms. Lina Vu as a Title I math assistant at the Octorara Intermediate School effective May 14, 2010. (Hired October 12, 2009.)

GG. That the Octorara Board of School Directors accept the resignation of Ms. Ashley Thieroff as a field hockey coach at the Octorara Middle School effective May 18, 2010. (Hired August 2008.)

HH. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve Ms. Ann Porreca’s request for sabbatical leave for the purpose of study for the second semester of the 2010-2011 school year. Ms. Porreca is a learning support teacher at the Octorara Intermediate School.

Hiring Approvals:

II.That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve Ms. Kim McCully to assume the position of Human Resource Coordinator/Accounting Supervisor effective July 1, 2010 at a salary of $70,000 per year.

JJ. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve the attached list of 2010 summer employees at the hourly rates listed effective June 21, 2010 through August 12, 2010.

KK. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve Ms. Aimee Blochberger as a mentor for Kim Miller at a rate of $200. (Ms. Miller is replacing Elizabeth Landis who is on child-rearing leave.)

LL. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve the following Summer EAP/Extended Year Program teachers effective June 21 through July 22 from 7:30-12:15 each day :

Roxanne Sockoloskie - $30 per hour
Roberta Souders - $30 per hour
Sarah Calloway - $30 per hour
Kim Cabry - $30 per hour
Ken Baldt - $30 per hour
Doris Klein - $23 per hour (substitute)

Dr. Newcome made a correction to the time.  The ending time is 12:45 p.m.

MM. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve the following Summer Reading Program employees:

Mimi Jurasinski – $14.50 per hour (support staff)
Maureen Byerly - $10.85 per hour (support staff)
Jodi Lewis - $22.00 per hour (substitute)

NN. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve the split of the 13 supplemental contract points for the 2010-2011 Octorara Area High School cheerleading coaches as follows:
Terry Kelleher 3.5 points
Shannon Julius 3.5 points
Robin Elias 3.5 points
Michelle King 2.5 points

OO. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve the following substitute teachers for the 2009-2010 school year:
Rachel Amorin (Elementary and Special Ed)
Laura Kerrigan (Biology and General Science)

PP.That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve Ms. Cortney Rieck as a long term substitute Title I math assistant at the Octorara Intermediate School effective May 18, 2010 at the rate of $9.65 per hour pending completion of work related documents required by law and the District. (Replacing Lina Vu who resigned.)

Mr. Ganow said that he would have liked to have seen the retirements listed by length of service.
8. Facilities Committee Report

Mr. Stoltzfus said that the Facilities Committee had gone on a tour of the HS earlier in the evening.  The work to be completed by Fall is on schedule.

We saw the presentation on the MS roof tonight.

There are problems at OIS with water leaks.  We know where the problem is & the cause.  We received an estimate of $20,000 to fix.  This should be done this summer.

They are trying to get the fire system tied in.

They need final legal language on the cell tower.

They should be able to recoup approx. $30,000 for snow removal.

9. Other Items/Concerns

Elena Wilson (OMS Principal) congratulated the MS athletes on being award a PIAA Sportsmanship Award.  It is voted on by the Athletic Directors.

10. Visitors’ Comments – General

Judy Stuehrmann (Cochranville) had a question about the 2 math teachers who are leaving.  She questioned if they were both not going to be replaced.  If they aren't replaced, how will this impact the program to try and improve the math program?
11. Board Comments

Ms. Bowman said she has some of the same concerns as Mr. Brown & would like to see the Fitness Center proposal tightened up before voting on it.

Dr. Newcome answered Mrs. Stuehrmann's question.  They will be replacing one of the two math teachers who are leaving.  The impact will be the same as on every other program that is losing staff.  The math plan is still being worked on.

Mr. Hume wanted to thank the OMS Music Department.  Ms. Hennigan brought the flute players to the School House Apartments & Westminister Place in Parkesburg.  They are great.

He wishes they could send a message to parents to be involved in their children's education.

Mr. Norris wanted to thank OES for their play "School House Rock".  They did a nice job.  He also wanted to thank those involved in the Heroes recognition & for the staff who came out to support the recipients at Senior Awards Night.

Mr. Ganow wanted it on the record that he agrees with Lennie Brown.  The district is talking about renting space to Mr. Hurley & then wants to micromanage his business.  He also agrees with Mr. Norris that we need to make sure we are on good legal standing.  He never thought, in all of his years on the Board, that we would be where we are - cutting programs & having major increases in taxes.  He feels the budget is obscene.  The system is broken.

Ms. Bowman said they would get back to Ellen Brown concerning the Title IX plan.  In response to Mr. Hume's comment about asking parents to be involved, she said that in the packet that gets sent home there is information concerning this.  It also gets discussed at Back-to-School-Night. 

12. Adjournment

Facility Committee Meeting – Monday, June 14, 2010
Tour of High School Renovation Project - 5:30 p.m. starting in the District Office Conference Room
Meeting - 6:00 p.m. in the District Office Conference Room

Executive Session for Personnel - Monday, June 14, 2010 – following the Work Session in the Octorara District Office Conference Room.

Alternative Education Graduation Program – Monday, June 28, 2010 – Octorara Middle School Library – (Invited Guests)
5:45 p.m. reception, 6:00 p.m. program

Policy Committee Meeting – Monday, June 28, 2010 - 6:50 p.m. in the District Office Conference Room

Next regularly scheduled Board Meeting – Monday, June 28, 2010 – 7:30 p.m. in the Octorara Middle School Multi-Purpose Room


  1. Fitness Center Proposal: I also have some concerns about this proposal being a conflict of interest. Any company I have ever worked for had a policy where an employee could not profit from services provided to the employer from a separate company that the employee has an interest. A sample conflict of interest police I found online states: " An employee who has a direct or indirect interest (whether through family or business connections) in suppliers of products or services to the Company, or an interest in contractors or potential contractors who would do business with the Company, should not act or be involved in decisions with respect to that interest. No employee should participate in a potential contract, partnership, or other business relationship with any party that the employee is discussing potential employment." The District's own policy #419 states "Do not use school property or school time to solicit or accept customers for private enterprises."

  2. Middle School Athletics Proposal:
    I made a comment on this on last month's notes -but I made it really late. I've thought about this a lot. People need to take the emotion out of it & think about the reality of the situation. First, let's think about our middle school sports program. The fall season is very short. The kids don't start practice until after school starts. The first games are usually the last week of September. The last games are usually the last week of October. The length of the games is very short. There is barely enough time to get everyone into the game for even a few minutes. There isn't time for skill development. With separate 7th & 8th grade teams, these problems are much worse with the 7th grade teams due to the no-cut policy.

    For the 2011/12 or 2012/13 school year, it is going to be high school athletics on the line. It is the first thing listed on the second page of the potential cuts for this year. The district already used the items on the first page. The first place the Administration & Board are going to have to go when all of the pension expense kicks in is the 2nd page from this year.

    It's terrible that this even has to be discussed - but I realistically, I believe we have to let middle school sports go, for now. Everyone should be pooling their energy to figure out how to save high school sports in a year or two. And we need to start now. We can't wait until March or April of 2011 when the budget discussions go there. It would be good if the All-sports Boosters could become an actual 501(c)3 entity (separate from the District) -especially if we could get representatives from each booster organization or club, community members, and alumni. Maybe there is a retired community member who has grant writing experience. They would stay away from pizza sales & car washes. Each of the individual booster clubs would continue doing what they are currently doing.... purchasing jackets, putting on banquets, purchasing small equipment, uniforms, etc. Something to think about......

  3. Budget: Thanks to Kim McCully for giving the most clear explanation of the difference between Chester & Lancaster counties.... as long as I understood her correctly!!!

    As ugly as this budget is, it is only going to get worse over the next couple of years. As was stated over & over during the meeting - we all need to contact our state representatives & ask for help.

  4. Miscellaneous:

    Item H: I think that may also be for Worker's Comp issues - if someone gets injured while working. Most companies have health services identified for that purpose.

    Why is it takin so long for the fire system to be finished??? It's been discussed for months.

    I wish all of those who are retiring have a happy retirement! My children have had several of those teachers. We are losing a lot of great experience.

  5. I noticed that there are already problems with the new building and the district is planning to pay around 20,000 to repair leaks. Is that right? If so then why isn't the district leaning on the contractors who built the school to fix it? It makes sense that they should be responsible for it, either because of poor design or materials used.


Comments are moderated. Although I asked people to sign their comments (or at least use their initials), I have only been getting 'anonymous' comments. I have changed the settings to that the posts will need some sort of identifier.