Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Work Session 05/09/2011

May 9, 2011 – 7:30 p.m.
Middle School Multi-Purpose Room


1. Lord’s Prayer

2.Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag

3. Roll Call

1 absent

4. Presentations:
A. Budget Update

Dr. Newcome gave an update on the budget.    The pack (Proposed Final) the Board will get for Monday's meeting will not be much different from April's package.

The budget is approx. $100,000 less than the current year's. 

Changes can still be made prior to the June vote.

There may be another retirement they weren't expecting.

He discussed what is going on with the discussions in Harrisburg.

Going back to the 08/09 budget doesn't change much for Octorara.  We will receive approx. $16,000 less.  There is talk that the block grants may be added back.  That would increase our funding by approx. $120,000.  The gain is approx. $100,000.  This would translate to an approx. .1 mill decrease in taxes.

Mr. Norris asked what would happen if the district were proactive and took $ 100,000 from the fund balance.  He knows the district has worked hard to increase the fund balance.  He would like to see the Lancaster county increase be below the index.

Ms. Bowman said she could back that.

Mr. Hume reminded everyone that changes could be made until June.

Mr. Ganow asked Dr. Newcome how comfortable he was with the numbers coming out of Harrisburg.

Dr. Newcome said he is confident that changes will occur.  He is pretty sure that the basic education funding will decrease.  He is not as sure about the block grants.

Mr. Malone is concerned about taking money from the fund balance, since they've worked hard to build it up.  It's possible it will be totally gone in a few years.

Mr. Ganow thinks they should take the money from the fund balance.

Dr. Newcome restated what he believed his directive to be:  to present the budget with an additional $100,000 taken from the fund balance.  They will present with and without. 

Mr. McCartney would advise caution about taking the fund balance too low.

Mrs. Bicking wanted to clarify what they were looking at:  looking at $100,000 out of fund balance and if we get $100,000 from the state we would have double savings?  Or - if we get the $100,000 from the state, do we put the  $100,000 back into the fund balance?

It would depend on the timing from the state.

Mr. Norris said that he just doesn't like the number for Lancaster County.  He would like to see it below the index.  Overall, the district is below the index, but due to re-balancing, Lancaster County's percentage increase is higher.

Ms. Bowman agrees with Mr. Norris. 

5.Visitors’ Comments - Agenda Items Only

6.Information Items:
A. Ms. Connie Good will transfer from secretary to the Assistant Superintendent for Elementary Education to building secretary at the Octorara Intermediate School effective May 16, 2011. (Replacing Nancy Hess who resigned.)

7.Presentation of Agenda Items for the May 16, 2011 Regular Monthly Public Meeting:

A. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve the resolution for the Proposed Final General Fund Budget for the 2011-2012 school year.

B. That the Octorara Board of School Directors elect ___________ as Board Treasurer from July 1, 2011 through June 30, 2012.

Mr. Malone agreed to act as Board Treasurer until the reorganization meeting in December.  The agenda item will be changed for next week.
C. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve Policy 609 Investments and Policy 620 Fund Balance, second reading.

D. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve the list of current Class of 2011 seniors of the Octorara Area High School, having been individually considered for graduation by the Octorara Board of School Directors, contingent upon their successful completion of all local and state requirements.

E. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve the furlough of Mr. Anthony Commale, Middle School math teacher, due to reorganization.

This is not a new furlough, but is part of the reorganization.
F. That the Octorara Board of School Directors authorize the administration to develop and file applications for external funding for the 2011-2012 fiscal year under the following federal programs:

Title I – Improving Basic Programs Operated by LEA’s
Title II (A) – Improving Teacher Quality
Title III – Improving Language Instruction Programs

These come through every year.  They have to have a record of Board approval.
G. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve bid awards for the 2011-2012 school year as per attached summary for:
Art Supplies $10,690.80
Industrial Arts/Vo-Ag Supplies $10,713.45
Science Supplies $4,553.50
Copy & Computer Paper $32,433.08
Technology Bid $2,000.12
TOTAL: $60,390.95

Resignation Approvals:

H. That the Octorara Board of School Directors accept the resignation of Mr. Thomas Hurley as boys’ junior varsity soccer coach effective April 21, 2011. (Hired August 2008.)

Hiring Approvals:

I. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve the employment of the following AP Test Proctors at the rate of $30.00 per hour for ten hours each:
Edward Golden
Maria Hoff

This item will change for next week.
J. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve Ms. Aimee Blochberger as a mentor for Ms. Gail Bolger effective April 26, 2011 through June 14, 2011 at a stipend of $200.

Mr. Ganow asked what the amount would be for a whole year.  Dr. Newcome said it would be $1,150 for a whole year.
K. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve the following staff changes in the Summer Literacy Program:
Sandy Evans - change from teacher to substitute teacher at the rate of $22 per hour.
Sarah Callaway – add as a substitute teacher at the rate of $22 per hour.

L. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve the following substitute support personnel for the 2010-2011 school year: Deborah Shank (Cafeteria, clerical, instructional assistant)

8. Facilities Committee Report

Dr. Newcome delivered the report in Mr. Stoltzfus's absence.

The HS renovation is 92% complete.  They are gearing up for summer work.
Change orders are much like those that have come through before.

The gym is just about complete.  The subfloor was bad. 

The terrazo floor in the school that as asbestos will not have grinding done. It will be refinished and sealed.  A sample spot has been done.  The tiles will not be disturbed more than necessary.

The new electric contractor is working out well.  They are making sure that the project stays on schedule.

Still looking at the water issues at OIS.

Wind damage at OMS.  They are waiting to hear if they need bids.  They might not be able to fix until fall.  Roofers are booked up through the summer.

The custodial outsourcing was presented to the committee.  Servicemaster was the low bidder.  There is a savings of $770,000 over 4 years. The committee will recommend outsourciing the 2nd shift custodians.

Mr. Malone asked if the Board is to move on this at next week's meeting.

9.Other Items/Concerns

10.Visitors’ Comments – General

Ken Knickerbocker (Parkesburg) thanked the Board for their service and said he trusts them to do what is best.  He is disturbed by the outsourcing of custodial positions.  These are members of the community.  He would hate to see outsiders come in.  $770,000 is a lot of money, but not much considering their contribution.

Heather Kirk (Sadsbury Twp-Lanc.)  asked for an update on Kindergarten.  Is the orientation for parents going to happen.

11.Administrator Comments/Announcements

Mr. Haller (Principal OIS) - on April 28th, 23 students went to the Chester County Reading Olympics.  Two teams went & were awarded blue ribbons.   On May 4-5, Mr. Duggan took teams to the Envirothon competition.  A number of teams placed.  Fifth grade had 3 teams place in the top 5 for all 5 categories.  Sixth grade had teams in the top 10 in all 5 categories.

Chloe Dean (student representative):  The Senior Citizens' prom will be held Tues. evening at the Jennersville YMCA from 5:30 - 8:30.  We are hoping for about 100 people.  The Prom will be held on 5/27 and graduation is June 10th.

12.Board Comments

Dr. Newcome responded to the public comments. 
1) Custodial Outsourcing:  Current employees have the first opportunities for the jobs.  He asked about it and the company says they like to use local people.
2) Kindergarten:  There are currently 132 registered.  Thirty-one would like 1/2 day.  They believe there will be about 180 registered, so they will probably be able to have two 1/2-day classes.  Those already signed up will be in.

Kindergarten parent orientation will probably be on June 6th.  They should have most questions answered by then. 

Next Monday is the HS awards dinner.  It starts at 6 p.m.

Mr. Norris asked for a review of concerts from the music teachers who were in the audience.  Scott Cullen gave the overview.  The HS chorus and band concerts already took place.  He is proud of the students for how hard they work.  On Thursday, OES/OIS chorus concert will be on the soccer field.  If the weather is bad, it will be in the PLC.  The Middle School band & chorus concert will be held on May 17th.

Ms. Bowman thanked Mr. Knickerbocker for his comments.  The decisions the board makes are not done lightly and have been agonizing

Mr. Malone thanked Mr. Rohrer for starting the academic awards dinner.  He also responded to Mr. Knickerbocker, stating that he struggled with the decision & is still struggling with it.

Mr. Hume asked the Board to consider a FRR policy (Family Rest and Relaxation).  He feels that people are too busy through the week and on Saturdays.  He thinks families should spend time together Sunday mornings.  He'd like to see nothing allowed at the school until 12 or 12:30 Sunday for the groups who rent the facilities.

He also would like to start chargin staff for parking.  He was talking with someone who works in West Chester and that person was saying how expensive parking is.  It would be a way to make some money that we need.

Ms. Bowman wanted to publicly thank the K-6 PTO for being part of the meeting in West Chester with the state representatives.

13.Adjournment Facility Committee Meeting – Monday, May 9, 2011 – 6:00 p.m. in the District Office Conference Room

Executive Session for personnel – Monday, May 9, 2011 – Following the Work Session in the Octorara District Office Conference Room

Finance/Policy Committee Meeting – Monday, May 16, 2011 – 6:30   7:00 p.m. in the District Office Conference Room

Next regularly scheduled Board Meeting – Monday, May 16, 2011– 7:30 p.m. in the Octorara Middle School Multi-Purpose Room

1 comment:

  1. I have to wonder sometimes if people think before they speak. Let's look at Mr. Hume's proposals. First, he wants to discourage paying groups from using the facilities by limiting WHEN they can use them. Thn, he turns around and wants to charge staff for parking because the district needs money.

    If you have groups willing to pay to use the facilities, they should be able to rent them just about any time other than when school is in session. The district wants to charge organizations that provide a direct service to the community to use the facilities. They want these same organizations to fully fund the entire athletic program. Then, some want to tie the hands of these organizations so they CAN'T raise the funds to do so.

    There is an activity the soccer club could be involved in that has the potential to raise THOUSANDS of dollars for the program (and it could be a recurring event). However, if they can't use the fields on Sunday morning, they would not be permitted to be involved at all....thousands of dollars lost.

    Mr. Hume talks about family-time & relaxation. For many families, including ours, the time we have spent at soccer, field hockey, lacrosse & softball IS family-time. It is our relaxation time. It happens on Saturdays & Sundays. It isn't up to Mr. Hume to determine when or how we spend our family-time or relax. If a family has parents who work weekends, are they permitted to take their child out of school one day a week to spend family time?

    As for his suggestion to charge staff for parking.... So we would charge a cafeteria worker the same amount to park as a 30-year teacher? Substitute teachers? Would it even be worth it for substitutes to agree to work?


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