March 14, 2011 – 7:30 p.m.
Middle School Multi-Purpose Room
1. Lord’s Prayer
2.Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag
3.Roll Call
1 absent
4.Presentations: Budget Update – Dr. Newcome
Dr. Newcome presented an overview of some new recommendations for cutting the budget in light of the State's preliminary budget. There will be more details at next week's Board meeting.
All relevant handouts are located here: Budget Handouts
Revenue Item | OASD Prelim Budget | Proposed State Budget | Difference |
Basic Education | $5,531,892 | $5,635,470 | $103,578 |
Charter Schools | $400,000 | $0 | ($400,000) |
PA Accountability Grant | $323,000 | $0 | ($323,000) |
Education Assist Program | $63,000 | $0 | ($63,000) |
Total | $6,317,892 | $5,635,470 | ($682,422) |
The impact of the preliminary State budget to the district is -$682,422.
The projected shortfall in the OASD preliminary budget in January was $ 2.2 million (M). Now, the shortfall is $2.9 million.
As of the recommendations tonight, to balance the budget the district would have $1.7- 1.8M in cuts; $1.2M from fund balance; and increase taxes @ the index of 1.8%.
There are a couple of items on the January recommendation list that really can't be used for the 2011-12 budget. The reduction in cost of Career & Technical Education & reduction in expense of Charter Schools. Our cost for Career & Technical Education is on a rolling 3-year average. So, any decrease in students attending would not be felt for a couple of years. We can't do anything about the cost of Charter School attendance until we find out why people send their kids there & is there anything we can do to persuade them to come back.
Dr. Newcome is planning on 2 parent meetings & 2 town-hall type meetings in March & April.
- March 23, 2011 Parent Meeting, OMS Multi-Purpose Room, 7:00 p.m.
- March 30, 2011 Town Hall Meeting, OMS Multi-Purpose Room, 7:00 p.m.
- April 21, 2011 Parent Meeting, OMS Multi-Purpose Room, 7:00 p.m.
- April 26, 2011 Town Hall Meeting, OMS Multi-Purpose Room, 7:00 p.m.
Documents from tonight's meeting will be posted on the website. (I will post the link here).
Dr. Newcome emphasized:
Three sources for official information:
- School Board Minutes
- Materials Posted on District Website
- Staff Questions and Answers
- Parent Questions and Answers
- General Public Questions and Answers
- Direct Responses from the Office of the Superintendent
- Such responses will be added to Q&A on Website
Dr. Newcome wanted to remind everyone that staffing cuts had taken place in the past.
Administrative Reductions
Facilities Director (2007-2008)
.5 Human Resources Director (2010-2011)
.5 Accounting Supervisor (2010-2011)
Contracted Administrators (Newcome, Bishop, Rohrer, Carsley) funded Safe Schools Program when State funding was eliminated in 2010-2011 Budget – commitment of up to $10,000 dollars – probably will be closer to $6,000.
Teacher Reductions
10 Teaching Positions (2010-2011)
Support Position Reductions
Communication Coordinator (2008-2009)
Bullying Prevention Program Coordinator (2008-2009)
Volunteer Coordinator (2009-2010)
4 Clerical Positions (2010-2011)
Athletic Budget Reductions
Athletics were tax supported at a rate of about $450,000 per year in 2007-2008 and are presently (2010-2011) supported by tax dollars at a rate of about $290,000 per year.
Dr. Newcome then moved on to the recommendations for paring the budget.
Make Grades 7-12 One Operation Center
- Administrative Re-Organization
- Eliminate Team Structure in Grades 7 and 8 and Restructure in Junior-Senior High School
Eliminates the following teaching positions:
- Three (3) Communication Arts Teacher
- One (1) Social Studies Teacher
- One (1) Science Teacher
- One (1) Math Teacher
Eliminate One (1) Librarian
- Reduce Library Classes
- Reduce Hours of Operation
- Reduce Library Assistants Hours In Library 50%
- Library Curriculum Revision Will Be Necessary
- Utilize County Resources
- Education Component
- Screening Process
- Still Investigating
- Students Attend Full Day, Every Other Day Instead of Half Day Every Day
- Eliminate Mid-Day Kindergarten Bus Run
- Help Balance Classes
- Provide Additional Time (2.5 Hours Per Every Ten Days)
- Research is Limited
- Most Kindergarten Research Targeted At Proving Virtues of Full Day Every Day Programs
- Better Prepared For 1st Grade Transition
- Improved Attendance
- What is a Routine?
- Change For Adults
He's also looking at a mandatory shutdown during the summer of 2012. The whole campus would shut down for 1 or 2 weeks. People would need to use their vacation then. They can't do it this year due to contract issues and they would like to let people have the ability to make plans.
He's also like to look at a blended cyber program. They would have to be careful. They don't want it to end up costing more.
Continue to work toward privatizing athletics.
Mr. McCartney asked Dr. Newcome to explain the cyber program to the audience. Dr. Newcome explained that students have the option of attending cyber charter schools. We have very few who do, but they cost the district $12,000/student. 21st Century Cyber Charter school was created by a consortium of the I.U.s (and member school districts) of Chester, Bucks, Montgomery & Delaware counties. Rather than spend additional money to create new curriculum, they would use this school, since we already spent money on it. Each course currently costs $600.
Mr. Norris asked Dr. Newcome some questions about the Kindergarten plan: What is the professional staff's take? What would the schedule look like? What is your vision?
Dr. Newcome said the initial reaction was what he expected; they didn't like it very much. He had met with the principal and staff. They do understand the need. The staff would need to work on the schedule and will probably ask for parental input.
Mr. Norris is concerned that if more parents send their Kindergarten students to charter schools, it would eat up the savings on the mid-day bus run.
Mrs. Bowman wondered about the impact on parents. Working parents would need to modify their childcare arrangements. There is the possibility that this can be very successful. If one of the things we need to do is eliminate that midday bus run., then there is a choice between this full day schedule and keeping 1/2 days with no midday transportation. Attendance could suffer if we keep the 1/2 days and no midday transportation.
Mr. Norris observed that the elimination of the midday run could go toward funding full day Kindergarten (every day).
Mr. Hume asked if we were equipped with instructors for the cyber option.
Dr. Newcome said that the costs have not yet been determined. It is not part of the recommendations at this time.
Ms. Johnson asked about more research on the Kindergarten model we are looking at.
Dr. Newcome said that there is very little research.
Ms. Johnsons asked if we could do full day, every day for 1/2 year.
Dr. Newcome said he looked at that ,but there are reimbursement issues involved and we could lose money if we did that.
Mr. Malone asked if there would be a survey of Kindergarten parents. Dr. Newcome said they would be communicating with those registering this year (at Octorara & elsewhere) and with current Kindergarten parents.
Mr. Norris commented on the RFP for custodial services. He was pleased that it defined the retention of current employees.
Dr. Newcome said that more dollar figures would be added for next week's meeting.
Mrs. Bowman said that this is not a conversation about the value of any program, but about choices given the economics.
Dr. Newcome said that the Town Hall meetings would be a good place for those discussions.
Mr. Norris said that as the plan for Kindergarten is developed, it needs to be communicated as soon as possible so parents can make plans.
Mr. Hume said that Kindergarten students should be spending time with their parents.
5. Visitors’ Comments - Agenda Items Only
Pam Meek (Cochranville) asked about the academic impact of the 7/8 changes. She asked if there is any followup with parents of charter school students not in Kindergarten. She also asked about the lighting around the schools. Would it be possible for sensors.
Maggies Stuerhmann (Cochranville) - People who send their children to charter school do so because of smaller class sizes, more foriegn languages, and more help time. It seems that the changes being made here would drive more people to charter schools.
6. Information Items: The Octorara Baseball Booster Club will fund a combined seventh and eighth grade boys’ baseball team for the 2011 season. Mr. Drew Duggan will be the coach for this team. (Mr. Duggan was approved on August 16, 2010.)
7. Presentation of Agenda Items for the March 21, 2011 Regular Monthly Public Meeting:
A. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve Policy #303.2, 404.2, 504.2 upervisor/Employee Relationships, second reading.
Resignation Approvals:
B. That the Octorara Board of School Directors accept the resignation of Ms. Katherine Ward as a Title I reading assistant at the Octorara Middle School effective February 22, 2011. (Hired August 25, 2010)
C. That the Octorara Board of School Directors accept, with regret, Ms. Ada (Jackie) Ellingsworth’s resignation as manager/cook at the Octorara Primary Learning Center for purpose of retirement effective June 9, 2011. (Hired September 28, 1998)
D. That the Octorara Board of School Directors accept, with regret, Ms. Jody Bradley’s resignation as a third grade teacher at the Octorara Elementary School effective March 8, 2011. (Hired August 25, 2003)
Hiring Approvals:
E. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve the employment of Ms. Gail Bolger as a long term substitute business education teacher at the Octorara Area High School effective February 24, 2011 through March 18, 2011. Ms. Bolger’s rate will be $140 per day. (Extended medical leave.)
F. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve the employment of Ms. Joan Miller as a long term substitute instructional assistant at the Octorara Elementary School effective March 25, 2011 through June 14, 2011 pending completion of work related documents required by law and the District. Ms. Miller’s rate will be $11.40 per hour. (Replacing Tammy Anthony who is filling a long term substitute position.)
G. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve a change in rate for Ms. Stacey Hoopes from $15.42 to $16.17 effective January 1, 2011 due to credits earned. Ms. Hoopes is an instructional assistant at the Octorara Intermediate School.
H. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve the list of 2011Summer Reading Program employees at the hourly rates listed.
I. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve the following substitute teachers for the 2010-2011 school year:
Gail Bolger (Business Education)
Joan Miller (Elementary)
Matthew Reinert (Health, PE)
J. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve the following substitute support personnel for the 2010-2011 school year:
Susan King (Clerical, instructional assistant)
K. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve the following supplemental contracts for the 2010-2011 school year: Matthew Reinert OAHS JV Baseball Coach 6pts @ $570 $3,420 JoAnn Marinacci Mentor for Tammy Anthony $ 200
L. That the Octorara Board of School Directors approve the employment of Mr. Derek Smith as the boys’ varsity soccer coach for the 2011-2012 school year.
8. Other Items/Concerns
Mr. Stoltzfus talked about the Facilities meeting. Work on the gym & auditorium has begun.
There are still water issues at OIS. Some repairs have been made, but they are still working on others.
They are trying to schedule repairs on the Middle School roof.
Look at fuel costs. Some have been locked in (60%), while the rest is floating (40%).
The modular classroom will be removed this summer.
He has some insight about the lighting around the schools. They had to get a variance for OIS. The township required twice as much as the State. They got the variance to go with the state requirement. They have to be careful of dark areas.
9.Visitors’ Comments – General
Thomas Seth (Kinzer) - The Board needs to do a lot more work on the budget. There should be no increase in taxes. It makes no sense to cut math & reading departments.
Pam Meek (Cochranville) - made the suggestion that the District work with the Y on pricing for Kindergarten students.
10. Administrator Comments/Announcements
Mr. Harmer (OES Principal) announced Family Math night March 31st. They are usually well attended.
Mr. McCartney asked what happens at these events. Mr. Harmer replied that there are games.
Mr. Rohrer wanted to let the Board know that the state budget doesn't allow for the Keystone Exams for next year. They will be given this year to develop a baseline. He said that no matter what happens the district is moving to meet national standards.
11. Board Comments
Dr. Newcome wanted to address some of the questions.
He encourages parents to attend the town hall meetings. More specifics will be in place. There should be no change in academic programs. The delivery will look different.
In 1997, the middle school increased instruction time in CA from 42 minutes to 84 minutes. This time will be reduced to 57 minutes. That will be the most significant change.
They are looking at why students are going to Charter Schools. Downingtown did some research and found that some parents just don't like the regular public school model.
After the building projects are over, they will look more at the lighting around the buildings.
Dr. Bishop addressed the article in the paper about PVAS. It is a growth index. It shows the progress students made in one year. It is ONE tool that districts use. She had some concerns with the article. For the HS list, the numbers are invalid as there are no PSSAs in 9th & 10th grade. Our Middle School does fine. There was some concern with 6th grade. Our staff works with the PVAS numbers, along with 4sight testing and other assessments. That number is like a growth chart. It shouldn't be used in isolation and should not be used to diagnose a school.
Dr. Newcome talked about cuts in math & reading. He doesn't like to take out of programs. Something has to go or taxes go up. He will be meeting with the YMCA about what they can do for Kindergarten students. They will also be reaching out to other daycare providers in the area (much like they already do).
They are looking at alternatives for band, chorus and anything else that meets during IHT.
Mr. Norris agreed with the concept of what Maggie Stuerhmann said. But Charter Schools are not bound by the mandates that the District is. The system limits what the District can do.
Mr. Malone said that Charter Schools tend to score lower on state assessments.
Mr. Hume commented on the talent show from OIS/OMS - there was a special performance for seniors. They enjoyed it.
He asked that residents contact their representatives & let them know the situation we are in. Mr. McCartney agreed.
Ms. Bowman thanked people for attending.
12. Adjournment
Facility Committee Meeting – Monday, March 14, 2011 – 6:00 p.m. in the District Office Conference Room
Executive Session for personnel – Monday, March 14, 2011 – Following the Work Session in the Octorara District Office Conference Room
Finance Committee Meeting – Monday, March 21, 2011 – 6:30 p.m. in the District Office Conference Room
Next regularly scheduled Board Meeting – Monday, March 21, 2011– 7:30 p.m. in the Octorara Middle School Multi-Purpose Room
Please come out to the parent meetings and/or town hall meetings to find out what is going on firsthand. It's fine to read about it on this blog, other blogs & the minutes - but hearing it first hand is best.
ReplyDeleteI have to shake my head at people who in one breath say "Don't cut x,y,z......" and then in the next breath say "But don't raise taxes." The reality is that we can't do both. What do they suggest happen instead? The Board is limited in what they can actually change.
I'm not sure how all of this is going to work, but the District is definitely "thinking outside the box". It's interesting. I have to admit I have wondered if the District could use a Jr/Sr High school model, since the HS is currently using part of the MS.
I'm certainly glad that some discussion is beginning again about full-day Kindergarten. The last serious discussion happened about 12 years ago. When my youngest was going into Kindergarten, the PLC was being built. Her class was the first Kindergarten in that building. In Spring of the year before she started, incoming Kindergarten parents received a letter from the Principal stating that there would be all-day Kindergarten. I remember being excited & immediately cancelled daycare for the following fall. I was pretty upset when the District backtracked. And was really dismayed by comments from Board members who seemed to think we were still back in the 1950's. Whether they thought children should be at home or not was irrelevent. My kids were either going to be at daycare all day or at school all day. Either way, I was going to be at work. That was the reality 12 years ago (and even longer) and it is the reality today. Kindergarten teachers have a lot to cram into a very small amount of time. I don't know if this plan will help or hurt that - but all day, every day would certainly help. I hope it finally happens - it's about 11 years past due.
One statistic I found interesting in the links on the District website was in the enrollment figures. There are 6 less students enrolled as of March 1st than there were in 1976.
There is something I forgot to mention. During the meeting, there was a lot of focus on the decrease in instruction time for CA for 7th & 8th grade. What was not pointed out is that if CA time is decreasing from 84 mins to 57 mins that all other subjects will have an increase of instruction time from 42 minutes to 57 minutes.
ReplyDeleteI was just curious to know if there has been a decrease in the use of substitutes this year? I remember, at one meeting last year, a comment being made about the amount of substitutes on child had by the month of October or November. Some classes have more than one substitute a day. I'm sure this is a big expense to the district as well. What is being done about this?