February 16, 2009 – 7:30 p.m.
Middle School Multi-Purpose Room
1. Lord’s Prayer
2. Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag
3. Roll Call
All present
4. Minutes
- Approve the following minutes from the Work Session of January 12, 2009
Approved 8-0
5. Presentations:- Representative from RBC Capital Market to review/update board on the refinancing of the 2004 Bond Swap
Mr. Lee introduced Steve Flaherty of RBC. There are two series "A" & "B". Series A is $ 10,000,000 new money to finance construction. They have a 10 year call (6/1/19). Series B is $37,245,000 to refund current swap. These also have a 10 year call. Debt Service schedules were presented. They show how much money the district will save.
- Budget Update
Mr. Lee stated that they have looked at the proposed State budget and included those amounts in the preliminary budget. They are about $ 60,000 better than the first pass.
Currently $44,000,000 in expenses
$43,000,000 in revenue
Mills: 1.61 Chester County
1.02 Lancaster County
Brian Norris asked about projections. Mr. Lee stated that EIC is projected slightly down. Interest is projected at about 1/2 the rate of last year.
Mr. Malone asked if the reserve my be lowered. Mr. Lee responded that it could.
Dr. Newcome said that discussions will occur throughout the Spring. There will need to be some philosophical discussions. The athletic budget is set flat. For discussion purposes, Jim Weagley has been asked to come up with an activities fees schedule. The district will also be looking at other funding sources. There is the possibility of adding football & lacrosse to the budget & having other sports contribute funding.
Mr. Hershey asked what was meant by "activity fee". Mr. Stoltzfus asked if it was a flat fee (same amount) for each sport. Dr. Newcome responded that they were looking at a nominal amount - for initial projections looking at $35 for first sport, less for a second & third. Looking at limits per family and hardship requests. Looking to generate revenue of approx. $ 20,000.
Dr. Newcome asked if there was anything else the board wanted to look at.
Mr. Norris asked if there were any particular line items the administration was looking at. Dr. Newcome said there was very little to cut. The Literacy Coordinator will not be funded through a grant next year. Money to go to EAP Math/Reading at MS &HS. They are going to be moving some staff around (e.g. one 6th grade position moving to 2nd grade). Looking to increase School Psychologist. The number of students that need to be seen & new laws concerning test timing dictate this. The district used to have 60 school days to complete testing. They now have 45 calendar days.
Mr. Stoltzfus wanted to know when the district would find out about the state gambling money. Mr. Lee responded that it would be at least April and that is a pass-through amount to the taxpayers.
Mr. Hume wanted to know if there was an increase in assessment. Mr. Lee said there may be a slight increase.
6. Information Item:
7. Treasurer's Report:
A. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approved the General Fund Report for period ending January 31, 2009.
Mr. Malone gave report. Passed 8-0
8. Business Manager's Report
A. Approval of Bills for Payment
Mr. Lee gave report. Passed 8-0. Mr Hume asked about Tuition Reimbursement. Dr. Newcome will get some examples for Mr. Hume.
9. Visitors' Comments - Agenda Items Only
10. Recommended Action Items: (italicized items are new, they were not on the February 9, 2009 agenda.)
Mr.Hershey asked for approval of items A - G. Passed 8-0.
A. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve the changes/additions to the Octorara High School 2009-2010 Program of Studies
Board members are to review the course catalog before next week’s meeting
B. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve the Octorara Soccer Club use of the Octorara Intermediate School Gym starting at 9:00 a.m. on Sunday, March 1, 2009
C. The Board of Directors of the Octorara Area School District approves the Resolution authorizing, among other things, the issuance of the School District’s General Obligation Bonds, Series A and B of 2009 for the payment of costs of certain capital projects of the school district, for the refunding of the School District’s outstanding 2004 Bonds, for payment of the termination fees in connection with the termination of the 2004 Swap and for the payment of the costs of issuance of the Series A and B of 2009 Bonds.
D. That the Board of Directors of the Octorara Area School District approve an agreement with Conrad Siegel Actuaries through the PA Trust to provide GASB 45 Valuation Service at a cost not to exceed $6,000 as outlined on the attached agreement. (This agreement is for the purpose of audit compliance)
E. That the Board of Directors of the Octorara Area School District acknowledge receipt from the PA Department of Education approval of PLANCON Part F: Construction Documents for the Octorara Area High School addition and alteration project as per the attached.
F. That the Board of Directors of the Octorara Area School District authorize submission of the form PDE 3074 for Non-Reimbursable work that will be contracted and directly funded by the school district’s insurance company. (This is for the repair to the Middle School Roof damaged from a wind storm 12/31/08)
G. That the Octorara Board of School Directors accept Ms. Christina Sushinski's resignation as a Cafeteria Employee at the Octorara Middle School effective February 12, 2009 (Hired November 2008)
Hiring Approvals
Mr. Hershey noted that there were changes to H & I. He asked for approval of H through N. Passed 8-0
H. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve the following substitute teachers for the 2008-2009 school year:
Melanie Schillinger (Elementary)
Shavonne Scott (Elementary)
Nicole Musho (Elementary)
Susan Smith (Elementary)
Diane Eckman (Special Ed, Elementary & Secondary English)
Christopher Erikson (Elem & Middle Level Math)
Rebecca Scotland (Home Ec)
Richard Pankonien (German)
I. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve the following changes in salary for the 2008-2009 fiscal year due to graduate credits earned:
Lori Boldt From B ($43,155) to B+15 ($44,720) Step 3
Shauna McAllister From M ($48,193) to M+15 ($52,997) Step 3
Jennifer Watson From M ($50,635) to M+15 ($55,291) Step 6
JoAnn Marinacci From B+15 ($45,529) to M ($50,635) Step 6
Scott Cullen From B+15 ($46,568) to M ($51,449) Step 7
Lisa Welsh From M+30 ($57,993) to M+45 ($60,600) Step 7
Marjory Zajac From B+15 ($47,432) to M ($52,263) Step 8
Nicole Bonaduce-Davis From M+45 ($65,087) to M+60 ($67,903) Step 12
Melissa Pillus From M+45 ($66,552) to M+60 ($69,267) Step 13
Andrew Napolitano From M+45 ($62,110) to M+60 ($64,998) Step 9
J. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve Mr. Chris Henley as a volunteer basketball coach for the 2008-2009 school year.
K. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve the employment of Ms. Betty Rylee as a Playground/Lunchroom Supervisor at the Octorara Elementary School, pending completion of employee related documents required by law and the school district. Ms. Rylee’s hourly rate will be $8.00/hour effective January 13, 2009. (Replacing Stacy Kerr)
L. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve the employment of Mr. Harry S. Rylee as a Custodian at the Octorara Middle School, pending completion of employee related documents required by law and the school district. Mr. Rylee’s salary will be $21,216/prorated effective January 26, 2009. (Replacing Howard Steen who retired)
M. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve the promotion of Yvonne McComsey from Assistant Cook to Cook/Manager at the Octorara Area High School. Her salary will be $15.13 effective February 2, 2009. (Replacing Nancy Brotzman who retired)
N. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve the employment of Rebekah Doane as District Office Secretary/Registrar, effective February 26, 2009 at a salary of $30,000/prorated. This is a twelve month, full-time position. (Replacing Bernadette Maurer who is retiring)
O. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve Mr. Christian Haller as principal at the Octorara Area Intermediate School, pending completion of employee related documents required by law and the school district. Mr. Haller’s salary will be $96,000/prorated, effective date to be determined. (Replacing Dawn Mickel)
Passed 8-0 (P - S)
P. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve Ms. Diane Eckman as a Mid-Range Substitute Teacher at the Octorara Intermediate School, pending completion of employee related documents required by law and the school district. Ms. Eckman’s rate will be $140/day effective from approximately March 19, 2009 through June 5, 2009. (Replacing Kelly Wetzel who will be on child rearing leave)
Q. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve the following people to be placed on step and scale to be paid for duties during the one hour skills block time (retroactive from August 25, 2008):
Kathleen Dikun Bachelors Degree Step 1
Christine Cordisco Bachelors Degree Step 1
Fallon Jordan Bachelors Degree Step 1
** $30.76 per hour of a maximum of 7.5 hours per week.
R. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve the following supplemental contracts for 2008 - 2009 school year:
Jamie Schempp MS AV Coordinator 4 points @ $520 = $ 2,080
S. That the Octorara Board of School Directors accept the recommendation of the Administration and terminate the employement of "A" effective immediately.
11. I.U./C.A.T. Board Representative's Report
12. Old Business none
13. New Business none
14. Other Items and Announcements none
15. Visitors' Comments Student Representative Jordan Makansi had no comments.
16. Board Comments
17. Adjournment