Thursday, July 15, 2010

Confusion Reigns 07/15/2010

Okay.  I'm confused.  Last month at the school board meeting the District was told to go ahead & do a trial period for the fitness center with the following guidelines: 

"There will be a two month trial period for the fitness center as outlined that will run from 7/19 - 9/10/2010. Tentative fees will be $20 for adult community members; $15 for senior citizens (community) and $35 for non-community members."

Now - we get a message stating the following:  "The fee for an individual membership is $15 per month and $25 for a family of 2 or more."

The Board made it very clear that there was to be a higher charge for people who do not live in the OASD.  This was not discussed AT ALL at Monday evening's meeting.   There was no discussion at any time about individual vs. family memberships (especially  since students will not be charged per the original discussion - has that changed too????). 

I don't know about anyone else, but I find it very frustrating when you go to a school board meeting, the direction from the Board seems clear & then something entirely different happens.  Who approved it?


  1. I agree Ellen. I have been to board meetings where a board member has specifically stated that the board can only make decisions at the public meetings. But then I no longer feel the board is the decision maker. They rubber stamp decisions that others make, very unfortunate to have such a weak board.
    It seems the higher our taxes go the less we get for the money!

  2. I might be an old krumudgen but why is my family, whose taxes paid for a fitness center for students to use, now being offered limited time to use this center for a price?
    How much money does the board think they will get and what do they plan to do with the money?
    Is the board there to run a school or a business?
    Makes me scratch my head.

  3. Tom - According to the discussion at last month's work session & regular meeting, any profit from the membership fees would go toward maintaining the fitness room. Now.... given that the structure of the program seems to be different, I don't know that is still the purpose.


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