Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Board Meeting 01/17/2011

January 17, 2011– 7:30 p.m.
Middle School Multi-Purpose Room


1. Lord’s Prayer

2.Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag

3. Roll Call

All Present

4. Approval of Minutes from the Reorganization Meeting of December 6, 2010, the Work Session of December 6, 2010, and the Regular Meeting of December 13, 2010.


5. Presentations
A. Budget - Dan Carsley

Mr. Carsley presented the multi-year model they will use through the budget process.  The standard going forward will be to look at the effect of the budget you are working on has on future budgets.

There are 4 years of actual, the current year, the preliminary budget & 4 years going forward.  It give a good summary of where you are coming from & where you are headed.  The model is currently based on an adjusted index of 1.8%.   There are different scenarios included in the model.

They can put changes into the model as they move through the process to see how the discussion will change the budget.

Mr. McCartney asked if it took into account the changes in the PSERS funding.  Mr. Carsely said that the future year amounts of 12.19%, 16.6% and 21% are in there.  He had not made the adjustment for next year, as the preliminary budget as presented needs to be approved per state law.

Mr. McCartney wanted to know if amounts of property tax increases in future years were included.  Mr. Carsley said they aren't, because the budget as it is now, will not be the final product.  The future years are based on very conservative numbers.

Dr. Newcome presented potential budget reductions in seven (7) areas.

Potential Budget Reductions

Downingtown is looking at cyber charter school students.  They would like to use Brandywine Virtual Academy (which is what Octorara uses for our Alternative Ed students).  The problem with this is while it would initially decrease costs, if current Octorara students decided they wanted to use it, it could end up costing us more.

Dr. Newcome asked the Board for more suggestions.;

Mr. Norris asked what the athletic budget is.  Answer:  approx. $350,000

Mr. Carsley made the changes that were being discussed to the model.  Where we had a negative fund balance in the 3rd future year, it was now positive.

Mr. Norris asked about an item that had been presented at the Finance Committee during the audit report.  The auditors stated that the district needs a policy that states what the floor of the fund balance needs to be.

Mr. Carsley said that the bond rating had been increased from A to A+.  Part of the reason for the increase was the management of the fund balance.  He prefers not to go below $3 million in the fund balance.  They will work on a policy that puts in a floor.  They need a fund balance of that much to cover the summer months before property taxes start coming in.

Mr. McCartney asked if the model included guesses as to what will come out of Harrisburg.

Mr. Carsley stated that he had decreased state funding by $600,000 based on things he had heard.

Mr. Ganow had a couple of comments about #4 & #6:
#4 - wanted to clarify that the projections for the cyber charter students was based on students currently attending a cyber charter and that we would attempt to get some of them back.
#6  - the decrease for athletics seems like a larger percentage than the other cuts.

Dr. Newcome said that the idea is to hit non-required items harder.

Ms. Bowman wanted to know if this would be an accurate characterization of the budget:  Revenues are declining. So if we do nothing, we will be in the red.  If we raise taxes to the index (with no exceptions), we will still have an issue.  We need to decrease expenses.

Mr. Carsley said that it was accurate.

Ms. Bowman said that the preliminary budget that is being voted on does not contain any of these adjustments.

Dr. Newcome said that there will be pain.  Failure to reach the goal will have bad long term effects.

Mr. Norris asked about the time frame for #2 and what legwork had been done.

Dr. Newcome said the timing is still being worked on .  Recommendations from the Board will be part of the process.  He hopes to have something by April to give the district a 2-month lead time.  It will be part of the RFP to keep the current staff.

Mr. Hume wanted to know who is setting the policy for the fund balance.  Mr. Carsley said it was the auditors' recommendation.  Mr. Hume thinks it sounds good to an auditor, but it is taxpayer money.  We are taxed above the limit.  He is opposed to putting money aside.  He thinks if the district needs cash, they should borrow it.

He also had a question about the public utility tax line item.Mr. Carsley said that it compensates schools for lost revenue.

Ms. Bowman stated that starting in July, they need money to get through the summer.  In order to borrow at a good rate, we need an adequate fund balance (also to maintain bond rating).

B. High School Program of Studies – Scott Rohrer

Mr. Rohrer passed out a copy of the Program of Study for 2011/12.  He said that the renovation project has created new opportunities.  Students in Mr. Lauletta's classes put together the books.  Eventually, they will be put online.

There will be some small changes in graduation requirements.  A few years ago, based on guidelines from the state, we changed our math and science requirements.  Now, based on the Keystone exams, we are going back to the way it was.  With the Keystone exams, students will need to pass 2 of 3 math exams (Algebra 1, Geometry, and/or Algebra 2).  It will be a graduation requirement that students  pass Algebra 1.  The HS needs to be able to remediate students, if necessary.   The State is saying that by 2015, a student must pass state identified Keystone exams in order to graduate.  All 9th graders will take Algebra 1 and will be assigned a study hall in case they need help.

Dr. Rutledge talked about "College in High School".  We used to have an agreement with Delaware County Community College.  They dropped their program, but we were able to affiliate with Harrisburg Area Community College (HACC).  We have the potential for 3 courses for next year.  These are courses that we teach and where the teacher is qualified to be an adjunct professor.  The student fills out an application and pays a fee to get college credit.

Octorara CourseFinancial Accounting
HACC Course:  Principals of Accounting

Octorara Course:  Academic Government & Politics
HACC Course:  The National Political System

Octorara Course:  AP US Government
HACC Course:  The National Political System

Technical College/High School

We are developing some of our own programs.  We have a co-op program and 2 of our Ag programs are state approved.  We will be able to offer more programs.  We have teachers with the proper certifications.

Example:  Drafting technology will be a 3 year course of study.  The student can take a test to be certified.  They may also be eligible for college credits.

Mr. Norris said it is refreshing to see what is going on.  The booklet was put together well.

Ms. Bowman said that with the focus on the budget we have to remember we have a job to do  - prepare our students.  She asked that for the 3yr programs, does that mean students who will be juniors next year can't participate.  Mr. Rohrer said they could take the classes if there is room, but they wouldn't be eligible for certification.

Ms. Bowman said that with the pathways, they had visited other school and saw what they had.  There has been a lot of work put into developing these programs.  It is amazing how much has been accomplished.

6. Information Items

A. The Octorara Middle School softball coaches will be eliminated from the supplemental contract list that was approved on August 16, 2010.

No middle school softball team this year.
7. Treasurer’s Report

A. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve the General Fund Report for period ending December 31, 2010.

Mr. Malone gave the report.

8. Business Manager’s Report

A. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve the list of bills for payment.

Mr. Norris asked Mr. Carsley to check on check # 171549.  The amount seemed high.  Mr. Carsley gave the report.  Approved.

9. Visitors’ Comments - Agenda Items Only
Joe Reilly (Parkesburg) wanted to remind the board that in this economy many people have been laid off, had salary reductions & increases in health insurance premiums.  He works for a healthcare company & pays 50% of his premium.  The district should look at reducing healthcare benefits for the staff and increasing co-pays like other industries.  It is hard to increase taxes when unemployment is not going down.  People have tight budgets at home.

10.Recommended Action Items: (Italicized items are new; they were not on the January 10, 2011 agenda.)
A -D       7 yes  2 no   Approved.
A. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve the proposed preliminary budget for the 2011-2012 fiscal year.

B. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve the District administration to apply for Act 1 exemptions for the 2011-2012 budget.

C. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve the 2011-2012 school calendar.

D. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve the “Sportsmanship Agreement” for parents of athletes who participate in District athletic programs.

E. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve change order number 007 for Bristol Environmental, Inc. for 1st floor hallway pipe insulation abatement (Sections 1 & 2) and light tube disposal in the amount of $26,650.00.
Mr. Ganow questioned this.  He thinks it is a ridiculous amount.  He wondered if they could get someone else to do the work.  Mr. Carsley said that the tubes have already been removed and are looking at other contractors for the future.

4 yes (Malone, Bicking, Bowman & Stoltzfus) 5 no (Norris, Ganow, Hume, Johnson, McCartney).Not approved.

F-P Approved.  Mr. Ganow did ask for what the OMS Shakespeare Advisor did.  It has been held since 1996.  A group from the MS presents a play in competition with other schools.
F. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve the following changes from regular substitute pay to long term substitute pay at the rate of $140 per day:
Alice Lohr – 18 days
Meredith Benson – 20.5 days

G. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve the student activity request for the “Music Club” at the Octorara Area High School.

H. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve the job descriptions for the position of Access Coordinator and Access Assistant.

Resignation Approvals:

I. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve the following supplemental contract resignations:
Mike Mundy –Middle School Academic Team Advisor
Beth Hrincevich –Elementary School Talent Show/Musical Co-Director
Scott Conaghan –High School Assistant Track Coach
Mark Pedersen – Middle School Assistant Football Coach
Nicholas Kluge – High School Junior Varsity Baseball Coach

J. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve the resignation of Ms. Katie Allison as cafeteria cashier in the Octorara Area High School effective January 2, 2011. (Hired November 1, 2010)

K. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve the termination of employee “A” effective January 3, 2011.

Hiring Approvals:

L. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve the following substitute teachers for the 2010-2011 school year:
Marian Green (Special Education)
Cara Patti (Elementary)

M. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve the following substitute support personnel for the 2010-2011 school year:
Wayne Wharton (Custodian, maintenance)

N. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve the following supplemental contracts for the 2010-2011 school year:
Nina Thwaites OES Talent Show/Musical 2 pts @ $570 $1,140
Andrew Baumgardner OMS Football Coach 4 pts @ $570 $2,280
Matthew Smith OMS Wrestling Coach 4 pts @ $570 $2,280
Michelle Moran Mentor Jennifer Bower 2 pts @ $570 $1,140
Donna Edwards Mentor Jan D’Angelo 1 pt @ $570 $ 570
Tabitha Wallace Advisor OMS Shakespeare 2 pts @ $570 $1,140
Matt Livingood OHS Asst. Track Coach 6 pts @ $570 $3,420

O. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve Mr. Kendal Dixon and Mr. Bruce Davis as volunteer coaches for the Octorara Area High School boys’ basketball program.

P. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve the following changes in salary due to graduate credits earned:
 Michelle Lofgren From M+45 ($76,348) to M+60 ($78,780) Step 15

Q. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve the agreement between Chesconet and the Octorara Area School District for internet service for July 1, 2011 and June 30, 2012.


R. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve Ms. Kay Ralston as a classroom volunteer pending completion of clearances required by law and the District.

Ms. Bowman asked why a volunteer was brought to the board.  Dr. Newcome said that Ms. Ralston will be in the classroom on a regular basis several times per week.     Approved.
S. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve the annual financial audit report of the District for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2010 as prepared by the auditing firm of Herbein & Company.

Mr. Ganow wanted to know if there had been any major findings.  There weren't.  Mr. Malone said the financial statements were presented fairly.   Approved.
T. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve the changes to the Octorara Area High School 2011-2012 Program of Studies.

Mr. Ganow said he was impressed with the document.   Approved.

11. I.U./C.A.T. Board Representative’s Report

Mr. Stoltzfus said they will meet on Wednesday.

12. Old Business

13. New Business
Mr. Malone went over the audit report items:  statements presented fairly; need fund balance policy; increase in bond rating.   This could save approx. $5000 in interest.

14. Other Items and Announcements
Dr. Newcome presented the  Board members with certificates for their service in recognition of School Board Directors Month..  

He let the audience know that there would be a 2hr delay on  Tues.

He asked that if the Board had further questions on items discussed at the work session that they let Ms. Bowman or him know so they didn't do block approvals.

15. Visitors’ Comments – General
I apologize that I didn't catch everyone's names.

Thomas C. (Kinzer)  Asked if the CTE College courses are required by State law.  He also had a question regarding cutting the budget, yet using buses on Sundays.  It needs to stop.  Is there a way to consolidate with other districts?

Donna (Sadsbury Twp) - She wanted to follow-up on a question from a few months ago concerning teacher contract negotiations.  Will this cause more stress in the budget process?

Hank (West Sadsbury) - Thanked the board for their service. 
He asked:   Have negotiations started?
     When will they start?
     Which school boad members are included?
     Are there administrators included?
     What other participants are there?
     Who do you negotiate with?
Also, - how are the budget numbers derived if you don't have the contract in place?

Thomas C. - Any consideration as to freezing admin salaries like Manheim did?
 16.Board Comments
Mr. Ganow asked Dr. Newcome to answer the questions.

Dr. Newcome answered as follows:
The courses are not required, however, since we have a rigorous course of study & the students are taking the course, they might as well get college credit if they pay for it.

As for consolidating,  group purchasing is done.

He referred to the budget cut list & the $1 million in salaries & benefits they are looking to cut.

The contract expires 6/30. 
Negotiations have started (by law in Jan.)
There are no administrators and no community members.
There are board members.
Negotiate with teachers' union reps.

Negotiations are never easy.  In the early '90's they were tenuous.  More positive in the 2000's.

Reminded audience members that there are 2 meetings per month.  There will be a special budget meeting on 1/26 with presentations by Dr. Newcome & Mr. Carsley.

Mr. Ganow said that salaries & benefits are by contract.

Mr. McCartney mentioned working with other districts.  Harrisburg did study, which they published in a 2007 report.  Nothing has happened with the recommendations.  Contact your representatives.

Mr. Hume is still concerned about 9th grade retention.  Progress has been made, but he is still concerned.

17. Adjournment
Finance Committee Meeting – Monday, January 17, 2011 – 6:00 p.m. in the District Office Conference Room

Executive Session for personnel – Monday, January 17, 2011 – Following the Regular Meeting in the Octorara District Office Conference Room

Next regularly scheduled Board Meeting – Monday, January 17, 2011 – 7:30 p.m. in the Octorara Middle School Multi-Purpose Room

Finance Committee Meeting – Monday, February 14, 2011 – 6:30 p.m. in the District Office Conference Room

Next regularly scheduled Work Session – Monday, February 14, 2011 – 7:30 p.m. in the Octorara Middle School Multi-Purpose Room

Facility Committee Meeting – Monday, February 21, 2011 – 6:00 p.m. in the District Office Conference Room

Next regularly scheduled Board Meeting – Monday, February 21, 2011– 7:30 p.m. in the Octorara Middle School Multi-Purpose Room

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